List of Great Britain by-elections (1774–1790)

This is a list of parliamentary by-elections in Great Britain held between 1774 and 1790, with the names of the previous incumbent and the victor in the by-election.

In the absence of a comprehensive and reliable source, for party and factional alignments in this period, no attempt is made to define them in this article. The House of Commons: 1754-1790 provides some guidance to the complex and shifting political relationships, but it is significant that the compilers of that work make no attempt to produce a definitive list of each members allegiances.


See Resignation from the British House of Commons for more details.

Where the cause of by-election is given as "resignation", this indicates that the incumbent was appointed on his own request to an "office of profit under the Crown". Offices used, in this period, were the Stewards of the Chiltern Hundreds, the Manor of Old Shorehamor the Manor of East Hendred. These appointments are made as a constitutional device for leaving the House of Commons, whose Members are not permitted to resign. If the vacancy was caused by appointment to another office then this office is noted in brackets.

In addition certain offices of profit, such as cabinet positions, required the MP to seek re-election. These offices are noted separately.


The c/u column denotes whether the by-election was a contested poll or an unopposed return. If the winner was re-elected, at the next general election and any intermediate by-elections, this is indicated by an * following the c or u. In a few cases the winner was elected at the next general election but had not been re-elected in a by-election after the one noted. In those cases no * symbol is used.

14th Parliament (1774–1780)

Date Constituency c/u Former Incumbent Winner Cause
24 December 1774 Wendover u John Adams Henry Drummond Chose to sit for Carmarthen
27 December 1774 Gatton u* Sir William Mayne Robert Mayne Chose to sit for Canterbury
u Robert Scott William Adam Chose to sit for Wootton Bassett
27 December 1774 Midhurst u Herbert Mackworth Henry Seymour Conway Chose to sit for Cardiff Boroughs
u* Clement Tudway John Ord Chose to sit for Wells
28 December 1774 Cricklade c(*) William Earle Samuel Peach Death (Two MPs elected due to a Double Return)
John Dewar
28 December 1774 Winchester u Henry Penton Henry Penton Lord of the Admiralty
29 December 1774 Mitchell u James Scawen Thomas Howard Chose to sit for Surrey
30 December 1774 Great Bedwyn u The Earl of Courtown Viscount Cranborne Resignation
30 December 1774 Newport (Cornwall) u Humphry Morice John Frederick Chose to sit for Launceston
31 December 1774 Minehead u Henry Fownes Luttrell Thomas Pownall Resignation
2 January 1775 Castle Rising u Alexander Wedderburn Charles Finch Chose to sit for Okehampton
2 January 1775 East Looe u Charles Whitworth Thomas Graves Resignation to contest Saltash
3 January 1775 Saltash u Thomas Bradshaw Charles Whitworth Death
3 January 1775 Winchelsea u Arnold Nesbitt William Nedham Chose to sit for Cricklade
6 January 1775 Richmond u Thomas Dundas Charles Dundas Chose to sit for Stirlingshire
11 January 1775 Nottinghamshire u* Thomas Willoughby Lord Charles Edward Bentinck Succeeded to a peerage
12 January 1775 Leicestershire c* Thomas Noel John Peach Hungerford Succeeded to a peerage
30 January 1775 Cockermouth u George Johnstone Ralph Gowland Chose to sit for Appleby
Fletcher Norton James Adair Chose to sit for Carlisle
30 January 1775 Derby c Wenman Coke John Gisborne Chose to sit for Norfolk
John Gisborne Daniel Coke By-election results reversed on petition 8 February 1776
2 February 1775 East Retford u Lord Thomas Pelham Clinton William Hanger Chose to sit for Westminster
4 February 1775 Derbyshire u* Godfrey Bagnall Clarke Nathaniel Curzon Death
6 February 1775 Yarmouth u Edward Meux Worsley James Worsley Resignation
7 February 1775 Plympton Erle u Paul Henry Ourry John Durand Resignation (Commissioner of the Navy)
20 February 1775 Wilton u* Nicholas Herbert Charles Herbert Death
