Marzio di Colantonio

Alexander the Great in His Conquest of Asia, Walters Art Museum, 1620.

Marzio di Colantonio or di Colantonio Ganassini or di Cola Antonio[1] (c. 1580s – after 1623) was an Italian painter, as a painter of still-lifes and landscapes, and fresco decorations of grotteschi and battle scenes with small figures. His still-life paintings contain hunted game.


He was born in Rome, and trained initially under his father, a painter of Grotteschi. He is said to have then trained under Antonio Tempesta.

He painted some sacred subjects including frescoes for the church of Santa Maria della Consolazione of Rome,[2] he was best known for his battle paintings, for which he was recruited by the Cardinal of Savoy to work for a time in Piedmont for the House of Savoy.[3] He died young in Viterbo.[4]


  • Baglione, Giovanni (1733) [1641]. Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, Architetti, ed Intagliatori dal Pontificato di Gregorio XII del 1572. fino a' tempi de Papa Urbano VIII. nel 1642 [Lives of the painters, sculptors, architects, and engravers during the papacies of Gregory XII in 1572 to Urban VIII in 1642]. Naples: Giovanni Battista Passari. p. 156.
  • Boni, Filippo de' (1852). Biografia degli artisti ovvero dizionario della vita e delle opere dei pittori, degli scultori, degli intagliatori, dei tipografi e dei musici di ogni nazione che fiorirono da'tempi più remoti sino á nostri giorni. Seconda Edizione.. Venice; Googlebooks: Presso Andrea Santini e Figlio. p. 235.
  1. ^ Le vite de ̕pittori, scultori, architetti, ed intagliatori, by Giovanni Baglione, Giovanni Battista Passari, page 156.
  2. ^ Baglione, page 156.
  3. ^ L'Abecedario Pittorico, by Pellegrino Antonio Orlandi, page 314.
  4. ^ Biblioteca Viterbo, monograph by Noris Angeli.