List of comets by type

This is a list of comets (bodies that travel in elliptical, parabolic, and sometimes hyperbolic orbits and display a tail behind them) listed by type. Comets are sorted into four categories: periodic comets (e.g. Halley's Comet), non-periodic comets (e.g. Comet Hale–Bopp), comets with no meaningful orbit (the Great Comet of 1106), and lost comets (5D/Brorsen), displayed as either P (periodic), C (non-periodic), X (no orbit), and D (lost).

Many of the earlier comets to be observed in history are designated with an X or D due to not having the tools to measure a comet's orbit accurately and eventually losing it. X/1106 C1 (the Great Comet of 1106) is a good example. The orbital elements for the older non-periodic comets in the list assume that the comet has an eccentricity of roughly 1, and therefore the calculations are only approximate.

Guide to comet lists

After Edmond Halley recognized that several apparitions of a comet every 75.3 years were the same comet, it gave way to a new designation of periodic comets, with the first being named 1P/Halley. To date, there are 440 of these periodic comets, with many more on the way to getting an official designation.

Non-periodic comets

Non-periodic comets are generally comets that have only been seen on one occasion, or comets that have periods of thousands of years, to comets that are truly non-periodic, and will only come around the Solar System. The following comets are organized by their described types:

Ejection-trajectory comets

These are comets with an eccentricity so large that they only made one pass through the Solar System. These comets are further divided into near-Parabolic and Hyperbolic comets. A hypothetical true parabolic comet would have an eccentricity of exactly 1, and hyperbolic comets are any comet with an eccentricity of over 1. Most of the comets marked with an X are from the material cited here[1] and the other comets are sourced from JPL Small-Body Database.[2] Due to their hyperbolic orbits, it is impossible to determine where they come from, but it is expected that they are from the Oort Cloud, a cloud of icy bodies several thousand Astronomical units away from the Sun. However a few of these may be Interstellar comets

Comets observed in early times, which were later found to be observations of numbered periodic comets, are marked with [periodic comet number]/[comet name]. For instance, X/-239 K1 was an appearance of Halley's comet in 239 BC, and as such is written as 1P/-239 K1. A significant portion of the comets passing closer than 0.01 AU to the Sun are fragments of the comet of 371 BC, which fractured into several pieces on the 326 AD perihelion, which further fractured into thousands of pieces on the 1106 AD perihelion, creating the cometary group now known as the Kreutz sungrazers. Due to the sheer size (2000+ known members), and the fact that none of the group members have been given a numbered designation, the members are not stated on this list, and instead are listed in a separate list further below.

Near-parabolic comets

Comets with a very high eccentricity (generally 0.99 or higher) and a period of over 1,000 years that don't quite have a high enough velocity to escape the Solar System. Often, these comets, due to their extreme semimajor axes and eccentricity, will have small orbital interactions with planets and minor planets, most often ending up with the comets fluctuating significantly in their orbital path. These comets probably come from the Oort cloud, a cloud of comets orbiting the Sun from ~10,000 to roughly 50,000 AU.

Lost comets

The following comets, assigned with a D before their name, were subsequently lost after their discovery, and often remain lost to this day:

Comet designation Name/ discoverer(s) e a
Last observed perihelion
D/1766 G1 Helfenzrieder 0.848 2.665 0.406 7.865 1766/04/27
D/1770 L1 Lexell's Comet 0.786 3.153 0.674 1.552 1770/08/14
D/1884 O1 Barnard 0.583 3.07 1.279 5.47 1884/08/16
D/1886 K1 Brooks 0.571 3.092 1.325 12.671 1886/06/07
D/1894 F1 Denning 0.698 3.797 1.147 5.527 1894/02/09
D/1895 Q1 Swift 0.652 3.729 1.298 2.992 1895/08/21
D/1918 W1 Schorr 0.469 3.545 1.884 5.575 1918/09/30
D/1952 B1 HarringtonWilson 0.514 3.428 1.6649 16.35 1951/10/30
D/1977 C1 SkiffKosai 0.259 3.847 2.85 3.201 1976/08/03
D/1978 R1 Haneda-Campos 0.6652 3.2898 1.101414 5.9472 1978/10/09

Short period comets

Halley-type comets

Comets with a period between 20 and 200 years, named after the first identified member, Halley's Comet. These comets orbit between the orbit of Jupiter and Pluto, and are thought to be long-period comets that slowly migrated inwards, or Jupiter family comets that had been slingshotted outwards by Jupiter's gravity.