28 February 1775 Malton u* Edmund Burke William Weddell Chose to sit for Bristol
4 March 1775 Cricklade c Samuel Peach Samuel Peach By-election Voided due to a Double Return
John Dewar
Samuel Peach John Dewar By-election results reversed on petition 19 February 1776
11 March 1775 Abingdon u* John Mayor John Mayor Void Election
13 March 1775 Boroughbridge u Charles Mellish William Phillips Chose to sit for Pontefract
15 March 1775 Wendover u Joseph Bullock Thomas Dummer Resignation
17 March 1775 Shrewsbury u The Lord Clive John Corbet Death
22 March 1775 Worcestershire u* William Dowdeswell William Lygon Death
27 March 1775 Bury St Edmunds c* Augustus John Hervey Henry Seymour Conway Succeeded to a peerage
5 April 1775 Heytesbury u William Gordon William Gordon Groom of the Bedchamber
12 April 1775 Scarborough u Sir Hugh Palliser Sir Hugh Palliser Naval Lord
19 April 1775 Knaresborough u Sir Anthony Abdy Lord George Cavendish Resignation
20 April 1775 Rye u* Middleton Onslow Thomas Onslow Resignation
24 April 1775 Newtown u Harcourt Powell Charles Ambler Resignation
16 May 1775 St Ives u* William Praed Sir Thomas Wynn Void Election
23 May 1775 Wigan u Beaumont Hotham John Morton Resignation (Baron of the Exchequer)
31 May 1775 Carlisle u Fletcher Norton Walter Spencer Stanhope Resignation
5 June 1775 East Looe u* Thomas Graves William Graves Resignation
7 June 1775 West Looe u Charles Ogilvie John Rogers Resignation
8 June 1775 Edinburghshire u* Henry Dundas Henry Dundas Lord Advocate
14 June 1775 Surrey c* Sir Francis Vincent Sir Joseph Mawbey Death
17 June 1775 Peeblesshire u Sir James William Montgomery Adam Hay Resignation (Chief Baron of the Scottish Exchequer)
30 October 1775 Ripon u Charles Allanson William Lawrence Death
3 November 1775 Hastings u* Charles Jenkinson Charles Jenkinson Clerk of the Pells in Ireland
8 November 1775 Malmesbury u Charles James Fox Charles James Fox Seeks re-election upon inheriting and then resigning the office of Clerk of the Pells in Ireland
15 November 1775 Cornwall u* Sir John Molesworth Edward Eliot Death
15 November 1775 East Grinstead u* Lord George Germain Lord George Germain Secretary of State for the Colonies
23 November 1775 St Germans u Edward Eliot John Pownall Resignation to contest Cornwall
24 November 1775 Bath u John Smith Sir John Sebright Death
28 November 1775 Essex u John Conyers William Harvey Death
29 November 1775 Eye u John St John John St John Surveyor General of the Land Revenues of the Crown
4 December 1775 Newtown u* Sir John Barrington Edward Meux Worsley Resignation
7 December 1775 Westmorland u* Sir James Lowther James Lowther Chose to sit for Cumberland
14 December 1775 Ilchester c Peregrine Cust Nathaniel Webb Void Election
William Innes Owen Salusbury Brereton
14 December 1775 Peeblesshire u Adam Hay Sir Robert Murray Keith Death
16 December 1775 Stockbridge c* John Luttrell James Luttrell Resignation
19 December 1775 Richmond u Sir Lawrence Dundas William Norton Chose to sit for Edinburgh
1 January 1776 Hedon c Sir Charles Saunders Lewis Thomas Watson Death
17 January 1776 Ayr Burghs u* Sir George Macartney Frederick Stuart Resignation (Governor of Grenada)
24 January 1776 Fifeshire c John Scott James Townsend Oswald Death
31 January 1776 Huntingdon u* William Augustus Montagu The Lord Mulgrave Death
19 February 1776 Salisbury u* Viscount Folkestone William Henry Bouverie Succeeded to a peerage
21 February 1776 Berkshire u* Christopher Griffith Winchcombe Henry Hartley Death
11 March 1776 New Woodstock u* William Eden William Eden Lord of Trade
26 March 1776 Lancashire u Lord Stanley Thomas Stanley Succeeded to a peerage
8 April 1776 Tewkesbury u* Joseph Martin James Martin Death
6 May 1776 Gloucestershire c* Edward Southwell William Bromley Chester Succeeded to a peerage
8 May 1776 Norfolk u* Wenman Coke Thomas William Coke Death
16 May 1776 Hindon c Richard Smith Richard Smith Void Election
Thomas Brand Hollis Henry Dawkins
17 May 1776 Shaftesbury c Francis Sykes George Rous On Petition both incumbents were unseated and replaced by Hans Winthrop Mortimer. A by-election was held for the second seat.
