Manhattan, AZ
Manhattan, AZ is a comedy television show that aired on the USA Network during the summer of 2000. PremiseAn undercover Los Angeles Vice Cop, Daniel Henderson, loses his loving wife in a bizarre sea accident. While working for Greenpeace cutting dolphins out of tuna nets, she is herself swept up and canned in spring light water. In his despair he decides to move to Manhattan, AZ along with his son, to become sheriff and start a new life. Daniel likes the peace and quiet the desert has to offer while Atticus hates its small town ways. Described by critics as "Andy Griffith on acid," Manhattan, AZ is composed of many colorful characters and Area 61, an eerie Air Force base that officially doesn't exist and is the cause of many mysterious events nearby. The situations seem over the top but are cut from the headlines of the day. The humorous dialogue is delivered deadpan. The episodes end with one of the actors speaking directly to the audience describing something in the episode with the end line of "We work in television and we know better than you." Main characters
Recurring Characters
External links