Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids is a British animated series based on the generic trademarked book series of the same name by Jamie Rix. After the first four books were published from 1990 to 2001, Carlton Television adapted the short stories into ten-minute cartoons for ITV, produced by themselves, Honeycomb Productions, and Rix's production company, Elephant Productions, as well as Grizzly TV. It aired on CITV between January 2000 and October 2007 with six series and 78 episodes, as well as a New Year's Eve special that was over 20 minutes longer than other episodes. The series returned in a new format for NickToons UK with 26 episodes split into two series under the name Grizzly Tales (also known as Grizzly Tales: Cautionary Tales for Lovers of Squeam!), which aired between May 2011 and November 2012.
Both versions of the series have been nominated for BAFTAs and the CITV series has received numerous international awards from animated film festivals. Both have been popular on their respective channels; the CITV series has often been re-aired on Nickelodeon with the Nicktoons series. The CITV cartoon was available for purchase on DVD in the UK and Northern Ireland, as well as Porchlight Entertainment in North America[1] and Time Life's Shock Records in Australia and New Zealand.[2] The Nickelodeon cartoon was later released on DVD through the same respective companies, however, it was released in the UK and Northern Ireland with Abbey Home Media.[3]
Series overview
The following dates included are borrowed from the TV Episode Calendar,[4][a], and the official Grizzly Tales/Honeycomb Productions website.[8]
The confrontation between the parents and the alligator isn't shown.
Mrs. Frightfully-Busy telephones an animalnanny agency to hire a nanny to look after her secretly-scheming children, Tristram and Candy.
"The Spaghetti Man"
The Spaghetti Man
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
11 January 2000 (2000-01-11)
Some of Timothy's vandalism when he is home alone are not included in the episode. Timothy does not react to the Spaghetti Man's first attack and continues behaving badly, possibly to avoid being captured by him.
Timothy King throws violent tantrums at mealtimes and is visited by an invisible, flour-smelling force with uncooked spaghetti fingers.
Joleyon is terrified when he spots a shadow outside his bedroomwindow. His grandmother decides to calm him down with a story, which suspiciously relates to current events.
The chocolate company's boardroom scene is not included, possibly to shorten the time length of the episode.
Serena Slurp is a chocoholic who blackmails her little sister into becoming her slave when she catches her sibling accidentally breaking their mother's fly swatter.
"The Wooden Hill"
The Wooden Hill
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
31 January 2000 (2000-01-31)
A piece of chicken is shown in the cartoon, possibly because the 3rd-degree burns would be too graphic.
Irritated with her son's restless behaviour, Jack's mother agrees to read him a story, but the book is in a room at the top of the stairs in the dark corridor.
"A Tangled Web"
A Tangled Web
Ghostly Tales for Ghastly Kids
7 February 2000 (2000-02-07)
Nigel's mother isn't seen kissing her son goodnight. The window is open in the cartoon, but it's closed in the book.
Nigel abusesspiders to become "Black Widow Nigel", but one pregnant spider named Ariadne is avenged by the ghosts of her babies that wrap their webs around in his chest. When his parents became annoyed with his facial tics, he promised not to open his mouth again.
"The Princess's Clothes"
The Princess's Clothes
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
14 February 2000 (2000-02-14)
The scenes of Felicity being at school aren't shown, possibly to shorten the time length of the episode.
Felicity is a child who loves being spoiled by her father and is forced to wear "horrible" clothes that her mother has bought from a travelling saleslady named Mrs. Shears. But at night, she's secretly a witch who uses magicscissors to cut Felicity's fancy outfits and also change her ways.
Ghostly Tales for Ghastly Kids
21 February 2000 (2000-02-21)
Oswald O'Berger is a cowboy, rather than a clown. Seamus's name has been changed to Oswald O'Burger.
Tanya's full name is not included (i.e. Tanya Wilson). The Barber does not lick a haircut utensil, due to the scene being removed for being graphic.
Tanya and Peregrine are the rudest children in their school, which attracts the attention of a popular local barber.
"The Chipper Chums Go Scrumping"
The Chipper Chums Go Scrumping
Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids
6 March 2000 (2000-03-06)
Aunt Fanny, Uncle Herbert, Sam's mother, Ginger and Alice's mother, and Dick Stick's mother do not appear in the episode. In the episode, Stinker survives a gunshot to one of his legs.
