Mō Nido to...
"Mō Nido To..." was the first single that Beni Arashiro released under her new name BENI and label Universal Japan.[1] The song "Mō Nido To" is an answer song to the long charting hit "Mō Ichi do...", which sold over 80,000 copies. "Mō Nido To..." debuted at the chaku-uta charts at number #1.[2][3] It August it was reported to have over 800,000 downloads from Chaka-Uta. It charted weekly on the Oricon charts on number 20. To date, the single has sold 12,400 copies. In May 2009, the clip of "Mō Nido To" is watched over a million times on YouTube.[4] Track listing
Total Reported Sales: 12,400 References