A duo consisting of her and Timo Alakotila, that recorded the album Ambra.
Maria Kalaniemi Trio, extending the duo with Olli Varis. Both the duo and the trio play traditional tunes, popular Finnish tunes from about the mid-20th century as well as new material by Kalaniemi and Alakotila. The trio released a live CD recorded in Tokyo, Tokyo concert, that partly contains the same tunes as Ambra.[4]
She has also worked and recorded with the Swedish fiddler Sven Ahlbäck,[3] the popular Finnish singer Katri Helena, the singer/actor/flautist Vesa-Matti Loiri, the Finnish accordionist Kimmo Pohjonen and many others. In 2004, she was the special guest at a concert in London with the BBC Concert Orchestra and the Finnish fiddler group JPP playing duets with Timo Alakotila plus a piece by Alakotila for accordion, orchestra and JPP written for this occasion.