Genus of gastropods
Mitrella albuginosa
Scientific classification
Mitrella Risso , 1826[ 1]
Type species
Mitrella flaminea
See text
Synonyms [ 2]
† Atilia (Iba ) Hornung, 1920
† Bastropia Palmer, 1937
†Columbella (Angulatomitrella ) Sacco, 1890
†Columbella (Arcuatomitrella ) Sacco, 1890
Columbella (Columbellopsis ) Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882
Columbella (Mitrella ) Risso, 1826
Columbellopsis Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882
Dentimitrella Ludbrook, 1958
† Mitrella (Bastropia ) Palmer, 1937
Mitrella (Columbellopsis ) Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882
Mitrella (Dentimitrella ) Ludbrook, 1958
† Mitrella (Longitrella ) Olsson, 1942
Mitrella (Mitrella ) Risso, 1826
† Mitrella (Pseudopisania ) Cossmann, 1897
Mitrella (Striomitrella ) U. S. Grant & Gale, 1931
Mitrella (Pseudopisania) Cossmann, 1897
Paratilia Thiele, 1924
Pyrene (Mitrella ) Risso , 1826
Pyrene (Paratilia ) Thiele, 1924
Mitrella is a genus of small sea snails , marine gastropod mollusks in the family Columbellidae , the dove shells or dove snails.[ 2]
The following species are recognised in the genus Mitrella :[ 2]
†Mitrella acuminata (Sacco, 1890)
Mitrella admodumparva Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella aemulata Rolán, 2005
Mitrella aesopiformis K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella africana Rolán, 2005
Mitrella agatha (Melvill, 1904)
Mitrella albobrunnea Bozzetti, 2020
Mitrella albocaudata (E. A. Smith, 1884)
Mitrella albofulvata Drivas & M. Jay, 1990
Mitrella albomaculata Bozzetti, 2019
Mitrella albuginosa (Reeve , 1859)
Mitrella alizonae (Melvill & Standen, 1901)
Mitrella alofa (Hedley, 1899)
Mitrella alvarezi Rolán & Luque, 2002
Mitrella anachisoides Nomura & Nüno, 1940
†Mitrella anchuela Keen 1943 [ 3]
†Mitrella angusta (Deshayes, 1835)
Mitrella angustalineata K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella annae Cecalupo, 2021
Mitrella annobonensis Rolán, 2005
Mitrella antares Costa & de Souza, 2001
Mitrella antelmei (Viader, 1938)
Mitrella apicata (E. A. Smith, 1899)
†Mitrella aquitanica (Peyrot, 1925)
Mitrella aranciicoloris K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2011
Mitrella arcta K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella ardovinii Cecalupo, 2021
Mitrella astolensis (Melvill & Standen, 1901)
Mitrella aurantiaca (Dall, 1871)
Mitrella austrina (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella avena (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella azima (Duclos, 1846)
Mitrella azpilicuetai Rolán, 2004
Mitrella baccata (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella baculus (Reeve, 1859)
†Mitrella bastropensis (G. D. Harris, 1895)
Mitrella bellonae K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella bellula Bozzetti, 2019
†Mitrella biarata (Cossmann, 1886)
Mitrella bicincta (A. Gould, 1860)
Mitrella bicinctella Yokoyama, 1928
†Mitrella bittneri (R. Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)
Mitrella blanda (G. B. Sowerby I, 1844)
Mitrella boucheti Drivas & M. Jay, 1990
Mitrella bouteti K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2018
Mitrella broderipii (G. B. Sowerby I, 1844)
Mitrella brookei (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella bruggeni van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984
Mitrella brugneauxae Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella brunnealineata K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2011
Mitrella buccinoides (G. B. Sowerby I, 1832)
†Mitrella buccinopsis Lozouet, 1999
Mitrella burchardti (Dunker, 1877)
Mitrella caboblanquensis Arias Ávila, 2021