Unnumbered Jupiter-family comets

While Jupiter-family comets are officially defined by (2< TJupiter <3), they can also be loosely defined by any comet with a period of less than 20 years, a relatively low inclination, and an orbit coinciding loosely with that of Jupiter's. These comets are often patchily observed, as orbital interactions with the planet often cause comets' orbits to become perturbed, causing them to not be found at the expected position in the sky and subsequently lost.

D/1993 F2 (Shoemaker–Levy 9)

One such Jupiter-family comet, Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9, approached close enough to Jupiter sometime between the late 1960s and early 1970s, and was caught into orbit of it. By the comet's discovery, an extremely close approach with Jupiter one year previously had fractured the comet into many pieces, before it collided with Jupiter between 16 July and 22 July 1994. The fragments are listed separately here, at epoch 1994/05/08.[3]

Fragment Period (years) e a
Jupiter impact date
A 17.99 0.216209 6.86479 5.380563 6.00329 1994/07/16 20:11
B 17.97 0.215620 6.85975 5.380652 5.99022 1994/07/17 02:50
C 17.95 0.215169 6.85550 5.380411 5.98196 1994/07/17 07:12
D 17.93 0.214725 6.85158 5.380370 5.97297 1994/07/17 11:54
E 17.92 0.214411 6.84877 5.380318 5.96663 1994/07/17 15:11
F 17.90 0.213585 6.84163 5.380362 5.94846 1994/07/18 00:33
G 17.87 0.212881 6.83520 5.380112 5.93551 1994/07/18 07:32
H 17.83 0.211779 6.82547 5.379973 5.91287 1994/07/18 19:32
K 17.79 0.210425 6.81351 5.379775 5.88507 1994/07/19 10:21
L 17.75 0.209361 6.80416 5.379632 5.86313 1994/07/19 22:17
N 17.71 0.208277 6.79472 5.379536 5.84046 1994/07/20 10:31
P1 17.69 0.207745 6.79035 5.379689 5.82929 1994/07/20 16:30
P2 17.70 0.207887 6.79147 5.379608 5.83126 1994/07/20 15:23
Q1 17.68 0.207405 6.78700 5.379348 5.82282 1994/07/20 20:12
Q2 17.68 0.207453 6.78749 5.379403 5.82361 1994/07/20 19:44
R 17.65 0.206581 6.77982 5.379232 5.80587 1994/07/21 05:33
S 17.63 0.205737 6.77248 5.379129 5.78848 1994/07/21 15:15
T 17.62 0.205504 6.77073 5.379319 5.78300 1994/07/21 18:10
U 17.61 0.205167 6.76764 5.379141 5.77631 1994/07/21 21:55
V 17.59 0.204616 6.76283 5.379046 5.76489 1994/07/22 04:22
W 17.58 0.204282 6.75982 5.378919 5.75982 1994/07/22 08:05

Sungrazing comets

These comets have perihelion distances of less than 0.055 AU. Most belong to the Kreutz Sungrazers, a group of comets split off from the great comet of 1106, and before that, the comet of 371 BC. There are also several other cometary groups, all much smaller, that occasionally pass through. This list covers all Sungrazing groups, including sporadic, or ungrouped sungrazers.

Kreutz sungrazers

The largest group of them all, the Kreutz sungrazers are a group of comets descended from the breakup of a comet in 326 AD. They live up to their name, typically traveling less than 2 solar radii from the Sun. Because they travel so close, they often burn up, and it is the cause of their breakup. Many bright comets are members of the group, including Comet Ikeya–Seki, which broke in 3 pieces.

