Since the development of the university sector in Hong Kong (The University of Hong Kong 1887) a small number of Vice-Chancellors (President, Director) have served for 15 years or more. They include:
16 years: Poon Chung-kwong GBS OBE(Hong Kong Polytechnic 1991-2008);
15 years: Sir Lindsay Ride CBE (Hong Kong 1949-64), Li Choh-ming KBE (Chinese University of Hong Kong 1963-78), Henry Hu (Hong Kong Shue Yan 2007-ff), Way Kuo (City 2008-23).
All publicly funded universities (i.e. funded by the University Grants Committee) in Hong Kong has the Chief Executive as the chancellor (*). The Chief Executive is also the president of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and chancellor of The Open University of Hong Kong.
The current list of vice-chancellors and presidents of universities and degree-awarding tertiary institutions in Hong Kong is:
- President of the City University of Hong Kong (Kuo Way, JP)
- President and Vice-Chancellor of the Hong Kong Baptist University (Roland T Chin, BBS, JP)[needs update]
- President of the Lingnan University (Leonard Cheng, BBS, JP)
- Vice-Chancellor/President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Rocky Tuan, SBS, JP)
- President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Timothy W Tong, JP)[needs update]
- President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Tony F Chan, JP)[needs update]
- Vice-Chancellor and President the University of Hong Kong (Xiang Zhang)
- President of the Open University of Hong Kong[needs update] (Wong Yuk-shan, BBS, JP)
- President of the Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Henry Hu)
- President of the Chu Hai College of Higher Education (Chen Zhi)
- President of The Hong Kong Institute of Education * (Anthony Cheung, GBS, JP)[needs update]
- President of the Caritas Francis Hsu College (Dr Kim Mak)
- Director of The Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts (Adrian Walter)[needs update]
See also