Sir Thomas Rumbold
18 May 1776 Portsmouth u Sir Edward Hawke Maurice Suckling Elevated to the peerage
20 May 1776 Bossiney u* Lord Mount Stuart Charles Stuart Elevated to the peerage
20 May 1776 Grantham u Sir Brownlow Cust Peregrine Cust Elevated to the peerage
20 May 1776 Tiverton u* Nathaniel Ryder John Wilmot Elevated to the peerage
22 May 1776 Herefordshire c* Thomas Foley Thomas Harley Elevated to the peerage
29 May 1776 Wareham u Christopher D'Oyly Christopher D'Oyly Commissary General of Musters
31 May 1776 St Germans u John Pownall John Peachey Resignation (Commissioner of Excise)
16 July 1776 Morpeth u William Byron Gilbert Elliot Death
3 September 1776 Devon u Sir Richard Bampfylde John Rolle Walter Death
27 September 1776 Leominster u Thomas Hill Frederick Cornewall Death
28 October 1776 Horsham u Jeremiah Dyson The Earl of Drogheda Death
4 November 1776 Camelford u* Francis Herne Sir Ralph Payne Death
4 November 1776 Haslemere u Thomas More Molyneux Peter Burrell Death
6 November 1776 Southampton u Hans Stanley Hans Stanley Cofferer of the Household
7 November 1776 Cambridge c* Charles Sloane Cadogan Benjamin Keene Succeeded to a peerage
9 November 1776 Exeter c* John Rolle Walter John Baring Resignation to contest Devon
25 November 1776 Sandwich u William Hey Charles Brett Resignation (Commissioner of Customs)
28 November 1776 Lostwithiel u* Charles Brett Thomas Potter Resignation to contest Sandwich
17 December 1776 Westminster u Earl Percy Viscount Petersham Succeeded to a peerage
5 February 1777 Hindon c Richard Smith Archibald Macdonald Void Election
20 February 1777 Morpeth u Sir Gilbert Elliot John William Egerton Resignation to contest Roxburghshire
27 February 1777 Roxburghshire u* Sir Gilbert Elliot Sir Gilbert Elliot Death
4 March 1777 Aldborough u Charles Wilkinson William Baker Resignation
14 March 1777 Edinburghshire u* Henry Dundas Henry Dundas Joint Keeper of the Signet
27 March 1777 Lanarkshire u* Andrew Stuart Andrew Stuart Joint Keeper of the Signet
18 April 1777 Nairnshire u Cosmo Gordon John Campbell Resignation (Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland)
2 May 1777 Boston u* Charles Amcotts Humphrey Sibthorp Death
16 May 1777 Maidstone c Lord Guernsey Charles Finch Succeeded to a peerage
20 May 1777 Rye u* Rose Fuller William Dickinson Death
24 May 1777 Castle Rising u* Charles Finch John Chetwynd Talbot Resignation to contest Maidstone
29 May 1777 Haddingtonshire u Sir George Suttie William Hamilton Nisbet Resignation
11 June 1777 Lyme Regis u Henry Fane Francis Fane Death
11 June 1777 Great Yarmouth c* Charles Townshend Charles Townshend Vice-Treasurer of Ireland
13 June 1777 Tamworth u Thomas de Grey Thomas de Grey Lord of Trade
13 June 1777 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u* Welbore Ellis Welbore Ellis Treasurer of the Navy
14 June 1777 Wilton u Charles Herbert Charles Herbert Groom of the Bedchamber
16 June 1777 Camelford u Sir Ralph Payne Sir Ralph Payne Third Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth
18 June 1777 Bewdley u* The Lord Westcote The Lord Westcote Junior Lord of the Treasury
26 June 1777 Flint Boroughs u Sir John Glynne Watkin Williams Death
4 July 1777 Montgomery u* Whitshed Keene Whitshed Keene Resignation
29 July 1777 Radnorshire u Chase Price Thomas Johnes Death
26 November 1777 Portsmouth c* Peter Taylor William Gordon Death