Best friends Algy and Col visit Algy's extended family in Kent with Algy's pet dog, Stinker, in search of a summer adventure. They go on a picnic with three of the neighborhood kids (Ginger and sister Alice, and Sam) and agree to scrump from a nearby apple orchard, owned by a shotgun-wielding, cider-making farmer.
"The History Lesson"
A Lesson From History
Ghostly Tales for Ghastly Kids
13 March 2000 (2000-03-13)
The title is changed. Eliza's name is changed to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth McGregor panics during a history exam because she had no desire to prepare for it. The ghost of a schoolgirl named Penny approaches her to keep her company.
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
20 March 2000 (2000-03-20)
Thomas says gumboils instead of sticks of rock, different from the book.
Thomas Ratchet embarrasses his mother when he misbehaves in supermarkets. After being banned from yet another supermarket, Thomas runs away until he stops by an old-fashioned sweet shop. When he's turned into a shop dummy, his conscience gets the better of him.
"Dr. Moribundus"
Doctor Moribundus
Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids
27 March 2000 (2000-03-27)
The doctor's operation is not shown onscreen, due to it being graphic.
To punish Jack for annoying people he knows, Mr. Twig-tailor seals him in a magic wooden box in the episode. In the original story, Mr. Frankenstein decapitates him with a large axe.
The Honourable Jack Delaunay de Havilland De Trop annoys his parents because he constantly interrupts other people's private conversations. As a result, a popular ventriloquist named Mr. Twig-tailor gives him a taste of his own medicine by turning him into a dummy with a magic box.
In the book, Herbert is addicted to cola, but the episode doesn't mention it.
Herbert Hinckley is a television addict who literally gets stuck inside his television and must find a way out. Otherwise, he will turn into a crisp. When his parents finally found him, they put him in a fridge and a plastic container.
Note: An episode and characters from Wolves, Witches and Giants make a few brief appearances in this episode.
Fedora does not go to school in this episode. The original story featured her con-woman antics. Tiddles is not hit by a car because it was too violent for the cartoon. Her corpse lands in front of Fedora instead. The £10 reward is changed to a £5,000 reward. The title has been changed.
Successful con-artist Fedora Funklefink spots a poster for a missing cat and tries any scam she can think of to get the £10 reward as well as the £5,000 reward. When she finds the real cat flattened on the ground due to a fall, she turns it into a puppet and finally gets her treasure. After finding a poster about a missing tiger named Tiggor, she's gobbled up by him until a ringmaster from a downtown circus arrives just in time.
Alexander's father threatens that Mr. Peeler will appear if he doesn't go to sleep. In the original story, both parents went into his bedroom after receiving a visit from him. In the episode, they've already fallen asleep when Mr. Peeler was about to appear in Alexander's bedroom. Mr. Peeler doesn't mention his name either.
The eyelid removal scene is removed due to it being disturbing.
Alexander hates going to bed and torments his parents so that he can grab a few extra seconds, but a magical old man will take him on that offer.
In the book, the elephant calf has severe bleeding due to the amputation. In the cartoon, the wound is fully healed. Belinda and her brother aren't seen wishing about not having a bath before bed and going to school. The cartoon doesn't mention the parents filing for a divorce.
Belinda and Percy Crumpdump wanted an elephant, so their father had one trophy-hunted and brought back the foot of a calf instead. To get the finer things in life, Percy and his sister remove the objects from the foot while making a wish. But when the elephant calf tried to escape from the house, it accidentally lost its balance and fell down the staircase, crushing both kids to death and turning them into ghosts. Unfortunately, it was also turned into a ghost due to the incident.
In the original story, the Childhood Snatcher was an elderly man with a black hooded cloak. In the episode, he retains the same appearance but is a witch-like entity. The first argument between Betty and Amos isn't shown.
Amos Stirling wants to become famous so when his daughter is born, he prepares her for fame. However, this secretly attracts an old man, known as the Childhood Snatcher, who visits Amos's daughter the night before each birthday and removes her hair. When Betty finds her daughter being turned into a pale old lady, she's understandably furious at her husband.
In the book, Hugh is a married man. In the cartoon, he's the son of a single mother.