Mitrella cabofrioensis Costa & de Souza, 2001
Mitrella canariensis (d'Orbigny, 1840)
†Mitrella cantaurana Gibson-Smith 1974 [ 4]
Mitrella cartwrighti (Melvill, 1897)
Mitrella caulerpae Keen, 1971
Mitrella chantalae Bozzetti, 2006
Mitrella charcoti K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella chinoi K. Monsecour & Dekkers, 2013
Mitrella clementensis (Bartsch, 1927)
Mitrella coccinea (R. A. Philippi, 1836)
†Mitrella complanata (Sacco, 1890)
Mitrella condei Rolán, 2005
Mitrella confusa K. Monsecour & Dekkers, 2013
†Mitrella convexa (Friedberg, 1911)
Mitrella corbariae Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella cruenta Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella cuspidata Lussi, 2009
Mitrella cyanae K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella dacica Harzhauser & Landau, 2021
Mitrella dartevelli (Knudsen, 1956)
Mitrella debitusae K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella debooyi Maury 1917 [ 5]
Mitrella deforgesi K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella delannoyei (Pelorce, 2013)
Mitrella delicata (Reeve, 1859)
†Mitrella demaintenonae Harzhauser & Landau, 2021
Mitrella densilineata (P. P. Carpenter, 1864)
Mitrella denticulata (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella desmia (Hervier, 1900)
Mitrella dichroa (G. B. Sowerby I, 1844)
Mitrella dictua (Tenison Woods, 1879)
Mitrella dorma F. Baker, G. D. Hanna & A. M. Strong, 1938
Mitrella dupreezae Lussi, 2002
Mitrella ebisco K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella edensis Richards and Harbison 1947 [ 6]
Mitrella elegans (Dall, 1871)
Mitrella elegantia Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella elianeae Bozzetti, 2006
†Mitrella elongatissima Harzhauser & Landau, 2021
Mitrella eminens (Thiele, 1925)
†Mitrella epacta Woodring 1964 [ 7]
Mitrella erythraeensis (Sturany, 1900)
†Mitrella erythrostoma (Bellardi, 1848)
Mitrella essingtonensis (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella euterpe (Melvill, 1893)
Mitrella exilis Bozzetti, 2019
Mitrella expolita K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella fallax (R. Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)
Mitrella fimbriata Pelorce & Boyer, 2005
Mitrella fineti Poppe & Tagaro, 2010
Mitrella floccata (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella fortuita K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella franklinensis (Gatliff & Gabriel, 1910)
†Mitrella fufana P. J. Fischer, 1927
Mitrella fuscolineata Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella gausapata (A. Gould, 1850)
Mitrella gervillii (Payraudeau, 1826)
†Mitrella girondica (Peyrot, 1925)
Mitrella glycochroma Pelorce, 2020
†Mitrella gonzabuensis MacNeil, 1961
Mitrella gourgueti K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2015
Mitrella gracilis K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella graevei Kilburn, 1977
Mitrella granti H. N. Lowe, 1935
Mitrella guanahaniensis Faber, 2004
Mitrella guerreiroi Rolán, 2002
Mitrella guttata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1832)
Mitrella harfordi A. M. Strong & Hertlein, 1937
Mitrella harryleei K. Monsecour & Raines, 2024
Mitrella hastata Lussi, 2002
Mitrella hayesi Lussi, 2002
†Mitrella hayesorum Duerr 2008 [ 8]
Mitrella hernandezi Boyer & Rolán, 2005
Mitrella herosae K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella hilberi (Cossmann, 1901)
Mitrella humboldti Arias Ávila, 2021
Mitrella hypodra (Dall, 1916)
Mitrella impolita (G. B. Sowerby I, 1844)
Mitrella inaccessa K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella inaequalis K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella incisa Bozzetti, 2019
