Bieńczyce-Dłubnia Military Cemetery number 398. A single grave of an Austrian soldier which was named a 'cemetery' by the War Graves Branch K&K of the Austrian Military Commandant's Office of Kraków (German: Kriegsgräber-Abteilung K.u.K. Militär-Kommando Krakau) located in the Kraków Fortress of district XI (Twierdza Kraków) in southern Poland.[5] For several decades, the grave was located near the contemporary Makuszyński street.[6] It was removed in the mid 20th century during the construction of a major thoroughfare.
^Mirosław Łopata (2007). "Cmentarz nr 398 - Bieńczyce-Dłubnia" [Bieńczyce-Dłubnia Military Cemetery number 398]. Source: Broch Rudolf, Hauptmann Hans. Westgalizische Heldengraeber aus den Jahren des Weltkrieges 1914-1915, Wien 1918.