The rock was named after its occurrence at Litchfield, Maine, USA, by Bayley in 1892.[3][4]
It is a very rare rock and also occurs in Blue Mountain and French River, Canada;[4] Soroy and Val River, Norway; Cevadais, Portugal; Canaã,[5] Boca Nova, Itajú da Colonia and Peixes, Brazil.
Due to the content of alkali elements and alumina, they are very important ore for the glass industry. The iron-bearing minerals when present are strongly magnetic and can be removed through a magnetic field.
Occurrences of nepheline syenite gneisses in Brazil
Geometry of the alkaline body :Boulders scattered. Geophysical dates suggests elongated bodies parallel to the regional structures.
Textures and structures presents in alkaline rocks: Gneissose appearance; folded foliation; foliation parallel to the country rocks; preferential orientation of biotites parallel to the gneissic band; pegmatites veins with pinch and swell structure parallel and cross cutting the foliation; biotite crystal with kink banding structure; plagioclase with bent twin lamella; feldspar with peristherite; oriented optical axis in nephelines;
Proposed origin: metamorphism of igneous nepheline syenite
Localization: Rio de Janeiro State
Age and determination method
Country rocks last metamorphism age: 900 to 600 my (Brazilian cycle)
Nepheline syenite rocks: 542 +/-14 my Rb-Sr whole rock; 424 +/- 13 my K-Ar in biotite.
Rocks and minerals (between parenthesis when accessory):
Country rocks: Biotite-sillimanite-gneiss, amphibolites, migmatites, (granite).
Metamorphic grade of country rock: high anphibolite facies
Geometry of the alkaline body: elongated and concordant bodies
Textures and structures presents in alkaline rocks: gneissose appearance, parallel to the country rock foliation; oriented biotite and feldspar; plagioclase with bent twin lamella; kink-banding biotite; oriented optical axis in nephelines; zoned bodies-litchfieldite in center and syenites surrounding.
Proposed origin: metamorphism of igneous nepheline syenite.
Tocantins nepheline syenite gneiss belt
(Estrela, Eldorado, Porto Nacional, Peixe)
Localization: Tocantins State
Age and determination method:
Country rocks last metamorphism age: 900 to 600 my (Brazilian cycle)
Nepheline syenite rocks: 1,5 Gy
Rocks and minerals (between parenthesis when accessory):
Metamorphic grade of country rock: high amphibolite
Geometry of the alkaline body: A belt of elongated zoned bodies parallel to the regional structures.
Textures and structures presents in alkaline rocks: gneissose appearance, foliation, preferred orientation of biotite crystals, faults, boudinage, plagioclase with bent twin lamella; feldspar with peristherite, plagioclase with undulose extinction.
Proposed origin: Metamorphism and metasomatism of igneous nepheline syenite rocks.
Alkaline Rocks Province of South Bahia
(Itaju da Colonia, Santa Cruz da Vitória, Potiriguá, Itabuna)
Localization: Bahia State
Age and determination method:
Country rocks last metamorphism age: 900 to 600 my (Brazilian cycle)
Rocks and minerals (between parenthesis when accessory):
Alcalines rocks:
Litchfieldite: albite, microcline, nepheline, dark green biotite, brown biotite, (pyroxene), (amphibole), (cancrinite), (sodalite)
Tawite: albite, microcline, sodalite, (nepheline)
Alkaline pegmatites
Country rocks: granitic gneiss, migmatite, granulite
Metamorphic grade of country rock: High amphibolite facies
Geometry of the alkaline body: elongated bodies parallel to regional structures.
Textures and structures present in alkaline rocks: elongated and oriented cluster (schlieren) of mafic minerals, plagioclase with bent and broken twin lamella, biotite and muscovite orientation (foliation), mortar structures, kink-banding in biotite