Huge Hugh the giant wakes up and finds himself constantly growing due to not having enough space. When a satellite's spikes pierce one of the acid spots on his tongue, he's shrunken to the size of a mouse and asked a snail if he can use his shell as shelter. The snail simply refused and knocked him down to the wet soil in the rain.
The school P.E. kit belonged to Jim Spectre, instead of A. Phantom. The final tag is on the front of Terry's neck.
Terry Blotch envies a schoolmate's popularity, which turns him into a kleptomaniac. When tags appeared on his body, he confesses to the theft and never stole anything again.
Bunty communicates through body language in the episode, while she speaks full sentences in the book. The confrontation between Colonel Buffy and Bunty isn't shown.
Johnny is reduced to a pile of ashes by the lightning. In the cartoon, Johnny appears as a well-built young adult, different from his counterpart in the book, but retains the same attitude.
School bully Johnny Bullneck has a new target: an overweight, bespectacled boy named Timothy with a trumpet case. However, when a cricket game goes awry, Mother Nature decides to turn the tables when a flash of lightning turns him into dust. Miraculously, this particular force of nature saved Timothy's life. And thus, the students of the school lived in harmony once again as they sang a song about Johnny Bullneck.
Augustus's grandfather isn't mentioned in the cartoon.
Augustus Flich ran away from home and moves into a cottage with a boy named Arthur in the middle of a creepy countryside. Due to boredom, they decide to prank call the emergency services. When Augustus's parents find him in the burnt cottage, he explains that a fire turned him into a ghost, similar to Arthur.
Willard melted completely instead of the skin shedding. In the episode, the skin-shedding process was removed due to the scene being graphic.
In order to impress his "fans", Willard claims that he stole the sun and has it hidden at home, but a girl in the audience dares him to prove it. Instead of telling the truth, he chose to spin a web of lies, only to learn that it would be his ruination. And that is how the sunlight turned Willard into a small puddle of water in his bedroom.
Series 3 (2002-2003)
Despite the second half being aired in 2003, all episodes were produced in 2002.
Ethel is not rescued from an overeating accident, due to her father fetching some indigestion tablets for the 2nd stomach.
A gluttonous girl named Ethel Turnip asks for another stomach to continue eating, but when she gets bored and mistreats it, it plots its revenge by spraying deadly acids across the town in order to make her pay. By the time Ethel's father tried to save her, it was too late. The stomach named Rover spat out one of her shoes, much to her parents shock.
Milo's sister Eliza (nicknamed "Lizzy the Lizard", because of her lisp) does not appear, implying that Milo is an only child. Ginger's character model in the cartoon looks different from his description in the story (e.g. tall and overweight.) Mr Thripps is never referred to as a retired entomologist, possibly to keep the details private.
The residents of Nimby resent the eldest resident, Mr. Thripps, because of his unattractive garden full of insects. His neighbor, Ginger Pie, and his friend Milo decide to scare him out of town through malicious pranks, including Knock Down Ginger. When Ginger returned home after failing the prank, he pressed a doorbell which allowed a group of termites to give him his just desserts. Thus, they slept peacefully while Ginger's family home collapsed when his mother slammed the front door.
The daughter's name is changed from Rosie to Isabel.
A deaf couple named Matt and Jodie from New Zealand buy a house with a haunted room. It attracts their young daughter, Isabel, who is the only one who can hear the room's strange noises. When she opened the door in a state of curiosity, she found an old man who explained why he'd been locked in the room for a long time. He said that he wanted revenge on the perpetrator who left him to die from starvation. As they were having cake together, the 115-year-old man vanished and continued his quest for vengeance elsewhere.
In the episode, both parents eat Simon when they've had enough of his sulking after turning into trolls. In the story, one of the trolls decapitated him to shut him up. The housefire scene isn't shown.
A moody boy named Simon barricades himself in his room to avoid moving to a new town when he gets in a sulk, unaware of Icelandictrolls out to get him. When he opened his bedroom door, he thought it was an act at first, until his parents transformed into trolls and ate him before moving to another house.
The children of the fox-hunting couple do not exist in the original story. Their "parents" are the original antagonists. There is no mention of the property damage bill that the council sent to the hunting couple after they left in disgrace.