†Mitrella inconspicua P. Marshall, 1918
Mitrella indifferens (Thiele, 1925)
Mitrella inesitae Rolán, 2005
Mitrella inflata Pelorce & Boyer, 2005
Mitrella innocens (Thiele, 1925)
Mitrella intermissalineata K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella intexta (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella jacoi Lussi, 2002
Mitrella jahami K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2011
Mitrella jayi K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella joseantonioi (Espinosa & Ortea, 2014)
Mitrella kevini Pelorce, 2017
Mitrella laevior K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella lalage Pilsbry & H. N. Lowe, 1932
Mitrella leeannae K. Monsecour & Swinnen, 2019
Mitrella legrandi (Tenison Woods, 1876)
Mitrella leucostoma (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella lignaria (Odhner, 1922)
†Mitrella limonensis Gabb 1881 [ 9]
Mitrella lincolnensis (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella lischkei (E. A. Smith, 1879)
†Mitrella llajasensis Squires, 2015
Mitrella loisae Pitt & Kohl, 1979
Mitrella longissima K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2007
Mitrella lorenzi K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2014
Mitrella loyaltyensis (Hervier, 1900)
Mitrella macandrewi (G. B. Sowerby III, 1905)
†Mitrella mackayi (Suter, 1917)
Mitrella maculafasciata K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella maestratii K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2011
†Mitrella mantjeuriensis Oostingh, 1940
Mitrella martensi (Lischke, 1871)
Mitrella melvilli (Knudsen, 1956)
Mitrella menkeana (Reeve, 1858)
Mitrella merita (Brazier, 1877)
†Mitrella mikra Gardner 1947 [ 10]
Mitrella millardi Lussi, 2017
Mitrella millepunctata (P. P. Carpenter, 1864)
Mitrella mindorensis (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella minisipho K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella minor (Scacchi, 1836)
Mitrella moleculina (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella monica Bozzetti, 2009
Mitrella moorea K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2018
Mitrella nainai K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2018
†Mitrella nanna Gardner 1947 [ 11]
Mitrella natalensis Tomlin, 1926
Mitrella neocaledonica K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella nitidulina (Locard, 1897)
Mitrella nix K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella noel Rolán & Gori, 2009
Mitrella nomadica (Melvill & Standen, 1901)
Mitrella nomurai Habe, 1991
Mitrella nycteis (Duclos, 1846)
Mitrella nympha (Kiener, 1841)
Mitrella ocellata (Gmelin, 1791)
†Mitrella oryzoides Gardner 1947 [ 12]
Mitrella oweni Ladd, 1977 †
Mitrella pacei (E. A. Smith, 1895)
†Mitrella palabuanensis (K. Martin, 1895)
†Mitrella parva (Lea, 1841) [ 13]
Mitrella parvicosta K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella parvissima Lozouet, 1999
Mitrella patricki Bozzetti, 2006
†Mitrella paulensis Lozouet, 1999
Mitrella pauxillula K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
†Mitrella pedana Gardner 1947 [ 14]
Mitrella penai Arias Ávila, 2021
Mitrella peregrina K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella peroniana (Hedley, 1913)
†Mitrella petersi (Hilber, 1879)
†Mitrella peyreirensis (Peyrot, 1925)
Mitrella philia (Duclos, 1846)
†Mitrella phyllisae Duerr 2008 [ 15]
†Mitrella plateaui (Cossmann, 1889)
Mitrella praetermissa K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella profundi (Dall, 1889)
Mitrella prolixa K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella proscripta (E. A. Smith, 1890)