27 November 1777 Droitwich u* Thomas Foley Edward Winnington Succeeded to a peerage
29 November 1777 Bath u* Abel Moysey Abel Moysey Second Justice of Brecon Circuit
1 December 1777 Midhurst u John Ord John Ord Attorney-General of the Duchy of Lancaster
1 December 1777 New Woodstock u* John Skynner Viscount Parker Resignation (Chief Baron of the Exchequer)
10 December 1777 Dunwich u* Miles Barne Barne Barne Resignation
15 December 1777 Huntingdon u* The Lord Mulgrave The Lord Mulgrave Lord of the Admiralty
17 December 1777 Hastings u* The Viscount Palmerston The Viscount Palmerston Junior Lord of the Treasury
17 December 1777 Newport (I.o.W.) u* Sir Richard Worsley Sir Richard Worsley Third Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth
9 January 1778 Anstruther Burghs u Philip Anstruther George Damer Resignation
16 February 1778 Bridgnorth u* The Lord Pigot Hugh Pigot Death
24 February 1778 East Retford u* William Hanger Lord John Pelham Clinton Resignation to contest Aldborough
6 March 1778 Aldborough u Abel Smith William Hanger Resignation
23 April 1778 Brecon u* Charles Van Charles Gould Death
24 April 1778 Harwich u* Edward Harvey George Augustus North Death
27 May 1778 Lostwithiel u Thomas Potter Thomas Potter Second Justice of Anglesey
3 June 1778 St Germans u Benjamin Langlois Benjamin Langlois Storekeeper of the Ordnance
5 June 1778 Plymouth u The Viscount Barrington Viscount Lewisham Resignation
9 June 1778 Banbury u* Lord North Lord North Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports
10 June 1778 Horsham u* James Wallace James Wallace Solicitor General for England and Wales
10 June 1778 Tamworth u Edward Thurlow Anthony Chamier Elevated to the peerage
10 June 1778 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u John Tucker Gabriel Steward Resignation
11 June 1778 Okehampton u Alexander Wedderburn Humphrey Minchin Attorney General for England and Wales
15 June 1778 Bishop's Castle u Henry Strachey Alexander Wedderburn Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance
10 August 1778 Portsmouth u* Maurice Suckling Robert Monckton Death
1 October 1778 Saltash u Charles Whitworth Henry Strachey Death
9 October 1778 Nottingham u Sir Charles Sedley Abel Smith Death
4 December 1778 Lymington u Sir Harry Burrard Henry Goodricke Resignation
5 December 1778 Callington c* John Dyke Acland George Stratton Death
9 December 1778 Nottinghamshire u* Earl of Lincoln Charles Medows Death
22 December 1778 Hastings u Charles Jenkinson Charles Jenkinson Secretary at War
26 December 1778 St Ives u* Adam Drummond Philip Dehany Resignation to contest Aberdeen Burghs
1 January 1779 Montgomery u* Whitshed Keene Whitshed Keene Surveyor of the King's Works
11 January 1779 Aberdeen Burghs u* Thomas Lyon Adam Drummond Resignation
26 January 1779 Newcastle-under-Lyme u* Sir George Hay Viscount Trentham Death
9 February 1779 Nottingham u* Abel Smith Robert Smith Death
27 February 1779 Scarborough u* Sir Hugh Palliser Charles Phipps Resignation
1 March 1779 Callington c* George Stratton George Stratton By-election results voided 15 February 1779
20 March 1779 Westbury u* Nathaniel Bayly Samuel Estwick Resignation
30 March 1779 Aldeburgh u* Thomas Fonnereau Martyn Fonnereau Death
31 March 1779 Bishop's Castle u* George Clive William Clive Death
8 April 1779 Plympton Erle u The Lord Milford William Fullarton Resignation
15 April 1779 Berwickshire u Sir James Pringle Sir John Paterson Resignation