An upper-middle-class family move into a council estate and their children confront the new neighbours when they spot a fox named Elvis in their garden. It is actually the neighbours' pet, but the children insist that they should surrender the fox but when the neighbours refuse, the children decide to hunt it down. But the kids' efforts didn't work, so they hide in the sewers to avoid being caught by the police, while Elvis and his owner lived happily ever after.
In the cartoon, the saliva is a yellowish-green colour. In one scene of the episode, Hannibal bites the headmistress's leg before he gets kicked out of school.
A boy named Hannibal whose biting habit brings him to an early demise when a bug exterminator is called into town. Even his own parents lived in fear of their own son, which isn't uncommon.
The Tooth Fairy exacts her revenge on a Girl who insists on telling lies and ruining the magic around her younger brother, Baby. When she's invited to her castle, Girl's fate is sealed when a bacterial liquid consumes her body and reduces her to rancid brown sludge. Meanwhile, her little brother is finally safe from her verbally abusive behaviour.
In the book, Donald's mother pulls the dummy out with a monkey wrench. In the cartoon, she pulls it out with one of her hands.
A youngster named Donald learns the hard way that constant thumb-sucking is not only a quick way to lose friends, but a shortcut to disaster. As the Pie Man visits the house that night, he tries to stop Donald from sucking his thumbs all the time but got frustrated after a few attempts. When that didn't work, he decided to put him in a pie before riding off on a bicycle to escape.
An inattentive boy named Brian spends all his time daydreaming until a day when he (literally) loses his head. When he asks a mechanic to stitch it back on, he discovers that there's clouds in his head instead of being on the outside. His head was sealed into a box as privacy and protection, much to his parents confusion. But the key and ticket fell accidentally into a crooked board in the floor of the Body Shop.
A dirty boy named Bertie refuses to be clean and presentable. After his parents fail numerous times to make him turn his unhygienic life around, an alien crash-lands in the garden, who mistakes him for an astronaut due to his bad hygiene. Once Bertie was sent away to marry an ugly mistress, the alien had finally found shelter and got away from his captors after he accidentally kissed her.
A girl named Gwendolyn "Weepy Wen" Howling who uses tears to get her way attracts the attention of an angry crocodile. When a small duckling warns her about it, Wen became ignorant and smacked it, killing it instantly until the same reptilian seals her fate by swallowing her whole, much to her parents dismay.
In the cartoon, the man lets Daffyd live instead of beating him unconscious with his gun. He returns home with a thumb on one of his hands in the book. The man's appearance isn't shown in the cartoon, possibly to keep his identity private. In the book, Daffyd has a deformed thumb, possibly due to a condition or an injury.
A boy named Daffyd Thomas who is never able to keep his fingers to himself decides to order pizza from an Italian restaurant he has never heard of, only to have his fingers on both hands amputated by the kidnapper during a scam. Secretly, his parents were rather pleased.
Series 4 (2004-2005)
Despite being first aired in 2004, the original 14 episodes were produced in 2002.
Dee enjoys picking her nose but her addiction pulls out The Bogeyman, who teaches her the hard way that bogeys have feelings too. Today, she scratches her ears but is about to meet the Wax Woman who will teach her the same lesson if she pulls her out.
Bruce is a violent sore loser whose vengeful antics get him expelled from school and eaten by rattlesnakes as punishment for his false bravado, which is what happened after he insulted his younger sister, Kitty.
The People Potter's real name isn't mentioned in the episode.
A clumsy and destructive schoolgirl is petrified solid once the statue broke, revealing the People Potter in it after she found a button for her cardigan in her home, which was smashed and broken by her clumsiness. Surprisingly, she managed to keep the vase intact while her parents were out of the house.
"The Gas Man Cometh"
The Gas Man Cometh
More Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
16 April 2004 (2004-04-16)
Stefan's surname isn't mentioned in the cartoon.
A practical joker pays the price for making repeated hoax phone calls and spends the rest of his days in space, wishing he hadn't been such a gasbag after meeting the Gas Man who puts a stop to his unfunny prank calls by using helium to send him into the galaxy.
In the book, Helen throws a comic book to her father. In the cartoon, her brother throws the comic book to stop Bogman from completing his revenge.
A lazy girl who prefers sitting on the toilet reading comics to helping with the washing-up is approached by the bog body of a violent Stone Age man who is looking for his killers. When her family went into the bathroom, he tries to end the pain by attacking them until his vengeful vendetta came to an end after being hit by a spear. A few weeks later, she cleaned the house up by throwing the peat away by using a bucket.