†Mitrella pseudofallax (Kókay, 1966)
Mitrella psilla (Duclos, 1846)
Mitrella pudica (Brazier, 1877)
Mitrella puillandrei K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2024
Mitrella pulchrior (C. B. Adams, 1852)
Mitrella pulla (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella punctilineata Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella pungens (A. Gould, 1860)
Mitrella pyramidalis (G. B. Sowerby III, 1894)
Mitrella raphaeli Drivas & M. Jay, 1990
Mitrella regnardi (Viader, 1938)
†Mitrella repens Lozouet, 2015
Mitrella reunionensis Drivas & M. Jay, 1990
Mitrella rorida (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella rosadoi Bozzetti, 1998
Mitrella rubra (E. von Martens, 1881)
Mitrella rurutu K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2018
Mitrella russeli (Brazier, 1874)
†Mitrella saccoi (Hornung, 1920)
Mitrella salvadorae Arias Ávila, 2021
Mitrella samueli Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella sanctaehelenae (E. A. Smith, 1890)
Mitrella santabarbarensis (P. P. Carpenter, 1856)
Mitrella saotomensis Rolán, 2005
Mitrella scapula K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella scripta (Linnaeus , 1758 )
†Mitrella semicaudata (Bellardi, 1848)
Mitrella semiconvexa (Lamarck, 1822)
Mitrella siciliai Rolán & Gori, 2012
†Mitrella sima Gardner 1947 [ 16] l>
Mitrella simplex (Schepman, 1911)
†Mitrella simplex (K. Martin, 1879)
†Mitrella solitaria Báldi, 1966
† Mitrella soveri Z. Kovács & Vicián, 2023
Mitrella spiralis K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2011
Mitrella spiratella (E. von Martens, 1880)
Mitrella stahlschmidti K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2024
Mitrella steyni Lussi, 2009
†Mitrella subfraxa (G. D. Harris, 1899)
†Mitrella subinflata Lozouet, 2015
Mitrella subtilicostata K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella suduirauti D. Monsecour & K. Monsecour, 2009
†Mitrella sulcata (J. Sowerby, 1823)
Mitrella supraplicata (E. A. Smith, 1899)
Mitrella svelta Kobelt, 1889
Mitrella swinneni K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2011
†Mitrella tarbelliana Lozouet, 2021
Mitrella tayloriana (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella templadoi Gofas, Luque & Urra, 2019
Mitrella tenebrosa Rolán, 2005
†Mitrella tokyoensis Kuroda & Habe, 1954
Mitrella tosatoi D. Monsecour & K. Monsecour, 2006
†Mitrella tournoueri (Benoist, 1874)
Mitrella trivialis K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella tuberosa (P. P. Carpenter, 1865)
Mitrella turbita (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella turriculata Yokoyama, 1922
†Mitrella turrigera (K. Martin, 1883)
Mitrella undulata (Schepman, 1911)
†Mitrella vaporis Lozouet, 2015
Mitrella vaubani K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2016
Mitrella ventriosa Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella verdensis (Knudsen, 1956)
†Mitrella vespertina (Olsson, 1942)
†Mitrella vialensis (Sacco, 1890)
†Mitrella viennensis Harzhauser & Landau, 2021
Mitrella vincta (Tate, 1893)
Mitrella virginiae Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella vitrea Pelorce, 2020
Mitrella vosvictori D. Monsecour & K. Monsecour, 2009
Mitrella xenia (Dall, 1919)
Mitrella yabei Nomura, 1935
Mitrella zucconi K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2024
Mitrella acuminata (Menke, 1843) synonymized with Mitrella menkeana (Reeve, 1858)
†Mitrela agenta Harzhauser and Kowalke 2002 synonymized with Astyris agenta (Harzhauser & Kowalke, 2002)
