Maragatha Veenai is a 2014 Indian Tamil-language soap opera that aired on Sun TV. The show ran from 27 January 2014 to 28 September 2017 and aired Monday through Saturday for 1,102 episodes.[1][2][3] The show starred Santhoshi, Kumar, Sangeetha, Raja, Manokaran and Deepa. This show was produced by Cine Time Entertainment and directed by L.Muthukumaraswamy, P.Selvam, O.N Rathnam and Vasubharthi Shivashankaran for 1102episodes. It also airs in Sri LankaTamil Channel on Shakthi TV.
The main story of Maragatha Veenai serial lies on two protagonists, namely Divya and Shankar. The serial captures their relationship and how the duo faces challenges to come up in life. Neema is a woman who decides to start her life anew and live a happy life. However, she faces many challenges, hurdles and problems that compel her to hide her identity from the world and go on with her life.
Divya, a young girl, faces several problems when she tries to fight for independence from the life that was forced upon her.