Metal Industries, Limited was a conglomerate of mostly British engineering companies. It was founded in Glasgow in 1922[1] by Robert Watson McCrone.[2] In 1953 its activities were described as "electrical and mechanical engineering manufacture and metal trading"[3] In 1967, Aberdare Holdings of South Wales acquired a controlling interest in the group,[4] but was quickly thwarted when M.I. created a large tranche of new shares which it sold to Thorn Electrical Industries, giving Thorn overall control of the company.[5] The City Panel on Takeovers and Mergers referred to "abuses and inequities" that occurred during this chaotic takeover, among others at the time, but declined to recommend tougher regulations.[6]
A good history of the company's shipbreaking activities was published by the World Ship Society in 1992 in Ian Buxton's "Metal Industries: Shipbreaking at Rosyth and Charlestown".
The subsidiary companies continued to trade as the 'Metal Industries' group of Thorn until 1970,[7] when it merged with the George Cohen 600 group to become Six Hundred Metal Holdings.[8] In 1976, Thorn sold its interest in the group to the government-owned British Steel Corporation.[9]
Timeline of acquisitions, mergers, sales and closures
1922: Formed as Alloa Shipbreaking Co., Rosyth & Charlestown[10][11]
October 1926: Purchased Rosyth Shipbreaking Co. and gained their leases at HM Dockyard, Rosyth[12]
1945: Sentinel Waggon Works renamed to Sentinel (Shrewsbury) Limited
1946: Reorganisation: Metal Industries (Electrical Group) Limited set up to organise all electrical business; Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., Faslane, to take over salvage business; Sentinel (Shrewsbury) Limited to run engineering business; Metal Industries, Ltd. to become holding company[17]
1947: Ferrous Light Castings, Warrington (completion of acquisition)