Indian television series
Mitegi Laxman Rekha Genre Drama Created by Sumeet Hukamchand Mittal Shashi Mittal Written by Raghuvir Shekhawat Namrata Ramsay Damini Joshi Neelam Pandey Screenplay by Damini Joshi Directed by Dharmendra sharma Creative director Pushpa Porwal Starring Rahul Sharma Shivani Tomar Country of origin India Original language Hindi No. of seasons1 No. of episodes70 Producers Shashi Sumeet Mittal Sumeet Hukamchand Mittal Production location Mumbai Cinematography Gulshan Kumar Camera setup Multi-camera Running time 24 minutes (approx) Production company Shashi Sumeet Productions Network &TV Release 28 May (2018-05-28 ) – 31 August 2018 (2018-08-31 )
Mitegi Lakshmanrekha was an Indian television series, which aired on &TV from 28 May 2018 to 31 August 2018.[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] The show was produced by Shashi Sumeet Mittal and Sumeet Hukamchand Mittal and starred Rahul Sharma and Shivani Tomar .[ 5] [ 6]
The show revolves around the concept of boundaries for women, giving perspective on how it has been twisted into a cage, limiting women instead of serving their original purpose.
Kanchan is a young woman who has never been weighed down by boundaries. On the surface, she appears to be fearless and put together but is actually battling internal dilemmas. Her life takes a turn when she crosses paths with Vishesh, who has a similar outlook towards life yet doesn't give in to the patriarchal mindset of society. Her demons hold her back from giving into her love for him and taking their relationship forward.
Rahul Sharma as Vishesh[ 7]
Shivani Tomar as Kanchan[ 8]
Vaishnavi Mahant as Devyani, Vishesh's mother
Rahul Lohani as Saurabh Thakur
Ravi Gossain as Nandan, Kanchan's father
Jayshree T. as Dadi
Amrin Chakkiwala as Ananya, Vishesh's sister
Akshita Mudgal as Keerti, Kanchan's sister
Ankita Goraya as Sheetal, Kanchan's cousin
Nitin Bhatia as Jaggi, Vishesh's best friend, Sheetal's husband
Neerav Soni as Shubham, Vishesh's cousin brother
Ankita Bahuguna as Dhara, Shubham's wife
Karuna Verma as Shubham's mother, Vishesh aunt (chachi)
Amit Singh Thakur as Shubham's father, Vishesh's uncle
Rajeev Saxena as Baldev, Nandan's brother, Kanchan's uncle (Sheetal's father)
as Dr. Aman (guest), later Devyani's friend's son, Vishesh's childhood friend
Rishina Kandhari as Trishna Saurabh Thakur, Saurabh's wife
Avdeep Sidhu as Ananya's husband
Shrashti Maheshwari as Saurabh's sister
Ayesha Vindhara as Mishti Thakur, Saurabh and Trishna's daughter
Founder Current productions Past productions