Meyer group

This is the second largest sungrazing group, and the only one with no discerned period. Further observations of this group may eventually find one, however.

Comet designation Name/ discoverer(s) Period (years) e a
Perihelion date
C/1996 N3 SOHO 1.0 0.0351 72.12 73.16 1996/07/03
C/1997 G7 SOHO 1.0 0.0351 70.33 73.94 1997/04/08
C/1997 H4 SOHO 1.0 0.0356 73.13 72.33 1997/04/21
C/1997 H5 SOHO 1.0 0.0371 79.18 69.13 1997/04/29
C/1997 L2 SOHO 1.0 0.0381 71.69 72.62 1997/06/10
C/1997 O2 SOHO 1.0 0.0356 71.92 73.07 1997/07/25
C/1997 U8 SOHO 1.0 0.031 71.91 71.15 1997/10/19
C/1997 X7 SOHO 1.0 0.0346 72.62 72.82 1997/12/15
C/1998 G9 SOHO 1.0 0.037 84.26 67.91 1998/04/12
C/1998 V8 SOHO 1.0 0.0363 72.01 72.88 1998/11/03
C/1998 W7 SOHO 1.0 0.0362 72.12 73.21 1998/11/28
C/1999 F3 SOHO 1.0 0.0363 73.31 72.36 1999/03/17
C/1999 K16 SOHO 1.0 0.0339 71.73 72.64 1999/05/26
C/1999 L9 SOHO 1.0 0.038 70.73 70.16 1999/06/09
C/1999 P7 SOHO 1.0 0.0372 71.32 73 1999/08/13
C/2000 B8 SOHO 1.0 0.034 70.75 75.09 2000/01/16
C/2000 C2 SOHO 1.0 0.037 71.35 73.71 2000/02/03
C/2000 C5 SOHO 1.0 0.0358 72.22 65.16 2000/02/07
C/2000 J8 SOHO 1.0 0.0367 72.5 73.65 2000/05/06
C/2000 N4 SOHO 1.0 0.0351 74.5 73.89 2000/07/04
C/2000 X9 SOHO 1.0 0.0386 72.66 73.96 2000/12/03
C/2001 C7 SOHO 1.0 0.035 73.68 54.75 2001/02/11
C/2001 E1 SOHO 1.0 0.0357 73.37 72.24 2001/03/15
C/2001 K11 SOHO 1.0 0.0339 72.36 73.28 2001/05/16
C/2001 L10 SOHO 1.0 0.0355 71.7 72.4 2001/06/01
C/2001 R7 SOHO 1.0 0.0372 73.77 85.28 2001/09/12
C/2001 T1 SOHO 1.0 0.0364 72.87 72.56 2001/10/09
C/2001 V6 SOHO 1.0 0.0374 69.76 73.64 2001/11/02
C/2001 X8 SOHO 1.0 0.0371 72.28 74.35 2001/12/12
C/2001 X10 SOHO 1.0 0.036 73.46 73.79 2001/12/15
C/2002 A4 SOHO 1.0 0.0366 72.13 75.45 2002/01/01
C/2002 H8 SOHO 1.0 0.0336 69.34 73.71 2002/04/20
C/2002 P3 SOHO 1.0 0.0359 73.84 75.81 2002/08/12
C/2002 R8 SOHO 1.0 0.0343 75.95 59.71 2002/09/15
C/2002 T2 SOHO 1.0 0.0369 70.94 70.73 2002/10/04
C/2002 U6 SOHO 1.0 0.0359 73.06 74.62 2002/10/28
C/2002 V4 SOHO 1.0 0.0357 72.5 74.75 2002/11/09
C/2002 X6 SOHO 1.0 0.0346 72.55 74.75 2002/12/02
C/2002 Y2 SOHO 1.0 0.04 73.52 74.51 2002/12/19
C/2003 B1 SOHO 1.0 0.0355 73.36 74.15 2003/01/17
C/2003 H5 SOHO 1.0 0.0351 71.35 75.17 2003/04/27
C/2003 K5 SOHO 1.0 0.0348 72.5 74.11 2003/05/21
