List of androgens/anabolic steroids available in the United StatesThis is a complete list of androgens/anabolic steroids (AAS) and formulations that are approved by the FDA and available in the United States. AAS like testosterone are used in androgen replacement therapy (ART), a form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and for other indications. Testosterone and estersTestosterone (unmodified/non-esterified) is available in the following formulations:
Testosterone propionate (Testosterone Propionate (generic)), testosterone cypionate/estradiol cypionate (brand name Depo-Testadiol), testosterone enanthate/estradiol valerate (brand name Ditate-DS) as oil solutions for intramuscular injection were previously available but were discontinued. Androstanolone (dihydrotestosterone; DHT) and esters are not available in the United States. Anabolic steroidsOral, buccal, and/or sublingual
(Note that while the above anabolic steroids remain available in at least one formulation, many of the above-listed brand names have been discontinued.) Ethylestrenol (Maxibolin) and stanozolol (Winstrol) were previously available but were discontinued. Intramuscular injectionDrostanolone propionate (Drolban, Masteron) nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin), and nandrolone phenylpropionate (Durabolin, NPP) were previously available but were discontinued. Miscellaneous
Gestrinone and tibolone are also notable androgenic agents but have not been marketed in the United States. See also