Mile Zero (film)
Mile Zero is a Canadian drama film, directed by Andrew Currie and released in 2001.[1] The film stars Michael Riley as Derek Ridley, a divorced father who abducts his son Will (Connor Widdows) after his ex-wife Allison (Sabrina Grdevich) tries to limit his contact.[2] Currie's intention for the film was to present a nuanced understanding of the emotional vulnerability that might lead a father to act in this manner, neither demonizing him as a mainstream Hollywood film would likely have done nor portraying him as a hero; it was inspired in part by Currie's own emotions about having to spend a year away from his son while studying at the Canadian Film Centre.[1] The film premiered at the Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival in September 2001,[3] before screening at the 2001 Vancouver International Film Festival as the opening film in the Canadian Perspectives program.[4] The film received three Vancouver Film Critics Circle award nominations at the Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards 2001, for Best Canadian Film, Best Actor in a Canadian Film (Riley) and Best Director of a Canadian Film (Currie).[5] References
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