Mitrella alabastroides (Kobelt, 1893) : synonym of Indomitrella conspersa (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella albina (Kiener, 1841) synonymized with Graphicomassa ligula (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella albovittata Lopes, Coelho & Cardoso, 1965 synonymized with Mokumea albovittata (Lopes, Coelho & Cardoso, 1965)
Mitrella angelia (Duclos, 1846) synonymized with Mitrella gervillii (Payraudeau, 1826)
Mitrella argus (d'Orbigny, 1847) synonymized with Mitrella ocellata (Gmelin, 1791)
Mitrella australis (Gaskoin, 1852) synonymized with Mitrella azima (Duclos, 1846)
Mitrella bella L. A. Reeve, 1859 synonymized with Mitrella albuginosa (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella carinata (Hinds, 1844) synonymized with Alia carinata (Hinds, 1844)
Mitrella celinae Kosuge, 1980 synonymized with Anarithma dorcas Kuroda & Oyama, 1971
Mitrella callimorpha (Dall, 1919) synonymized with Alia carinata (Hinds, 1844)
Mitrella circumstriata (Schepman, 1911) synonymized with Sulcomitrella circumstriata (Schepman, 1911)
†Mitrella columbelloides (Cossmann, 1889) synonymized with Columbellisipho columbelloides (Cossmann, 1889)
Mitrella compta (W. H. Webster, 1906) synonymized with Zemitrella websteri (Suter, 1913)
Mitrella conspersa (Gaskoin, 1851) synonymized with Indomitrella conspersa (Gaskoin, 1851)
Mitrella cruentata Mörch, 1860 synonymized with Nassarina cruentata (Mörch, 1860)
Mitrella decollata (Brusina, 1865) synonymized with Mitrella gervillii (Payraudeau, 1826)
Mitrella diaphana (A. E. Verrill, 1882) synonymized with Astyris diaphana A. E. Verrill, 1882
Mitrella dissimilis (Stimpson, 1851) synonymized with Astyris lunata (Say, 1826)
Mitrella elegans (H. Adams, 1861) synonymized with Alcira elegans H. Adams, 1861
Mitrella elegantula Moerch, 1860 synonymized with Falsuszafrona pulchella (Blainville, 1829)
Mitrella eximia (Reeve, 1859) synonymized with Mitrella nympha (Kiener, 1841)
Mitrella flaminea Risso , 1826 synonymized with Mitrella scripta (Linnaeus , 1758 )
† Mitrela gardnerae Olsson & Harbison, 1953 synonymized with Juliamitrella gardnerae (Olsson & Harbison, 1953)
Mitrella gervillei synonymized with Mitrella gervillii (Payraudeau, 1826)
Mitrella hanleyi (Deshayes, 1863) synonymized with Mitrella floccata|iMitrella floccata hanleyi (Deshayes, 1863)
Mitrella haziersensis (Drivas & Jay, 1990) synonymized with Indomitrella haziersensis Drivas & Jay, 1990
Mitrella helena (Thiele, 1925) synonymized with Zemitrella helena (Thiele, 1925)
Mitrella hidalgoi Monterosato , 1889 synonymized with Mitrella broderipi (G.B. Sowerby I, 1844)
†Mitrella hordeola (Lamarck, 1803) synonymized with Columbellisipho hordeola (Lamarck, 1803)
Mitrella inscripta (Brazier, 1877) synonymized with Mitrella moleculina (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella kanamaruana Kuroda, 1953 synonymized with Sulcomitrella kanamaruana (Kuroda, 1953)
Mitrella lanceolata (Locard, 1886) synonymized with Mitrella svelta Kobelt, 1889
Mitrella leptalea Suter, 1908 synonymized with Paxula leptalea (Suter, 1908)
Mitrella ligula (Duclos, 1840) synonymized with Graphicomassa ligula (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella livescens (Reeve , 1859) synonymized with Euplica livescens (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella lunata (Say, 1826) synonymized with Astyris lunata (Say, 1826)
Mitrella maldonadoi Luque, 1986 synonymized with Mitrella bruggeni van Aartsen, Menkhorst & Gittenberger, 1984
Mitrella margarita (Reeve, 1859) synonymized with Graphicomassa margarita (Reeve, 1859)
Mitrella mariopeñai Arias Ávila, 2016 synonymized with Mitrella penai Ávila, 2021
Mitrella marminea Risso, 1826 synonymized with Aplus dorbignyi (Payraudeau, 1826)
