Miso Film is a film and television production company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded by Jonas Allen and Peter Bose in 2004.
Jonas Allen and Peter Bose initially met at Per Holst Film/Nordisk Film in 1999. Later, they continued their collaboration with FilmPeople and Yellow Bird, before setting up their own company in 2005.[1] In November 2014, FremantleMedia acquired 51 percent of Miso Film.[2]
^ abjoint venture with Amperwelle Studio München Programmanbietergesellschaft, Axel Springer AG, Burda, Studio Gong, m.b.t. Mediengesellschaft der bayerischen Tageszeitungen für Kabelkommunikation, Medienpool and Radio Bavaria Rundfunkprogrammgesellschaft.
^joint venture with Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack, Studio Gong Niedersachsen and Brune-Rieck-Beteiligungs.
^joint venture with Axel Springer, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, Lühmanndruck Harburger Zeitungsgesellschaft and Morgenpost Verlag.