Metalocalypse season 1
The first season of the animated show Metalocalypse originally aired on Adult Swim from August 6 to December 17, 2006, with 20 episodes. The show follows virtual death metal band Dethklok. The majority of the music featured this season was released on the 2007 album, The Dethalbum.[1][2][3] In late March 2013, this season became available on Netflix. In May 2015, this season became available on Hulu Plus. GuestsThis season featured several musicians as voice actors, such as Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield of Metallica, Michael Amott of Arch Enemy; Steve Smyth, Warrel Dane and Jeff Loomis of Nevermore; George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher of Cannibal Corpse and King Diamond of the eponymous band. Comedians Laraine Newman, Andy Richter, and Laura Silverman also appeared as voice actors. DVD special features
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See alsoWikiquote has quotations related to Metalocalypse season 1. References