Ticket machines, Ticket gates, Customer service center, Accessible elevators
Exits 1(1A, 1B) & 2(2A, 2B)
Ground Level
Entrances/Exits, Accessible elevators
Signage boards of Exit 1 in the station contains no information on nearby places.
As of July 2019, only the elevator at Exit 1 that connects the station with ground level is under construction, while the 2 other elevators, 1 connecting the station with ground level at Exit 2 and the other, responsible for connecting the concourse with the platform are in use.
Loop Line Platform
Platform Layout
An island platform is used for Loop Line trains travelling in both directions. Loop Line trains can access the car depot from using the railway junction. The station can also act as a reversing station using its scissors crossover for trains to switch direction.
The railway junction is located on the right side of this diagram