List of Scrophulariales of Montana
Greater bladderwort, Utricularia macrorhiza
There are at least 73 members of the Scrophulariales order, Scrophulariales , found in Montana .[ 1] Some of these species are exotics (not native to Montana)[ 2] and some species have been designated as Species of Concern .[ 3]
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Desert Indian paintbrush, Castilleja angustifolia
Family: Orobanchaceae
Castilleja angustifolia , desert Indian paintbrush
Castilleja cervina , deer Indian paintbrush
Castilleja covilleana , Coville Indian paintbrush
Castilleja crista-galli , greater red Indian paintbrush
Castilleja cusickii , Cusick's Indian paintbrush
Castilleja exilis , annual Indian paintbrush
Castilleja flava , yellow Indian paintbrush
Castilleja flava var. flava , yellow Indian paintbrush
Castilleja flava var. rustica , rustic Indian paintbrush
Castilleja gracillima , slender Indian paintbrush
Castilleja hispida , harsh Indian paintbrush
Castilleja linariifolia , Wyoming Indian paintbrush
Castilleja lutescens , stiff yellowish Indian paintbrush
Castilleja miniata , greater red Indian paintbrush
Castilleja nivea , snow Indian paintbrush
Castilleja occidentalis , western Indian paintbrush
Castilleja pallescens , pallid Indian paintbrush
Castilleja pilosa , parrot-head Indian paintbrush
Castilleja pilosa var. longispica , parrot-head Indian paintbrush
Castilleja pulchella , showy Indian paintbrush
Castilleja rhexiifolia , rhexia-leaf Indian paintbrush
Castilleja sessiliflora , downy Indian paintbrush
Castilleja sulphurea , sulphur Indian paintbrush
Cordylanthus capitatus , Yakima bird's-beak
Cordylanthus ramosus , much-branded birds-beak
Euphrasia subarctica , arctic eyebright
Melampyrum lineare , American cow-wheat
Orobanche corymbosa , flat-topped broomrape
Orobanche fasciculata , clustered broomrape
Orobanche ludoviciana , Louisiana broomrape
Orobanche uniflora , one-flowered broomrape
Orthocarpus luteus , yellow owl's-clover
Orthocarpus tenuifolius , thin-leaved owl's-clover
Orthocarpus tolmiei , Tolmie's owl's-clover
Pedicularis bracteosa , bracted lousewort
Pedicularis bracteosa var. bracteosa , bracted lousewort
Pedicularis bracteosa var. canbyi , Canby's lousewort
Pedicularis bracteosa var. paysoniana , Payson's lousewort
Pedicularis contorta var. contorta , coiled lousewort
Pedicularis contorta , curve-beak lousewort
Pedicularis contorta var. ctenophora , pink coil-beaked lousewort
Pedicularis contorta var. rubicunda , Selway coil-beaked lousewort
Pedicularis crenulata , scallop-leaf lousewort
Pedicularis cystopteridifolia , fern-leaved lousewort
Pedicularis groenlandica , elephant's-head lousewort
Pedicularis oederi , Oeder's lousewort
Pedicularis parryi , Parry's lousewort
Pedicularis pulchella , mountain lousewort
Pedicularis racemosa , leafy lousewort
Rhinanthus minor , little yellow-rattle
Dwarf purple monkeyflower, Mimulus nanus
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Mimulus ampliatus , stalk-leaved monkeyflower
Mimulus breviflorus , short-flowered monkeyflower
Mimulus breweri , Brewer's monkeyflower
Mimulus clivicola , North Idaho monkeyflower
Mimulus floribundus , floriferous monkeyflower
Mimulus glabratus , roundleaf monkeyflower
Mimulus guttatus , common large monkeyflower
Mimulus hymenophyllus , thinsepal monkeyflower
Mimulus lewisii , Lewis' monkeyflower
Mimulus moschatus , muskflower
Mimulus nanus , dwarf purple monkeyflower
Mimulus primuloides , primrose monkeyflower
Mimulus ringens , square-stem monkeyflower
Mimulus suksdorfii , Suksdorf monkeyflower
Mimulus tilingii , subalpine monkeyflower
Scrophularia lanceolata , hare figwort
Verbascum blattaria , white moth mullein
Verbascum thapsus , common mullein
Green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Family: Oleaceae
Further reading
Schiemann, Donald Anthony (2005). Wildflowers of Montana . Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Publishing. ISBN 978-0-87842-504-4 .
See also
^ "Scrophulariales" . Montana Natural Heritage Project. Retrieved 2011-06-17 .
^ Exotic species have been deliberately or accidentally introduced to areas outside of their native geographic range and are able to reproduce and maintain sustainable populations in these areas. These exotic populations may also be referred to as alien, introduced, invasive, non-native, or non-indigenous. "Species Status Codes, Exotics" . Montana Natural Heritage Project. Retrieved 2011-06-17 .
^ Species of Concern are native taxa that are at-risk due to declining population trends, threats to their habitats, restricted distribution, and/or other factors. Designation as a Montana Species of Concern or Species of Concern is based on the Montana Status Rank, and is not a statutory or regulatory classification. Rather, these designations provide information that helps resource managers make proactive decisions regarding species conservation and data collection priorities. "Species Status Codes, Species of Concern" . Montana Natural Heritage Project. Retrieved 2011-06-17 .