Gooseberry most often refers to cultivated plants from two species of the genus Ribes:
- Ribes uva-crispa native to Europe, northwestern Africa and southwestern Asia.
- Ribes hirtellum, American gooseberry
- Hybrids between Ribes hirtellum and Ribes uva-crispa, including most of the modern gooseberry cultivars
The common name is also used for the following botanical groups.
Gooseberries may be used to describe the genus Ribes as a whole, or particular wild species of Ribes contrasted with currants, including:
- Ribes amarum, bitter gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes binominatum, trailing gooseberry, native to northwestern North America
- Ribes californicum, California gooseberry
- Ribes cynosbati, prickly gooseberry, native to eastern North America
- Ribes divaricatum, spreading gooseberry, native to western North America
- Ribes echinellum, Miccosukee gooseberry, native to Florida
- Ribes inerme, whitestem gooseberry, native to northwestern North America
- Ribes lacustre, swamp gooseberry, native to northwestern North America
- Ribes lasianthum, alpine gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes leptanthum, trumpet gooseberry, native to southwestern North America
- Ribes lobbii, gummy gooseberry, native to western North America
- Ribes marshallii, Hupa gooseberry, native to western North America
- Ribes menziesii, canyon gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes missouriense, Missouri gooseberry, native to eastern North America
- Ribes montigenum, mountain gooseberry, native to western North America
- Ribes oxyacanthoides, Canadian gooseberry, native to northern North America
- Ribes quercetorum, rock gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes roezlii, Sierra gooseberry, native to western North America
- Ribes sericeum, Lucia gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes speciosum, fuchsia-flowered gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes thacherianum, Santa Cruz gooseberry, native to Santa Cruz Island, California
- Ribes tularense, Sequoia gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes velutinum, desert gooseberry, native to western North America
- Ribes viburnifolium, Island gooseberry, native to California
- Ribes victoris, Victor's gooseberry, native to California
Gooseberries may also be used to describe tropical plants producing fruit superficially similar to Ribes fruit. This includes: