Microdon myrmicae is a species of hoverfly belonging to the family Syrphidae.[1]
It is a Palearctic species with a limited distribution in Europe (Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Norway, Poland and European Russia (Karelia).[2]
External images
For terms see Morphology of Diptera
Wing length 6·75-8·25 mm. See references for determination [4] At present M.mutabilis is only reliably distinguished from M.myrmicae by features of the puparium.
Two color morphs of the species are known: individuals of either sex can be predominantly gold-haired or silver-haired. However, more males appear to be silver than gold, and the reverse is true for females, suggesting a complex genetic mechanism.[5]
^Simona Bonelli, Andrew Worgan, Sophie Everett and Karsten Schonrogge Host specificity in Microdon myrmicae, a sympatric social parasite to the Maculinea in moist grassland ecosystems in Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe vol. 2, pp.69-71 a_sympatric_soicial_parasite_to_the_Maculinea_in_moist_grassland_ecosystems
^Van Veen, M. (2004) Hoverflies of Northwest Europe: identification keys to the Syrphidae. 256pp. KNNV Publishing, Utrecht.addendum