Bill doesn't say Bugs Bunny's catchphrase in the cartoon.
A boy named Bill who won't eat his greens has a nasty accident involving a combine harvester and a rabbit. After a long stay in the hospital, he and Tubs were combined into a bunny-like hybrid who does what his mother had always wanted, but he still had parts of the bicycle in his body after the incident.
"Bessy O'Messy"
Bessy O'Messy
Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids
2004 (2004)
An untidy girl is taken by leprechauns to be their housekeeper. After refusing to be their housekeeper, much to Bessy’s horror, they reveal that they are meat-eaters with retractable claws. Miraculously, her polite brother saves her by using a washing machine to wash the leprechauns away. She starts to change for the better and decides to help her brother, which turned out to be a very tough task for a kid to do because of sibling rivalry.
"Goblin Mountain"
Goblin Mountain
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
2004 (2004)
A boy with no respect for literature is buried alive by goblins intent on turning him into a tree, and then become a book as a way of punishing him. It turned out to be a dream, and he promised not to rip them apart again, only to be turned into a tree the next day as punishment by the Goblins and the judge when they found him guilty.
"Superstitious Nonsense"
Superstitious Nonsense
More Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
2004 (2004)
Her name was Pylon in the story. In the episode, it's changed to Araminta Jane.
A superstitious girl meets an untimely end in a way she could never have predicted.
"Athlete's Foot"
Athlete's Foot
Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids
2004 (2004)
Anthony isn't shown being turned into a pile of ashes by the bomb, due to the scene being graphic.
A pair of ordinary-seeming running shoes hide a sinister secret. Once the race was over, the truth had been revealed by an old man named Tommy Knock.
"The Stick Men"
The Stick Men
Fearsome Tales for Fiendish Kids
2004 (2004)
A friendless youngster's drawings come to life and take him into their world, only to become a permanent resident when his unloving, uncaring, care more about work parents splash the drawings away with a bucket of water. Today, he lives happily ever after in the new world of his drawings while his parents get exactly what they deserve.
"The Grass Monkey"
The Grass Monkey
More Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
2004 (2004)
A poor boy falls in love with a girl who cares more for her hair than for him. When his "girlfriend" ate the magic seeds, her hair turned into grass which allowed an anorexic cow to make a full recovery. After the accident, he and his single mother became Millionaires and had their lives changing for the better.
"The Top Hat"
The Top Hat
Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids
2004 (2004)
Benjamin says he has scorpions in the cartoon. In the book, he pretends to have pet spiders and worms. The magician has a young son.
A boy abuses the power of a magic hat after losing his previous hat but is taught a lesson when the object's gloved hand grabs him and refuses to let him go. In the hat, he tried to apologize for his behavior but the damage was already done when the magician tried to bring him back from it.
"The Decomposition of Delia Dethabridge"
The Decomposition of Delia Dethabridge
More Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
2004 (2004)
In the book, Gormless is a troll. In the cartoon, he's a gremlin. He later leaves to write a book that's based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica. In the animated episode, Delia works at a cheesecake factory.
A careless and narcissistic girl, who refuses to do schoolwork by the thought that she's a genius, regrets leaving a story-book unread and unfinished when the character comes to life. With a lack of knowledge, she's sent to a cheesecake factory where she smells the meals to see if they're not cooked properly.
This is the last episode to have Uncle Grizzly and Spindleshanks play around at the start and end of each episode.
"A Grizzly New Year's Tale: The Crystal Eye"
The Crystal Eye
Blubbers and Sicksters
31 December 2004 (2004-12-31)
A spoiled brat is given a chance to redeem himself and be good like his twin brother by his altruistic reflection in a magic mirror, which was given to him by a Romani gypsy but is ultimately unable to control his selfishness and narcissism to the point it becomes his downfall.
NOTES: This is the first episode to rely on Flash Animation, which the series started to do from this point on and onwards.
Also from this point, Uncle Grizzly and Spindleshanks (in which he also became absent from this point) no longer goof around. Grizzly just starts the film straight after the kid eats whatever is in the popcorn box and a story will often jump straight to the credits after it ends. However, some episodes after that will occasionally show clips of Grizzly laughing during or at the end of an episode.