C/2003 K6 SOHO 1.0 0.0372 71.87 73.67 2003/05/30
C/2003 U4 SOHO 1.0 0.0357 74.94 73.97 2003/10/21
C/2003 W2 SOHO 1.0 0.0314 73.26 74.96 2003/11/29
C/2003 Y1 SOHO 1.0 0.0354 72.81 74.7 2003/12/20
C/2004 B2 SOHO 1.0 0.0353 73.1 74.89 2004/01/29
C/2004 C2 SOHO 1.0 0.0325 72.92 74.6 2004/02/05
C/2004 G2 SOHO 1.0 0.0383 72.62 74.01 2004/04/10
C/2004 H4 SOHO 1.0 0.0343 67.87 74.62 2004/04/16
C/2004 H5 SOHO 1.0 0.0335 68.62 76.03 2004/04/30
C/2004 T2 SOHO 1.0 0.0346 73.67 72.45 2004/10/09
C/2004 U3 SOHO 1.0 0.0375 73.25 74.01 2004/10/18
C/2005 B4 SOHO 1.0 0.0353 71.69 71.69 2005/01/30
C/2005 C1 SOHO 1.0 0.0392 67.47 75.84 2005/02/02
C/2005 H2 SOHO 1.0 0.0362 78.83 72.43 2005/04/17
C/2005 H9 SOHO 1.0 0.0352 73.54 73.96 2005/04/29
C/2005 K4 SOHO 1.0 0.0373 73.25 74.48 2005/05/16
C/2005 K9 SOHO 1.0 0.0354 73.06 74.47 2005/05/28
C/2005 O5 SOHO 1.0 0.0361 74.41 67.93 2005/07/26
C/2005 Q2 SOHO 1.0 0.0377 74.51 76.48 2005/08/23
C/2005 Q8 SOHO 1.0 0.0377 72.42 77.2 2005/08/25
C/2005 T9 SOHO 1.0 0.0368 72.51 75.23 2005/10/08
C/2005 W9 SOHO 1.0 0.037 72.63 73.13 2005/11/19
C/2005 W11 SOHO 1.0 0.0396 76.08 72.71 2005/11/20
C/2005 Y8 SOHO 1.0 0.0338 73.75 74.29 2005/12/25
C/2006 B4 SOHO 1.0 0.0345 73.15 73.89 2006/01/26
C/2006 F6 SOHO 1.0 0.0333 74.13 75.03 2006/03/23
C/2006 J5 SOHO 1.0 0.0387 72.12 71.46 2006/05/08
C/2006 R3 SOHO 1.0 0.0337 75.14 66.29 2006/09/02
C/2006 T6 SOHO 1.0 0.0353 67.07 100.84 2006/10/10
C/2006 U10 SOHO 1.0 0.0346 71.68 74.91 2006/10/20
C/2006 X10 SOHO 1.0 0.0348 72.63 74.2 2006/12/15
C/2007 A6 SOHO 1.0 0.0382 70.57 70.67 2007/01/11
C/2007 C10 SOHO 1.0 0.0351 72.77 73.19 2007/02/07
C/2007 F4 SOHO 1.0 0.0347 71.41 76.09 2007/03/28
C/2007 J1 SOHO 1.0 0.0348 72.59 73.87 2007/05/02
C/2007 K12 SOHO 1.0 0.0346 72.52 73.94 2007/05/18
C/2007 R10 SOHO 1.0 0.037 75.8 73.16 2007/09/15
C/2007 U7 SOHO 1.0 0.0325 73.43 71.48 2007/10/27
C/2007 V10 SOHO 1.0 0.035 76.95 73.51 2007/11/09
C/2007 X7 SOHO 1.0 0.0378 71.98 73.58 2007/12/10
C/2007 X14 SOHO 1.0 0.0345 72.47 73.79 2007/12/14
C/2007 Y8 SOHO 1.0 0.0344 72.77 73.61 2007/12/28
C/2008 D6 SOHO 1.0 0.0338 70.85 72.5 2008/02/19
C/2008 F1 SOHO 1.0 0.0318 66.71 94.56 2008/03/20
C/2008 H4 SOHO 1.0 0.0373 73.46 72.35 2008/04/18
C/2008 J10 SOHO 1.0 0.0369 72.18 73.31 2008/05/07
C/2008 J12 SOHO 1.0 0.0379 70.94 71.57 2008/05/08