Mitrella marquesa (Gaskoin, 1852) synonymized with Metanachis marquesa (Gaskoin, 1852)
Mitrella monodonta Habe, 1958 synonymized with Sulcomitrella monodonta (Habe, 1958)
Mitrella multilineata (Dall, 1889) synonymized with Astyris multilineata (Dall, 1889)
†Mitrella nassoides (Grateloup, 1827) synonymized with †Orthurella nassoides (Grateloup, 1827)
Mitrella ocellina (Nordsieck, 1975) synonymized with Mitrella broderipi (G.B. Sowerby I, 1844)
Mitrella pallaryi (Dautzenberg, 1927) synonymized with Mitrella canariensis (d'Orbigny, 1840)
Mitrella permodesta (Dall, 1890) synonymized with Astyris permodesta (Dall, 1890)
Mitrella peruviana Arias Ávila, 2016 synonymized with Mitrella salvadorae Arias Ávila, 2021
Mitrella pseudomarginata Suter, 1908 synonymized with Zemitrella pseudomarginata (Suter, 1908)
Mitrella puella (G.B. Sowerby I, 1844) synonymized with Indomitrella puella (G. B. Sowerby I, 1844)
Mitrella pura (A. E. Verrill, 1882) synonymized with Astyris pura A. E. Verrill, 1882
Mitrella rac (Dautzenberg, 1891) synonymized with Mitrella turbita (Duclos, 1840)
Mitrella raveneli (Dall, 1889) synonymized with Astyris raveneli Dall, 1889
Mitrella rosacea (Gould, 1840) synonymized with Astyris rosacea (Gould, 1840)
Mitrella schepmani Monsecour & Monsecour, 2006 synonymized with Indomitrella schepmani (K. Monsecour & D. Monsecour, 2007)
Mitrella spelta (Kobelt, 1893) synonymized with Mitrella svelta Kobelt, 1889
Mitrella stephanophora Suter, 1908 synonymized with Zemitrella stephanophora (Suter, 1908)
Mitrella subantarctica Suter, 1908 synonymized with Paxula subantarctica (Suter, 1908)
Mitrella suzannae Drivas & Jay, 1990 synonymized with Pleuriferapex suzannae (Drivas & Jay, 1990)
Mitrella syrtiaca Pallary, 1906 synonymized with Mitrella svelta Kobelt, 1889
Mitrella unifasciata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1832) synonymized with Alia unifasciata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1832)
Mitrella variegata (Stearns, 1873) synonymized with Mitrella hypodra (Dall, 1916)
Mitrella vatovai Coen, 1933 synonymized with Mitrella coccinea (R. A. Philippi, 1836)
Mitrella venulata (Sowerby, 1894) synonymized with Mitrella nympha (Kiener, 1841)
Mitrella websteri Suter, 1913 synonymized with Zemitrella websteri (Suter, 1913)
Mitrella austrina
Mitrella dictua
Mitrella essingtonensis
Mitrella menkeana
Cox, L.R. (1927) Neogene and Quaternary Mollusca from the Zanzibar Protectorate. In Anonymous (Eds.) Report on the Palaeontology of the Zanzibar Protectorate. Government of Zanzibar, Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, pp. 13–102, 171–180, pls. 3–19
Gofas, S.; Le Renard, J.; Bouchet, P. (2001). "Mollusca", in: Costello, M. J. et al. (ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification . Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 180–213.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to
Mitrella .
Risso, A. (1826-1827). Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l'Europe Méridionale et particulièrement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. Paris, F.G. Levrault. 3(XVI): 1-480, 14 pls
Hornung, A. (1920). Gastéropodes fossiles du Rio Torsero (Cériale). Pliocène inférieur de la Ligurie. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria. 49 [ser. 3, 9]: 70-92, pl. 2
Bucquoy E., Dautzenberg P. & Dollfus G. (1882-1886). Les mollusques marins du Roussillon. Tome Ier. Gastropodes. Paris: Baillière & fils. 570 pp., 66 pls.
Serge GOFAS, Ángel A. LUQUE, Joan Daniel OLIVER,José TEMPLADO & Alberto SERRA (2021) - The Mollusca of Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic Ocean); European Journal of Taxonomy 785: 1–114
OBIS Indo-Pacific Molluscan Database