This is the last episode to use the original theme song and the first episode to use the new one (which plays at the part where Grizzly takes out a film reel and at the end credits).
A mistreated teddy bear named Cutie gets revenge on his owner, Emily Stiff, turning her into a toy that gets subjected to the same abuse from another girl.
The book mentions Gilbert's full name, but the cartoon doesn't.
A money-hungry boy named Gilbert Patrick uses bribed money to try and outperform other pupils' success. When a bike is stolen from the butcher's grandson, the tables are turned instantly.
The name of Monty's little sister isn't mentioned in the cartoon.
A teenage boy named Monty gets a python named SisterEater to terrorise his younger sister, only to end up making life worse for himself by feeding the python too many live animals.
A girl named Savannah Slumberson who loves lazing around is forced to go on a family holiday to a summer camp where her lie-ins aren't tolerated, and something strange happens to her sleeping bag.
A boy named Garth MacQueen acts like a baby to take attention away from his Newborn sister Moira but attracts wolves who seek revenge over an ancestor of his centuries ago: Eagan MacQueen. Some people believe that the wolves raised Garth like one of their pups, while others think he's eaten alive by the pack. His fate remains a mystery to this day.
The evil personality of a two-faced fairy uses enchanted vanishing cream to steal the face of an insecure youngster named Holly Hotlips for herself and give her an ugly one in return.
A boy named William, who breaks all the conker trees and steals all their conkers to win a competition, is devoured by a large conker sent to him by a vengeful, red-fingered hermit gardener.
A popular girl named Poppy uses the camera in her new mobile phone to blackmail kids in her school and family members, but the angry father of one of her victims warns her of playing with photography. When she discovered herself in her photographs, the Soul Stealer literally stole her soul as punishment for her unfunny pranks.
Series 6 (2006)
No. overall
No. in series
Story title
Book origin
Creatures in the Popcorn Bucket
Original air date
"Jamie's School Dinners"
Jamie's School Dinners
Gruesome Grown Ups
20 September 2006 (2006-09-20)
Jamie is too busy to visit his friend's house.
A boy named Jamie is exempted from his school's healthy eating policy and eats nothing but junk food given to him by the witch Ambrosine, who later turns him into chicken nuggets.
Freaks of Nature
20 September 2006 (2006-09-20)
A selfish and wasteful girl named Scabby who contributes nothing to the human race, learns a grim lesson in recycling when a large robot visits her house by using his teleporting abilities.
A family of burglars are excited when a boy named Billy Burglar is born. Later, the parents teach their new daughter how to be a burglar just like them, while their son serves time in prison.
Two selfish sisters named Kitty and Winnie Camel, who are wasteful with water, are turned into watermelons to quench their dehydrated classmates' thirst.
A computer addict named Eric is stripped of all his unnecessary body parts to live happily ever after in cyberspace, only for his luck to run out when the computer is attacked by a virus.
Title change. The main family is renamed the Klutzes instead of the Clucks The con-man refers to his father as the "Almighty Wishbringer in the Sky" as opposed to God. Mr. Pojo is renamed Mr. Scoffman.
A cowboy-like con-man arrives at a town whose residents named the Klutzes believe everything they are told, and promises them untold gifts, for doing tasks that end up with all the villagers (save for the only sensible person Mr. Skoffman) being inescapably eaten by his cyclops-like father.
In the book, Jumbo speaks with a mock French accent, indicating that he might be from Paris, France. In the cartoon, he speaks in a British accent because not all accents are easy.
A fashion victim named Jumbo Ferrari hears of a new suit and wants to buy it but is in for a nasty surprise.
"Big Head"
Big Head
The "Me!" Monsters
18 October 2006 (2006-10-18)
A football mascot named Samuel "Sammy" Slitherall is overly smug about being picked for the job. As a result, he steals his father's money and credit card to buy the finer things in life. When he started thinking that he was a celebrity, a medicine practitioner named Dr. Chu rids his delusions of grandeur with a special face wrap, which made Sammy's head shrink to the size of a honeybee.