Kracht group

This and the Marsden group, both are periodic, both with periods of approximately 3 years. They contain fewer members than the Meyer and Kreutz groups, probably as a result of their periodic nature, leading them to burn up more frequently. They are believed to be the parent bodies of the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower, occurring between July and August and usually having 15–20 meteors an hour.

Comet designation Name/ discoverer(s) Period (years) e a
Perihelion date
C/1996 X3 SOHO 1.0 0.0426 14.78 51 1996/12/06
C/1996 X4 SOHO 1.0 0.0492 13.7 50.79 1996/12/06
C/1996 X5 SOHO 1.0 0.049 13.78 51.28 1996/12/06
C/1999 M3 SOHO 1.0 0.0441 12.35 36.33 1999/06/30
C/1999 N6 SOHO 1.0 0.0435 12.15 32.5 1999/07/12
C/2001 Q7 SOHO 1.0 0.0445 13.28 43.95 2001/08/21
C/2001 Q8 SOHO 1.0 0.0451 13.07 44.76 2001/08/24
C/2001 R8 SOHO 1.0 0.0437 13.58 42.19 2001/09/06
C/2001 R9 SOHO 1.0 0.0472 12.47 48.9 2001/09/07
C/2002 N2 SOHO 1.0 0.049 13.8 52.93 2002/07/11
C/2002 Q8 SOHO 1.0 0.0479 13.7 50.38 2002/08/25
C/2002 Q10 SOHO 1.0 0.0484 13.54 50.99 2002/08/27
C/2002 R5 SOHO 5.77 0.98526 3.21612 0.0474 14.12 13.2 2002/09/05
C/2002 S4 SOHO 1.0 0.0484 13.51 50.81 2002/09/18
C/2002 S5 SOHO 1.0 0.0467 14.03 49.01 2002/09/19
P/2002 S7 SOHO 5.79 0.98496 3.22344 0.04849 13.6 50.3 2002/09/21
C/2002 S11 SOHO 1.0 0.0482 13.68 50.7 2002/09/30
C/2004 A3 SOHO 1.0 0.0433 14.75 44.75 2004/01/16
C/2004 B3 SOHO 1.0 0.0515 13.28 44.9 2004/01/18
C/2004 J4 SOHO 1.0 0.0417 12.35 34.3 2004/05/05
C/2004 J12 SOHO 1.0 0.0398 12.68 33.75 2004/05/12
C/2004 J13 SOHO 1.0 0.0441 12.47 36.12 2004/05/13
C/2004 J15 SOHO 1.0 0.0438 12.28 34.56 2004/05/14
C/2004 J16 SOHO 1.0 0.0314 14.63 34.39 2004/05/14
C/2004 J17 SOHO 1.0 0.0356 13.79 35.6 2004/05/15
C/2004 J18 SOHO 1.0 0.0461 11.89 34.23 2004/05/15
C/2004 J20 SOHO 1.0 0.0419 12.76 35.86 2004/05/13
C/2004 L10 SOHO 1.0 0.0431 12.54 35.76 2004/06/14
342P/SOHO SOHO 5.31 0.98260 3.04300 0.0529 13.27 43.4 2016/07/01
C/2008 E4 SOHO 1.0 0.0499 13.13 51.85 2008/03/03
C/2008 G6 SOHO 1.0 0.0483 14.35 49.13 2008/04/13