20 April 1779 Westminster u Viscount Petersham Viscount Malden Succeeded to a peerage
29 April 1779 Cricklade u* Arnold Nesbitt John Macpherson Death
29 April 1779 Elginshire u* Arthur Duff Lord William Gordon Resignation
11 May 1779 Essex u* William Harvey Thomas Berney Bramston Death
10 June 1779 Cambridge University c* Marquess of Granby James Mansfield Succeeded to a peerage
15 June 1779 Christchurch u Lord Hyde Lord Hyde Resignation to contest Cambridge University
2 July 1779 Fifeshire c(*) James Townsend Oswald Robert Skene Resignation (Auditor of the Exchequer in Scotland)
Robert Skene John Henderson By-election results reversed on petition 7 February 1780
12 July 1779 Liskeard u Edward Gibbon Edward Gibbon Lord of Trade
12 July 1779 Truro u* Bamber Gascoyne Bamber Gascoyne Lord of the Admiralty
16 July 1779 Edinburghshire u* Henry Dundas Henry Dundas Keeper of the Signet
16 July 1779 Linlithgowshire u* Sir William Cunynghame Sir William Cunynghame Third Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth
23 July 1779 Lanarkshire u* Andrew Stuart Andrew Stuart Lord of Trade
2 September 1779 Carmarthenshire u* George Rice John Vaughan Death
8 September 1779 Downton u John Cooper Thomas Duncombe Death
22 September 1779 Mitchell u* Thomas Howard Francis Hale Succeeded to a peerage
25 October 1779 Buckinghamshire u* George Grenville Thomas Grenville Succeeded to a peerage
28 October 1779 Middlesex u John Glynn Thomas Wood Death
13 December 1779 Hampshire c* Sir Simeon Stuart Jervoise Clarke Jervoise Death
15 December 1779 Lincolnshire u* Lord Brownlow Bertie Sir John Thorold Succeeded to a peerage
16 December 1779 Yarmouth u Jervoise Clarke Jervoise Robert Kingsmill Resignation to contest Hampshire
17 December 1779 Downton c(*) Thomas Duncombe Bartholomew Bouverie Death
Bartholomew Bouverie Robert Shafto By-election results reversed on petition 21 February 1780
22 December 1779 Oxfordshire u* Lord Charles Spencer Lord Charles Spencer Treasurer of the Chamber
4 January 1780 Devon u* John Rolle Walter John Rolle Death
29 January 1780 Southampton u Hans Stanley John Fuller Death
1 February 1780 Newport (I.o.W.) u* Sir Richard Worsley Sir Richard Worsley Comptroller of the Household
5 February 1780 Orford u* Viscount Beauchamp Viscount Beauchamp Cofferer of the Household
15 February 1780 Coventry u Walter Waring John Baker Holroyd Death
22 February 1780 Lancashire u* Thomas Stanley Thomas Stanley Death
23 February 1780 Haddington Burghs u* John Maitland Francis Charteris Death
1 March 1780 Cheshire u* Samuel Egerton Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton Death
31 March 1780 Weobley u* William Lynch Andrew Bayntun Rolt Resignation
27 May 1780 Maldon u* Richard Savage Nassau Eliab Harvey Death
31 May 1780 Plymouth c* Sir Charles Hardy Sir Frederick Lehman Rogers Death
12 June 1780 Cardigan Boroughs u* Thomas Johnes John Campbell Resignation to contest Radnorshire
26 June 1780 Bishop's Castle u* Alexander Wedderburn Henry Strachey Resignation (Chief Justice of the Common Pleas)
12 July 1780 Horsham u* James Wallace James Wallace Attorney General for England and Wales
12 July 1780 Saltash u Henry Strachey Paul Wentworth Resignation to contest Bishop's Castle
26 July 1780 Radnorshire u* Thomas Johnes Thomas Johnes Death
21 August 1780 Wigan u* John Morton Henry Simpson Bridgeman Death

15th Parliament (1780–1784)

