Mr. Baby
Mr. Baby (also known as A Week with Mr. Baby) (French: Monsieur Bébé) is a French adult animated 4-minute television series, that lasted 48 episodes, created by Marc du Pontavice and Carol-Ann Willering, produced at Xilam, conducted by Hugo Gittard and broadcast from 3 May 2009 to 10 August 2010 on France 3 in the Toowam programming block, and France 4 on the show Ludo programming block.[1] The show is animated by utilizing Toon Boom Animation. In the United Kingdom, the series originally aired on BBC One from 2009 to 2012, and later aired on Comedy Central from 2012 to 2014. The series has yet to air on television in Canada and the United States. The show is known for its art style reminiscent of UPA cartoons, as well as Cartoon Network's Samurai Jack. SynopsisThe series focuses on the everyday life of Mr. Baby, who thinks and even talks like a grown-up, but also has an incredibly, severely sharp tongue. He also has an older brother, Rudy, a skater-like rebel, and an oldest sister, Claire, who is a teenager. TranslationsOriginally from France on the publicly funded channel France 3, Monsieur Bébé was translated into English as Mr. Baby. Voice castFrench
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