Marsden group

Comet designation Name/ discoverer(s) Period (years) e a
Perihelion date
C/1997 B5 SOHO 1.0 0.0512 25.1 78 1997/01/29
C/1997 B6 SOHO 1.0 0.0501 24.95 76.41 1997/01/29
C/1997 B7 SOHO 1.0 0.049 24.78 74.98 1997/01/29
C/1998 A2 SOHO 1.0 0.041 27.93 80.78 1998/01/03
C/1998 A3 SOHO 1.0 0.0419 27.35 80.73 1998/01/09
C/1998 A4 SOHO 1.0 0.0431 26.87 81.03 1998/01/10
C/1999 N5 SOHO 1.0 0.0496 27.08 82.49 1999/07/11
C/1999 P6 SOHO 1.0 0.0494 26.57 82.01 1999/08/05
C/1999 P8 SOHO 1.0 0.0494 26.56 81.85 1999/08/14
C/1999 P9 SOHO 1.0 0.0493 26.55 81.74 1999/08/15
C/1999 U2 SOHO 1.0 0.049 27 82.1 1999/10/25
C/2000 C3 SOHO 1.0 0.0487 24.97 81.85 2000/02/04
C/2000 C4 SOHO 1.0 0.0487 24.97 81.95 2000/02/05
C/2000 C7 SOHO 1.0 0.0481 24.89 81.06 2000/02/04
C/2002 R1 SOHO 1.0 0.0492 22.19 70.43 2002/09/02
C/2002 R4 SOHO 1.0 0.052 28.31 85.69 2002/09/03
C/2002 V5 SOHO 1.0 0.0506 34.24 86.61 2002/11/12
C/2004 V10 SOHO 1.0 0.0488 26.4 81.86 2004/11/08
C/2004 W10 SOHO 1.0 0.0467 25.97 82.11 2004/11/29
C/2005 E4 SOHO 1.0 0.0487 26.43 80.6 2005/03/10
C/2005 G2 SOHO 1.0 0.0492 26.84 80.69 2005/04/14
C/2005 W1 SOHO 1.0 0.0483 24.9 80.27 2005/11/17
C/2005 W5 SOHO 1.0 0.0494 26.91 81.77 2005/11/29
C/2006 E2 SOHO 1.0 0.0482 24.5 80.94 2006/03/15
C/2006 F3 SOHO 1.0 0.051 23.02 85.31 2006/03/25
C/2007 Y4 SOHO 1.0 0.0505 28.59 82.08 2007/12/22
C/2008 A3 SOHO 1.0 0.0493 22.28 70.18 2008/01/15