Date Constituency c/u Former Incumbent Winner Cause
27 November 1780 Tamworth u* Anthony Chamier John Calvert Death
28 November 1780 Aldborough u Sir Richard Sutton Edward Onslow Chose to sit for Sandwich
28 November 1780 Devizes u Charles Garth Henry Jones Resignation (Commissioner of Excise)
28 November 1780 Huntingdon u Sir George Wombwell Sir Hugh Palliser Death
28 November 1780 Launceston u* Viscount Cranborne Charles George Perceval Succeeded to a peerage
28 November 1780 City of London u* John Kirkman John Sawbridge Death
28 November 1780 Malmesbury u Viscount Lewisham John Calvert Chose to sit for Staffordshire
28 November 1780 Steyning u Filmer Honywood John Bullock Chose to sit for Kent
29 November 1780 Midhurst u John St John Sir Sampson Gideon Chose to sit for Newport (I.o.W.)
30 November 1780 Horsham u Viscount Lewisham Sir George Osborn Chose to sit for Staffordshire
30 November 1780 Plympton Erle u Viscount Cranborne James Archibald Stuart Succeeded to a peerage
30 November 1780 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u* Warren Lisle Gabriel Steward Resignation
1 December 1780 Lostwithiel u John St John George Johnstone Chose to sit for Newport (I.o.W.)
2 December 1780 Bere Alston u* Lord Algernon Percy Viscount Feilding Chose to sit for Northumberland
4 December 1780 Heytesbury u William Eden Francis Nathaniel Burton Chose to sit for New Woodstock
4 December 1780 Seaford c John Robinson Christopher D'Oyly Chose to sit for Harwich
7 December 1780 Malton u* Savile Finch Edmund Burke Resignation to provide a seat for Burke
9 December 1780 Northallerton u* Daniel Lascelles Edwin Lascelles Resignation
9 December 1780 Wenlock u Thomas Whitmore George Forester Chose to sit for Bridgnorth
12 December 1780 Haslemere u Sir James Lowther Walter Spencer Stanhope Chose to sit for Cumberland
12 December 1780 Lyme Regis c* Henry Fane Henry Fane Election voided due to a Double Return
c Lionel Darell
David Robert Michel David Robert Michel
Henry Harford
8 January 1781 Appleby u* William Lowther William Pitt the Younger Chose to sit for Carlisle
24 January 1781 Gloucestershire u William Bromley Chester James Dutton Death
29 January 1781 Christchurch u* James Harris John Frederick Death
14 February 1781 Bere Alston u The Lord Macartney Laurence Cox Resignation
26 February 1781 Bristol c Sir Henry Lippincott George Daubeny Death
3 March 1781 Great Bedwyn u Paul Methuen Paul Cobb Methuen Resignation
12 March 1781 Helston u Jocelyn Deane Richard Barwell Death
26 March 1781 Arundel u Sir Patrick Crauford Peter William Baker Void Election
5 April 1781 Honiton c Alexander Macleod Jacob Wilkinson Void Election
6 April 1781 Kirkcudbrightshire c(*) Peter Johnston John Gordon Void Election
John Gordon Peter Johnston By-election results reversed on petition 6 February 1782
9 April 1781 Richmond u Sir Lawrence Dundas George Fitzwilliam Chose to sit for Edinburgh
12 April 1781 Berwickshire u Hugh Scott Hugh Scott Void Election
14 April 1781 Yarmouth u Edward Rushworth Sir Thomas Rumbold Resignation
30 April 1781 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u William Chaffin Grove William Richard Rumbold Resignation
4 June 1781 Lostwithiel u Thomas de Grey Viscount Malden Succeeded to a peerage
5 June 1781 Ripon u* William Aislabie William Lawrence Death
8 June 1781 Aldborough u Edward Onslow Sir Samuel Fludyer Resignation
25 June 1781 Lymington u Thomas Dummer Edward Gibbon Death
26 June 1781 Radnorshire u* Thomas Johnes Thomas Johnes Auditor of the King’s Land Revenue in Wales
30 June 1781 Helston c* Philip Yorke Lord Hyde Resignation
3 July 1781 Knaresborough u* Robert Walsingham James Hare Death
16 July 1781 Caernarvon Boroughs u* Glyn Wynn Glyn Wynn Receiver General of Land Revenue in North Wales and Cheshire
26 July 1781 Morpeth u Anthony Morris Storer Anthony Morris Storer Lord of Trade
16 August 1781 Ayrshire u Sir Adam Fergusson Sir Adam Fergusson Lord of Trade
24 August 1781 Lanarkshire u Andrew Stuart Andrew Stuart Seeks re-election upon becoming Keeper of the Register of Sasines in Scotland
3 September 1781 Heytesbury u William Ashe-à Court William Pierce Ashe à Court Death
2 October 1781 City of London c* George Hayley Sir Watkin Lewes Death
17 October 1781 Colchester c* Isaac Martin Rebow Christopher Potter Death
Christopher Potter Edmund Affleck By-election results reversed on petition 4 March 1782
29 October 1781 Edinburgh u* Sir Lawrence Dundas James Hunter Blair Death
29 November 1781 Derbyshire u* Lord Richard Cavendish Lord George Cavendish Death
4 December 1781 Milborne Port u* Thomas Hutchings Medlycott John Pennington Resignation
