Mária Augusztinovics

Mária Augusztinovics (also Marija Augustinovič or Maria Augustinovics, 1930 – 21 November 2014) was a Hungarian macroeconomist known for her work in labour economics and on pension systems.[1][2][3]

Augusztinovics graduated from the Karl Marx University of Economics in Budapest in 1952, defended her doctoral dissertation there in 1956, and completed a habilitation in 1980.[3] In 1979, as Head of Department in the Hungarian National Planning Office, Augusztinovics was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society.[4] She was given the József Eötvös laureate [hu] in 2000, the prize of the János Arany Public Foundation for Science in 2002, the Officer's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit in 2008, and the Széchenyi Prize in 2010.[2][5] She was also a consulting member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences[5][6] and an honorary professor at Corvinus University of Budapest.[6]


  1. ^ Birth year and alternative name spelling from German National Library catalog, retrieved 2021-10-28
  2. ^ a b Mária Augusztinovics, research advisor passed away, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, retrieved 2021-10-28
  3. ^ a b "Elhunyt Augusztinovics Mária közgazdász", Blikk (in Hungarian), 21 November 2014
  4. ^ "1979 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society", Econometrica, 48 (3): 788–791, April 1980, JSTOR 1913143
  5. ^ a b "Augusztinovics Mária", Members (in Hungarian), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, retrieved 2021-10-28
  6. ^ a b "Mária Augusztinovics" (PDF), Speaker biographies, International Forum on Pension Reform, June 2007, retrieved 2021-10-28