Médaille militaire Jean Paul Médaille Medaille College Médaille de la Famille française Grande Médaille Military Health Service honour medal Médaille de la Gendarmerie nationale Overseas Medal Grande Médaille d'Or des Explorations Colonial Medal 1914–1918 Inter-Allied Victory medal Military Medal of Annam Escapees' Medal Tonkin Expedition commemorative medal The Old Man and the Medal Goethe-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft CNRS Silver Medal French commemorative medal Madagascar commemorative medal Fédération internationale de la médaille d'art North Africa Security and Order Operations Commemorative Medal Grande médaille de la chanson française Méd…

daille du Cercle National des Armées de Terre, Air et Mer Class of Cabinet des Médailles 218 Honour medal of the National Police BnF Museum North Africa Medal Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Medal of the City of Paris Commemorative medal of the 1860 China Expedition Aeronautical Medal Émile Picard Medal Resistance Medal Medal of French Gratitude National Defence Medal Sisters of Saint Joseph of Medaille 1939–1945 Commemorative war medal (France) Medal for Voluntary Military Service Medal of the Nation's Gratitude A

llgemeiner Cäcilien-Verband für Deutschland The Medaille Trust Morocco commemorative medal (1909) 1914–1918 Commemorative war medal (France) Karl-Preusker-Medaille Rudolf-Diesel-Medaille Willibald-Pirckheimer-Medaille Indochina Campaign Commemorative Medal Political deportation and internment medal Medal of a liberated France Société chimique de France Fritz Walter Medal Military Medal (Luxembourg) Commemorative medal for United Nations operations in Korea Dahomey Expedition commemorative medal 1892 Carl Zuckmayer Medal 1901 China expedition commemorative medal Johannes-R.-Becher-Medaille Honour medal for courage and devotion Johannes Brahms Medal Gust