Mu. Po. Bombilwaadi, short for Mukkam Post Bombilwaadi, (transl. Address: Post Bombilwaadi) is a 2025 Indian Marathi-language comedy-drama film written and directed by Paresh Mokashi. Produced by Madhugandha Kulkarni and Bharatt Dilip Shitole under the banners of Vivek Films and Mayasabha Karamanuk Mandali, the film features an ensemble cast including Prashant Damle, Anand Ingale, Manmeet Pem, Pranav Raorane, Vaibhav Mangle, Ritika Shrotri and Geetanjali Kulkarni.[1][2] Set in 1942, the story unfolds in a tranquil Indian village thrown into uproar with the unexpected arrival of Hitler. Amid the chaos of World War II, the villagers, led by their spirited local theater group, unite to take on the dictator in a hilarious and heartwarming battle for freedom.[3]
The film was officially announced in September 2024.[4] The film was originally announced as a Christmas 2024 release, but it was postponed it had its theatrically released on 1 January 2025.
Mu. Po. Bombilwaadi was announced in September 2024 with the title "Mu. Po. Bombilwaadi—1942 Eka Bombchi Bomb" and a release date of December 25, 2024.[7] The film is a film adaptation of a theater play.[8] While the cast of the film was announced on September 21, 2024, Prashant Damle's role as Hitler was revealed later, on October 16, 2024, with a special post showcasing his character.[9][10] Speaking about the casting of Hitler, director Mokashi explained that the decision was influenced by the film's farcical tone, which called for a "cute" portrayal of the dictator. Damle, widely recognized as a "cute" figure in Maharashtra, was the perfect choice. He further noted that the adaptation process reimagined characters to fit the story and actors, leading to a well-suited and brilliant cast.[11] Actress Geetanjali Kulkarni and actor Vaibhav Mangle, who were part of the original play, also play important roles in the film.[8] Damle even trimmed his mustache after 35 years to suit the character.[12][13]
On November 14, 2024, the title track was released, making it copyright-free calling it "Ladki Janata Yojana" for the audience to help build excitement for the film.[14][15] The teaser of the film was released on 1 December at PVR Cinemas in Juhu, Mumbai, where entire team was present.[16] Within a week, on December 16, the trailer was also released.[17]