Beetle Bailey Statue and Garden: Cartoon character Beetle Bailey and the surrounding gardens pay tribute to Mort Walker, creator of Beetle Bailey and MU distinguished alum.
Bulb Display Garden.
Butterfly Garden.
Daylily Garden: Features more than 50 cultivars of daylily hybrids donated by the Central Missouri Hemerocallis Society.
Peony Garden: Features peonies, lilacs and other "old-fashioned" plants.
Perennial Phlox Garden: Features 11 varieties of perennial phlox and English roses.
Rothwell Family Garden.
The Gardens on David R. Francis Quadrangle: More than 100 hardy, herbaceous perennials, with ornamental shrubs, trees and annual flowers woven throughout the garden.
Tiger Plaza.
Tree Trails: There are three self-guided walks designed to highlight the trees on campus.
Wildlife Pond: In the 1920s, a spring north of Stephens Hall was transformed into a pond surrounded by a Japanese garden with an arched bridge and Pagoda gate. Recently several water plants native to Missouri, including Water Lilies, Pickerel Weed, Copper Iris and Thalia have been added.