Los lobos (transl. 'The Wolves') is a 2019 Mexican family drama film directed by Samuel Kishi, and written by Kishi, Luis Briones, and Sofía Gómez-Córdova.
Los lobos is Kishi's second film, which is semi-autobiographical and partially based upon Kishi's own memories.[1][2] It was nominated for 13 Ariel Awards,[3] and won two: Ariel Award for Best Supporting Actress for Cici Lau, and Best Original Score for Kenji Kishi.[4]
The plot tells the story of Lucia (Martha Reyes Arias), who has just immigrated to Albuquerque, New Mexico with her sons Max (Maximiliano Nájar Márquez) and Leo (Leonardo Nájar Márquez), who are 8 and 5, respectively, who spend most of their time in their tiny apartment while their mother works.
It features dialogue in Spanish and English.[5] The plot themes have been likened to those of The Florida Project.[6]