"The Piranha Sisters"
The Piranha Sisters
Blubbers and Sicksters
19 October 2006 (2006-10-19)
An older girl named Dorothy May whose pranks lead to her naive little sister Petie getting suspended from school, but Dorothy May is not finished yet. When a ghost-like skeleton warns her about not stopping her humourless jokes, she's turned into a skeleton when a group of hungry piranhas decides to teach her a lesson.
A boy named Tom whose lack of punctuality is put to the test when the world is due to end the next day. He survives, but 1 hour later, his luck runs out as does his time.
Series 7 (2011)
All 13 episodes were produced in 2010.
No. overall
No. in series
Story title
Book origin
Original air date
The Gnaughty Gnomes of "NO!"
The title is changed.
2 May 2011 (2011-05-02)
Gilbert Sparrow is a fussy eater who is given a grim lesson by a mysterious fellow.
"Sick to Death"
Sick to Death
The Gnaughty Gnomes of "NO!"
2 May 2011 (2011-05-02)
In the early 1950s, Victoria Spew is a girl who constantly vomits to get what she wants but meets her match in a magic vacuum cleaner.
"The Ugly Prince"
The Ugly Prince
The "Me!" Monsters
3 May 2011 (2011-05-03)
Prince Spencer is a spoilt, tantrum-prone boy who is turned ugly for crossing his fairy godmother.
"Hear No Weevil See No Weevil"
Hear No Weevil See No Weevil
Freaks of Nature
3 May 2011 (2011-05-03)
Broccoli Brassica is a girl who is obsessed with size but is visited by mysterious insects.
"The Rise and Fall of the Evil Guff"
The Rise and Fall of the Evil Guff
4 May 2011 (2011-05-04)
Bart Thumper is a boy who uses his stinky farts as weapons to get his way.
"Cat's Eyes"
Cat's Eyes
Blubbers and Sicksters
Cat has 7 siblings in the book. In the episode, she has 4.
4 May 2011 (2011-05-04)
Cat Clore is a mean older girl who tries to coerce her siblings into doing her wishes but meets a gruesome end.
"Message in a Bottle"
Message in a Bottle
The Gnaughty Gnomes of "NO!"
5 May 2011 (2011-05-05)
Popering Partridge is a boy who hates his father's job, but soon finds himself in a sticky situation.
"Little Angel"
Little Angel
Her name in the story was Lisa, but her name is changed to Eliza in the episode.
5 May 2011 (2011-05-05)
Eliza Toadley is a dishonest girl who cheats in games, and pins the blame on her brother Wycombe, but is turned into a stone statue by a gargoyle.
"The Dragon Moth"
The Dragon Moth
The Gnaughty Gnomes of "NO!"
6 May 2011 (2011-05-06)
Josiah Reeks is a boy who never obeys signs but is tricked into paying a visit to a giant monster at a lighthouse.
"The Long Face"
The Long Face
The Gnaughty Gnomes of "NO!"
The decapitation scene is cut due to it being graphic.
6 May 2011 (2011-05-06)
The Headless Horseman pays a visit to Petty Gambrel-Fetlock, a moody and jealous girl who is constantly sulking to get her way and have what her rival has got.
"Kingdom of Wax"
The Kingdom of Wax
The "Me!" Monsters
The boy of the story's name is changed from Nebuchadnezzar to Nathaniel and a lot of religious references (as well as Nebuchadnezzar's sister Ruth) were cut out of the cartoon episode.
9 May 2011 (2011-05-09)
Nathaniel is a boy with a desperation to attract girls which brings him to an early grave.
"The Spelling Bee"
The Death Rattle
Terror Time Toys
The creators changed the name to something more suitable for the episode.
9 May 2011 (2011-05-09)
Purnellopy Underblanket is an obstinate girl who thinks she is a marvellous speller but attracts a swarm of bees.
"The Flat Pack Kid"
The Flat Pack Kid
10 May 2011 (2011-05-10)
Humpty Egg is a boy who constantly takes things apart (and never puts them back together) and is reduced to a pile of components.
Series 8 (2011-2012)
Despite the episodes being aired in 2011 and 2012, all 13 episodes were produced in 2010.
No. overall
No. in series
Story title
Book origin
Original air date
"The Blood Doctor"
The Blood Doctor
The "Me!" Monsters
5 September 2011 (2011-09-05)
Georgina "George" Sutcliffe is a beauty queen who is obsessed with winning. When she shares bad blood with some of the other beauty queens, she is visited by an unusual doctor.
