List of Lepidoptera of Indiana
This is a list of butterflies and moths—species of the order Lepidoptera—found in the U.S. state of Indiana.
- Coral hairstreak, Satyrium titus
- Acadian hairstreak, Satyrium acadica
- Edward's hairstreak, Satyrium edwardsii
- Banded hairstreak, Satyrium calanus
- Hickory hairstreak, Satyrium caryaevorum
- Striped hairstreak, Satyrium liparops
- "Northern" oak hairstreak, Satyrium favonius ontario
- Frosted elfin, Callophrys irus
- Henry's elfin, Callophrys henrici
- Eastern pine elfin, Callophrys niphon
- "Olive" juniper hairstreak, Callophrys gryneus gryneus
- White M hairstreak, Parrhasius m-album
- Gray hairstreak, Strymon melinus
- Red-banded hairstreak, Calycopis cecrops
- Gorgone checkerspot, Chlosyne gorgone
- Silvery checkerspot, Chlosyne nycteis
- Harris's checkerspot, Chlosyne harrisii
- Pearl crescent, Phyciodes tharos
- Baltimore checkerspot, Euphydryas phaeton
- Question mark, Polygonia interrogationis
- Eastern comma, Polygonia comma
- Gray comma, Polygonia progne
- Compton tortoiseshell, Nymphalis vaualbum
- Mourning cloak, Nymphalis antiopa
- Milbert's tortoiseshell, Nymphalis milberti
- American lady, Vanessa virginiensis
- Painted lady, Vanessa cardui
- Red admiral, Vanessa atalanta
- Common buckeye, Junonia coenia
- Southern pearly-eye, Enodia portlandia
- Northern pearly-eye, Enodia anthedon
- Creole pearly-eye, Enodia creola
- Eyed brown, Satyrodes eurydice
- Appalachian brown, Satyrodes appalachia
- Gemmed satyr, Cyllopsis gemma
- Carolina satyr, Hermeuptychia sosybius
- Mitchell's satyr, Neonympha mitchellii
- Little wood-satyr, Megisto cymela
- Common wood-nymph, Cercyonis pegala
- Silver-spotted skipper, Epargyreus clarus
- Golden banded-skipper, Autochton cellus
- Hoary edge, Achalarus lyciades
- Southern cloudywing, Thorybes bathyllus
- Northern cloudywing, Thorybes pylades
- Hayhurst's scallopwing, Staphylus hayhurstii
- Dreamy duskywing, Erynnis icelus
- Sleepy duskywing, Erynnis brizo
- Juvenal's duskywing, Erynnis juvenalis
- Horace's duskywing, Erynnis horatius
- Mottled duskywing, Erynnis martialis
- Columbine duskywing, Erynnis lucilius
- Wild indigo duskywing, Erynnis baptisiae
- Persius duskywing, Erynnis persius
- Common checkered-skipper, Pyrgus communis
- Common sootywing, Pholisora catullus
- Swarthy skipper, Nastra lherminier
- Least skipper, Ancyloxypha numitor
- European skipper, Thymelicus lineola
- Fiery skipper, Hylephila phyleus
- Ottoe skipper, Hesperia ottoe
- Leonard's skipper, Hesperia leonardus
- Cobweb skipper, Hesperia metea
- Indian skipper, Hesperia sassacus
- Peck's skipper, Polites peckius
- Tawny-edged skipper, Polites themistocles
- Crossline skipper, Polites origenes
- Long dash, Polites mystic
- Northern broken dash, Wallengrenia egeremet
- Little glassywing, Pompeius verna
- Sachem, Atalopedes campestris
- Delaware skipper, Anatrytone logan
- Byssus skipper, Problema byssus
- Mulberry wing, Poanes massasoit
- Hobomok skipper, Poanes hobomok
- Zabulon skipper, Poanes zabulon
- Yehl skipper, Poanes yehl
- Broad-winged skipper, Poanes viator
- Dion skipper, Euphyes dion
- Duke's skipper, Euphyes dukesi
- Black dash, Euphyes conspicua
- Two-spotted skipper, Euphyes bimacula
- Dun skipper, Euphyes vestris
- Dusted skipper, Atrytonopsis hianna
- Pepper and salt skipper, Amblyscirtes hegon
- Lace-winged roadside-skipper, Amblyscirtes aesculapius
- Common roadside-skipper, Amblyscirtes vialis
- Bell's roadside-skipper, Amblyscirtes belli
- Mother underwing, Catocala parta
- Clinton's underwing, Catocala clintonii
- Sweetheart underwing, Catocala amatrix
- Darling underwing, Catocala cara
- Clouded underwing, Catocala nebulosa
- Little lined underwing, Catocala lineella
- Woody underwing, Catocala grynea
- Widow underwing, Catocala vidua
- Penitent underwing, Catocala piatrix
- The betrothed, Catocala innubens
- The bride, Catocala neogama
- Youthful underwing, Catocala subnata
- Ultronia underwing, Catocala ultronia
- Oldwife underwing, Catocala palaeogama
- Charming underwing, Catocala blandula
- White underwing, Catocala relicta
- Lunate zale, Zale lunata
- Locust underwing, Euparthenos nubilis
- Jim P. Brock and Kenn Kaufman (2003). Butterflies of North America. Houghton Mifflin, New York, NY. ISBN 0-618-15312-8
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