Since the year 1528 CE, and under the Regency of Algiers, the Constantine Province (or Constantine beylik) in Algeria was governed by a Bey appointed by the dey of Algiers, until Constantine was taken by the French Royal Army on 13 October 1837. As for the other provinces of the Regency (the beylik of Oran and the beylik of the Titteri), the bey of Constantine was the representative of the dey of Algiers and administrated the provinces in his name.
From 1528 to 1830, the province of Constantine was governed by 44 beys, the first of whom was Ramdane-Tchulak bey who reigned on the province between 1528 and 1567. The last was Ahmed Bey whose reign started in 1826. This is the list of the beys and the year their mandate begun, annotated with important facts:[1]
Chronological list
Ramdane-Tchulak bey, 1528
Djaâfer bey, 1567
Mourad bey, 1637-was remembered for the revolt of Ahmed Sakheri
Ferhat bey, 1648
Mohammed bey ben Ferbat, 1652
Redjem bey, 1667
Kheïr ed-din bey, 1673
Abdul-Rahman Dali bey, 1676
Omar ben Abd-el Ramdan, 1679
Châban bey, 1687
Ali Khoudja bey, 1692
Ahmed bey ben Ferhat, 1700
Brahim bey, 1702
Hamouda bey, 1709
Ali bey ben Hamouda, 1708
Hussein chaouch, 1709
Abd-el Rahman bey, 1710
Hosseïn Denguezli Bey, 1710
Ali bey ben Salah, 1710
Kelian Hussein bou Komia, 1713
Hussein bey bou Hanak, 1746
Hosseïn Bey (called "Zereg-Aïnou" meaning "the blue eyed"), 1753
Ahmed Bey El-Kolli, 1756, died of illness
Salah Bey, 1771–1792, born in 1725 in Smyrna in Ottoman Empire. Hassan Pasha, the dey of Algiers, ordered his assassination in 1792.
Hussein Bey ben Bousnek, 1 September 1791, son of Hassan Pasha Bousnek, assassinated.
El Asrak Aïno, 1791
Moustapha ben Sliman El-Ouznadji, February 1795 – January 1798, assassinated.
Hadj-Mustapha-Ingliz (called "the British"), January 1798 – 1803 exiled to Tunis
Osman Ben Koulougli, 1803, Killed facing Kabyles rebels
Abdallah Bey, 1804, Assassinated.
Hussein bey ben Salah, 1806, son of Salah bey the Turk. Assassinated as was his father.
Ali bey ben Youssef, August 1807. Assassinated.
Bey-Rouhou, ruled a fortnight. Assassinated.
Ahmed bey Tobbal, 1808–1811. Assassinated.
Mohammed Nàman bey, 1811–1814. Assassinated.
Mohammed Chakar bey, 1814–1818. Assassinated.
Kara Mustapha, 1818–1818, 33 days of reign. Assassinated.
Ahmed Bey El Mamelouk, 1818–1818, reigned for a month; he was named bey once again later.
Braham bey Charbi, 1 year of reign. Assassinated.
Mohammed bey Mili, 1818–1819, surnamed bou chetabia (the Machete man). 2 years of reign. Exiled to Algiers.
Ahmed bey El Mamelouk, 1820–1822. Exiled to Miliana, where he was assassinated.