Mantha tehsil has 114 villages under its supervision. According to 2011 census, Mantha plus 114 villages has population of 1,67,022. Among this 51% are male while 49% are female. SC population is 16% while ST population is around 3%. Literacy is 61%.[2]
Mantha village, according to 2011 census, has a population of 22,005, of which 11,393 are male and 10,612 are female. Literacy is 76.86%, male literacy is 84.26% and female literacy is 69.01%. Total houses are 4210.
Mantha has mixed culture, here people of different cultures lives together. People of different communities like Muslims, Marathas, Banjaras, Buddhists etc. are found in large numbers.
Renuka Mata Temple is main temple of the town, it also attracts people from other surrounding villages. Goddess Renuka has been known as "Goddess of the Town". The shrine is located on a small hillock north of the town.
Friday is the day of weekly market in Mantha, this day is regarded as big day or important day in Mantha. People from small villages around comes to Mantha for their weekly shopping. Place of weekly market is in between Bus stand and Government Rural Hospital(RH).