17 December 1781 East Retford u* Lord John Pelham Clinton Earl of Lincoln Death
2 January 1782 Castle Rising u John Chetwynd Talbot John Chetwynd Talbot Lord of Trade
2 February 1782 Bramber u Thomas Thoroton Henry Fitzroy Stanhope Resignation (Agent to the Regiment of Militia in Leicestershire)
11 February 1782 Forfarshire c* The Earl Panmure Archibald Douglas Death
18 February 1782 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u* Welbore Ellis Welbore Ellis Secretary of State for the Colonies
19 February 1782 Buckingham u* Richard Aldworth Neville William Wyndham Grenville Agent to the Regiment of Militia in Buckinghamshire
19 February 1782 East Grinstead u* Lord George Germain Henry Arthur Herbert Elevated to the peerage
21 February 1782 Reading c* John Dodd Richard Aldworth Neville Death
11 March 1782 Chichester c William Keppel Percy Charles Wyndham Death
20 March 1782 West Looe u John Buller John Somers Cocks Resignation
20 March 1782 Taunton c* John Roberts Benjamin Hammet Death
23 March 1782 Boston u* Lord Robert Bertie Sir Peter Burrell Death
28 March 1782 Inverness-shire u Simon Fraser Archibald Campbell Fraser Death
2 April 1782 Honiton u* Sir George Yonge Sir George Yonge Vice-Treasurer of Ireland
3 April 1782 Cambridge University u* John Townshend John Townshend Lord of the Admiralty
3 April 1782 Eye u Arnoldus Jones Skelton William Cornwallis Resignation
3 April 1782 Northampton u Viscount Althorp Viscount Althorp Junior Lord of the Treasury
3 April 1782 Westminster u* Charles James Fox Charles James Fox Foreign Secretary
3 April 1782 Whitchurch u* Thomas Townshend Thomas Townshend Secretary at War
3 April 1782 York u* Lord John Cavendish Lord John Cavendish Chancellor of the Exchequer
4 April 1782 Bridgnorth u Hugh Pigot Hugh Pigot Naval Lord
4 April 1782 Buckingham u* James Grenville James Grenville Junior Lord of the Treasury
4 April 1782 Guildford u Sir Fletcher Norton William Norton Elevated to the peerage
4 April 1782 Higham Ferrers u* Frederick Montagu Frederick Montagu Junior Lord of the Treasury
4 April 1782 Knaresborough u* Viscount Duncannon Viscount Duncannon Lord of the Admiralty
4 April 1782 Malton u* Edmund Burke Edmund Burke Paymaster of the Forces
5 April 1782 Calne u* Isaac Barré Isaac Barré Treasurer of the Navy
John Dunning James Townsend Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Elevation to the peerage
6 April 1782 Thetford u Charles Fitzroy Scudamore Earl of Euston Resignation
10 April 1782 Surrey u Augustus Keppel Viscount Althorp First Lord of the Admiralty and elevation to the peerage
16 April 1782 Dartmouth u* The Viscount Howe Charles Brett Became a British Peer
20 April 1782 Clitheroe u* John Parker John Lee Resignation to provide a seat for Lee
22 April 1782 Hindon c* Lloyd Kenyon Lloyd Kenyon Attorney General for England and Wales
25 April 1782 Elginshire u Lord William Gordon Lord William Gordon Vice Admiral of Scotland
25 April 1782 Sussex u* Thomas Pelham Thomas Pelham Surveyor-General of the Ordnance
26 April 1782 Northampton u Viscount Althorp The Lord Lucan Resignation to contest Surrey
4 May 1782 Huntingdonshire u* The Earl Ludlow The Earl Ludlow Comptroller of the Household
25 May 1782 Castle Rising u John Chetwynd Talbot Sir James Erskine Succeeded to a peerage
3 June 1782 Oxford u* Lord Robert Spencer Lord Robert Spencer Vice-Treasurer of Ireland
5 June 1782 Portsmouth u* Robert Monckton Sir Henry Fetherstonhaugh Death
6 June 1782 Kingston upon Hull u Lord Robert Manners David Hartley Death
12 June 1782 Cricklade c John Macpherson George St John Void Election
12 June 1782 Westminster u Sir George Brydges Rodney Sir Cecil Wray Elevated to the peerage
20 June 1782 Cambridgeshire u* Lord Robert Manners Sir Henry Peyton Death
8 July 1782 New Romney u Richard Jackson Richard Jackson Junior Lord of the Treasury
15 July 1782 Wallingford u* John Aubrey John Aubrey Lord of the Admiralty
16 July 1782 Honiton u* Sir George Yonge Sir George Yonge Secretary at War
18 July 1782 Whitchurch u Thomas Townshend Thomas Townshend Home Secretary
19 July 1782 Bath u* John Jeffreys Pratt John Jeffreys Pratt Lord of the Admiralty
19 July 1782 Calne u* Isaac Barré Isaac Barré Paymaster of the Forces
22 July 1782 St Germans u* Edward James Eliot Edward James Eliot Junior Lord of the Treasury
5 August 1782 Appleby u* William Pitt the Younger William Pitt the Younger Chancellor of the Exchequer
31 August 1782 Wells c Robert Child John Curtis Death
7 September 1782 Wigan u* Henry Simpson Bridgeman John Cotes Death
