List of ecoregions in North Macedonia

The following is a list of ecoregions in North Macedonia as identified by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

Terrestrial ecoregions

North Macedonia is in the Palearctic realm. Ecoregions are listed by biome.

Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub

Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests

Freshwater ecoregions

  • Southeast Adriatic drainages
  • Thrace
  • Vardar


  • Abell, R., M. Thieme, C. Revenga, M. Bryer, M. Kottelat, N. Bogutskaya, B. Coad, N. Mandrak, S. Contreras-Balderas, W. Bussing, M. L. J. Stiassny, P. Skelton, G. R. Allen, P. Unmack, A. Naseka, R. Ng, N. Sindorf, J. Robertson, E. Armijo, J. Higgins, T. J. Heibel, E. Wikramanayake, D. Olson, H. L. Lopez, R. E. d. Reis, J. G. Lundberg, M. H. Sabaj Perez, and P. Petry. (2008). Freshwater ecoregions of the world: A new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation. BioScience 58:403-414, [1].