Momentary Lily (もめんたりー・リリィ, Momentari Riryi) is a Japanese original anime television series produced by Shochiku and animated by GoHands. It is directed by Susumu Kudo and Katsumasa Yokomine and written by Tamazō Yanagi, with Shingo Suzuki serving as chief director and character designer and Ryosuke Kojima composing the music.[1] The series premiered on January 2, 2025, on Tokyo MX and other networks.[2][3][a] The opening theme song is "Oishīi Survivor" (おいしいサバイバー, Delicious Survivor), performed by Hanabie.,[1] while the ending theme song is "Real" (リアル, Riaru), performed by miwa.[5]Crunchyroll streams the series.[6]Muse Communication licensed the series in Asia-Pacific.[7][8]
"Canned Mackerel Italian-style Tomato Hot Pot Together" Transliteration: "Minna to Issho no Saba Kan no Itariafū Tomato Nabe" (Japanese: みんなと一緒のサバ缶のイタリア風トマト鍋)
Shingo Suzuki Shouhei Adachi
Tamazō Yanagi Shingo Suzuki
Shingo Suzuki
January 9, 2025 (2025-01-09)
^ abTokyo MX lists the series premiere on January 2, 2025, at 24:00, which is effectively January 3 at midnight JST.[4]
^ abcProduction staff information is taken from the ending credits of each episode.
^Episode 1 premiered 30 mins earlier than the original air time on Tokyo MX.[4]