"The Hair Fairies"
The Hair Fairies
Blubbers and Sicksters
His name was Hemp Sock, and his sister Moonunit was named Moonbuggy. In the episode, he's named Peacebiscuit.
6 September 2011 (2011-09-06)
Peacebiscuit is a boy whose jealousy over his sister’s hair lands him in trouble with mysterious fairies.
"The Apostrophic Expositor"
The Apostrophic Expositor
The "Me!" Monsters
B.S Brogan was in the story as a boy, but he's changed to a girl in the episode.
7 September 2011 (2011-09-07)
B.S Brogan is a chatterbox who learns a grim lesson in speech when she's visited by a mysterious man.
"Nerves of Steel"
Fatal Attraction
The title is changed.
8 September 2011 (2011-09-08)
Charlie Chicken is a pathological liar who is made attractive to metal.
"The Worm"
The Worm
9 September 2011 (2011-09-09)
Eustace Colon, a boy who uses worms to torment his sister Evie, meets a gruesome end after he ingests a tapeworm, causing him to turn into a worm which makes him an easy meal for birds.
"Lazy Bones"
The Gnaughty Gnomes of "NO!"
10 September 2011 (2011-09-10)
Ida Lydon is a lazy girl who is literally stripped of her bones by the Boneshaker.
"Frank Einstein's Monster"
Frank Einstein's Monster
Freaks of Nature
In the book, Frank was put on a bonfire. In the episode, he's saved and promises himself not to play with fireworks again.
29 October 2012 (2012-10-29)
Frank Einstein is a pyromaniac who enters a competition in order to be able to have as much fun with fire as he likes. But his new creation quickly turns against him and decides to teach him a lesson.
"Nails in Her Coffin"
Nails in Her Coffin
The Book of Grizzly Tales
29 October 2012 (2012-10-29)
Griselda Grim is a cruel girl who adopts a cat-like personality, but soon meets the same end as her deceased cat.
"The Undertaker"
The Undertaker
The Book of Grizzly Tales
30 October 2012 (2012-10-30)
Gulab Gobby, a boy who constantly talks, loses his body and catches a cold.
"The Little Flower Girl"
The Little Flower Girl
30 October 2012 (2012-10-30)
Petal Stalewater, a girl who steals flowers to make people admire her, is literally turned into a flower after taking the Black Angel away and mistrusting a little flower-like robot.
"The Wrap Man"
The Wrap Man
The Book of Grizzly Tales
31 October 2012 (2012-10-31)
Carlton, a boy who never sends thank-you letters, is shipped to his great-aunt Wilma by the Wrap Man to thank her personally.
"Old McDonald's Farm"
Old McDonald's Farm
The Book of Grizzly Tales
1 November 2012 (2012-11-01)
Angela Asbrew, a girl with no respect for old people is dispatched after being turned into a chicken.
"The Nuclear Wart"
The Nuclear Wart
Blubbers and Sicksters
The brothers were named Jim and Terry in the cartoon instead of Tom and Jerry, most likely due to the American cartoon of the same name.
2 November 2012 (2012-11-02)
The Ganglion brothers, Jim and Terry, cause the world to be destroyed when the negative energy of their constant fighting manifests as a wart. As a result, the wart uses its roots to put good energy into the citizens of every town.
^Many websites vary on the date of the airing: e.g. Amazon Prime USA lists "Jamie's School Dinners" as airing on 1 May 2010,[5] but TV Episode Calendar lists it as airing on 18 September 2007. TV Episode Calendar is more accurate because the first and last episode of the first series are identical to the dates that Honeycomb Productions have.[6][7]
^"The first Gruesome Kids". Blogspot. 2 March 2011. Retrieved 10 November 2019. First appearance in print "Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids" by Jamie Rix, Published by Andre Deutsch 1990. First TV appearance, 4th January 2000.
^"More Grizzly Tales this Autumn". Blogspot. 29 May 2012. Retrieved 11 November 2019. NickToons is to air Grizzly Tales series 8 part 2, this autumn.
^ abKidscreen Staff (1 May 1999). "Up Next". Kidscreen. ITV set to air the series starting in January 2000. Carlton is handling distribution and will offer the series in both 26 x 10-minute and 13 x 25-minute formats.