Makenai Kokoro
"Makenai Kokoro" (負けない心, "Undefeated Heart") is a single by Japanese dance pop band AAA, released on August 18, 2010. It is their second consecutive single produced by Tetsuya Komuro, after "Aitai Riyū/Dream After Dream (Yume Kara Sameta Yume)".[1] PromotionThe single had two tie-ups: "Makenai Kokoro" was used as the theme song of the television drama Gakeppuchi no Eri: Kono Yo de Ichiban Daichi na 'Kane' no Hanashi, while "Day By Day" was used in commercials for Avex Artist Academy.[2] Band member Takahiro Nishijima featured as an actor in the seventh episode of Gakeppuchi no Eri.[citation needed] Single contentsSix versions of the single exist: a CD only version, two DVD editions, and three Mu-Mo store exclusive versions.[1] DVD edition A featured the music video for the song, while DVD edition B featured a documentary on the making of the music video for their previous single "Aitai Riyū."[1] All versions feature "Makenai Kokoro" and "Day By Day", while only the CD only version features the group's cover of H Jungle with T's 1995 number 1 single, "Wow War Tonight (Toki ni wa Okose yo Movement)". The Mu-Mo exclusive versions each feature one of three live talk tracks, where the band members discuss the time since their debut in 2005.[1] Track listings
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