Ungrouped sungrazers

Comet designation Name/ discoverer(s) Period (years) e a
Perihelion date
C/1680 V1 Great Comet of 1680 9370 0.999986 444.4285 0.006222 60.6784 276.6339 1680/12/18
C/1695 U1 1.0 0.0423 93.589 286.018 1695/10/23
C/1816 B1 Pons 1.0 0.0485 43.111 325.829 1816/03/01
C/1826 U1 Pons 1.0 0.026904 90.6234 237.5505 1826/11/18
C/1847 C1 Hind 10300 0.99991 473.2556 0.042593 48.6636 23.824 1847/03/30
C/1865 B1 Great Southern Comet 1.0 0.025844 92.4945 254.8252 1865/01/14
C/1961 O1 Wilson 34410 0.999962 1057.8684 0.040199 24.2116 298.9545 1961/07/17
C/1962 C1 SekiLines 1.000003 0.031397 65.0142 304.6776 1962/04/01
C/1996 V2 SOHO 1.0 0.0488 33.41 89.36 1996/11/11
C/1997 S4 SOHO 1.0 0.026 154.63 135.76 1997/09/29
C/1997 V7 SOHO 1.0 0.0216 137.4 157.78 1997/11/03
C/1998 G3 SOHO 1.0 0.0354 53.86 322.5 1998/04/12
C/1999 Y2 SOHO 1.0 0.0483 111.42 235.5 1999/12/28
C/2000 J2 SOHO 1.0 0.0335 146.61 32.19 2000/05/08
C/2000 V4 SOHO 1.0 0.0503 54.97 324.91 2000/11/11
C/2000 Y6 SOHO 1.0 0.0252 87.3 229.47 2000/12/20
C/2000 Y7 SOHO 1.0 0.0245 89.02 228.93 2000/12/20
C/2001 C5 SOHO 1.0 0.0256 166.26 322.52 2001/02/13
321P/SOHO (P/2001 D1) SOHO 3.78 0.98108 2.425409 0.04589 20.1 165.2 2016/04/10
C/2001 N1 SOHO 1.0 0.0052 95.09 302.92 2001/07/06
C/2001 P1 SOHO 1.0 0.0113 29.9 140.14 2001/08/05
C/2001 Q3 SOHO 1.0 0.0373 106.63 155.03 2001/08/26
C/2001 T5 SOHO 1.0 0.0476 55.26 327.74 2001/10/15
C/2002 G1 SOHO 1.0 0.0339 133.92 106.02 2002/04/02
C/2002 Q6 SOHO 1.0 0.0103 65.96 70.92 2002/08/23
C/2002 Q9 SOHO 1.0 0.0304 22.45 19.58 2002/08/19
C/2003 G3 SOHO 1.0 0.0168 169.7 87.61 2003/04/05
C/2003 H6 SOHO 1.0 0.0264 27.05 243.47 2003/04/30
C/2003 H7 SOHO 1.0 0.0266 27.9 242.66 2003/04/30
C/2003 K3 SOHO 1.0 0.13918 39.529 79.076 2003/06/01
C/2003 Q1 SOHO 1.0 0.032 29.33 43.43 2003/08/20
C/2003 Q6 SOHO 1.0 0.0366 25.43 56.3 2003/08/26
C/2003 R4 SOHO 1.0 0.0316 92.36 173.06 2003/09/06
C/2003 S9 SOHO 1.0 0.0154 28.79 59.32 2003/09/25
C/2004 Y10 SOHO 1.0 0.0322 131.61 129.68 2004/12/28
C/2005 C4 SOHO 1.0 0.0391 40.06 7.79 2005/02/13
C/2005 D1 SOHO 1.0 0.0468 121.76 284.06 2005/02/23
C/2007 C12 SOHO 1.0 0.0408 122.22 285.89 2007/02/09
C/2005 H7 SOHO 1.0 0.0127 73.07 354.66 2005/04/25
C/2005 M3 SOHO 1.0 0.0355 88.99 140.98 2005/06/19
C/2005 Q3 SOHO 1.0 0.0253 43.52 70.89 2005/08/30
C/2005 Q6 SOHO 1.0 0.0387 50.4 156.59 2005/08/19
C/2005 V8 SOHO 1.0 0.0266 75.64 341.92 2005/11/09
C/2006 K5 SOHO 1.0 0.0512 117.6 169.23 2006/05/23
C/2007 A7 SOHO 1.0 0.0191 144.23 284.7 2007/01/10
C/2007 C7 SOHO 1.0 0.0172 70.99 309.4 2007/02/02
C/2007 M8 SOHO 1.0 0.0478 82.04 288.26 2007/06/25
C/2007 X1 SOHO 1.0 0.0272 129.2 156.13 2007/12/03
C/2008 C3 SOHO 1.0 0.0346 158.24 30.07 2008/02/03
C/2008 E7 SOHO 1.0 0.0548 143.28 12.08 2008/03/05
323P/SOHO (P/1999 X3) SOHO 4.22 0.98173 2.610537 0.04770 6.5 322.2 2008/05/31
P/2008 Y12 SOHO 5.4 0.9787 3.07822 0.0654 23.35 312.6 2008/12/22
P/2015 D1 SOHO 11 0.9943 4.9 0.02832 69.92 95.88 2015/02/19


  1. ^ Williams, John (1871). Observations of Comets: From 611 B.C. to A.D.1640 : Extracted from the Chinese Annals. Science and Technology.
  2. ^ "JPL Small-Body Database Browser". JPL. NASA. Retrieved 19 April 2014.
  3. ^ "JPL Small-body database browser". JPL. NASA. Retrieved 3 October 2015.

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