Los Lopeggs
Los Lopeggs is a Mexican streaming adult animated comedy series created by Huevocartoon alumni Rodolfo Riva Palacio Alatriste and Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste for Pantaya. It features a cast of anthropomorphic eggs in a Hispanic family-like setting. The series features the voices of Angélica Vale and Carlos Ponce.[2] The series premiered on 17 June 2021 on Pantaya (now Vix) in the United States. It was the platform's first animated original series. SynopsisAfter being fired from his job, Yema (Carlos Ponce) and his family start a new business selling tacos with their new food truck in Huevalifornia. Voices
ReleaseThe first six episodes premiered on Pantaya on 17 June 2021, with the first episode being made available for free viewing.[3] References
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