9 September 1782 Gatton u* Robert Mayne Maurice Lloyd Death
16 September 1782 Newtown u Edward Meux Worsley Henry Dundas Death
24 September 1782 Southwark c* Nathaniel Polhill Henry Thornton Death
13 December 1782 Penryn u John Rogers Reginald Pole Carew Resignation (Agent to the Regiment of Militia in Somerset)
18 December 1782 Oxfordshire u* Lord Charles Spencer Lord Charles Spencer Vice-Treasurer of Ireland
21 December 1782 Abingdon u John Mayor Henry Howorth Resignation
2 January 1783 Edinburghshire u* Henry Dundas Henry Dundas Treasurer of the Navy
17 January 1783 Newtown u* Henry Dundas Richard Pepper Arden Resignation to contest Edinburghshire
18 January 1783 Coventry u Edward Roe Yeo William Seymour Conway Death
21 January 1783 Anstruther Burghs u* Sir John Anstruther John Anstruther Resignation
27 January 1783 Lincoln u* Sir Thomas Clarges John Fenton Cawthorne Death
28 January 1783 Newark-on-Trent u* Lord George Manners Sutton John Manners Sutton Death
31 January 1783 Launceston u Thomas Bowlby Sir John Jervis Resignation
17 February 1783 Pontefract c(*) The Viscount Galway Nathaniel Smith Resignation
Nathaniel Smith John Smyth By-election results reversed 11 April 1783
28 February 1783 Chippenham u* Giles Hudson George Fludyer Death
11 March 1783 Minehead u* Francis Fownes Luttrell Henry Beaufoy Resignation
17 March 1783 Whitchurch u* Thomas Townshend William Selwyn Elevated to the peerage
20 March 1783 Peeblesshire u Alexander Murray Alexander Murray Resignation (Lord of Session)
29 March 1783 Westbury u* Samuel Estwick Samuel Estwick Secretary and Registrar of Chelsea Hospital
6 April 1783 Thetford u Richard Hopkins Richard Hopkins Lord of the Admiralty
7 April 1783 Westminster u* Charles James Fox Charles James Fox Foreign Secretary
8 April 1783 York u Lord John Cavendish Lord John Cavendish Chancellor of the Exchequer
9 April 1783 Banbury u* Lord North Lord North Home Secretary
9 April 1783 New Woodstock u William Eden William Eden Vice-Treasurer of Ireland
9 April 1783 Great Yarmouth u Charles Townshend Charles Townshend Treasurer of the Navy
10 April 1783 Higham Ferrers u* Frederick Montagu Frederick Montagu Junior Lord of the Treasury
11 April 1783 Cambridge University u John Townshend John Townshend Lord of the Admiralty
11 April 1783 Malton u* Edmund Burke Edmund Burke Paymaster of the Forces
12 April 1783 Saltash c Sir Grey Cooper Sir Grey Cooper Junior Lord of the Treasury
14 April 1783 Carlisle u* Earl of Surrey Earl of Surrey Junior Lord of the Treasury
15 April 1783 Knaresborough u* Viscount Duncannon Viscount Duncannon Lord of the Admiralty
15 April 1783 Warwick u* Charles Francis Greville Charles Francis Greville Treasurer of the Household
16 April 1783 Petersfield u* William Jolliffe William Jolliffe Lord of the Admiralty
16 April 1783 Montgomery u Whitshed Keene Whitshed Keene Lord of the Admiralty
17 April 1783 Bishop's Castle u* Henry Strachey Henry Strachey Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance
18 April 1783 Tavistock u* Richard FitzPatrick Richard FitzPatrick Secretary at War
22 April 1783 Horsham u James Wallace James Wallace Attorney General for England and Wales
23 April 1783 Clitheroe u* John Lee John Lee Solicitor General for England and Wales
25 April 1783 Okehampton u(*) Humphrey Minchin Humphrey Minchin Clerk of the Ordnance
28 April 1783 Gloucestershire u* Sir William Guise George Cranfield Berkeley Death
29 April 1783 Tamworth u* John Courtenay John Courtenay Surveyor-General of the Ordnance
2 May 1783 Wigan u Horatio Walpole Horatio Walpole Secretary and Registrar of Chelsea Hospital
3 May 1783 East Grinstead u* John Irwin George Medley Resignation
9 May 1783 Ludlow u Frederick Cornewall Somerset Davies Death
9 May 1783 Wigtown Burghs u William Adam William Adam Treasurer of the Ordnance
19 May 1783 Abingdon u* Henry Howorth Edward Loveden Loveden Death
24 May 1783 Huntingdonshire u* Viscount Hinchingbrooke Viscount Hinchingbrooke Master of the Buckhounds
30 May 1783 Newton u* Thomas Peter Legh Thomas Peter Legh Accepted a Commission in the Army
16 June 1783 Weobley u* John St Leger Douglas John Scott Death
8 July 1783 Truro u Henry Rosewarne John Pollexfen Bastard Death
12 July 1783 Great Marlow u* William Clayton William Clayton Death
15 July 1783 Cirencester u* James Whitshed Lord Apsley Resignation
28 July 1783 Portsmouth u* William Gordon Thomas Erskine Resignation (Granted a Pension)
7 August 1783 Dunbartonshire u* George Keith Elphinstone George Keith Elphinstone Secretary, Chamberlain and Keeper of the Signet of the Principality of Scotland
21 August 1783 Renfrewshire u* John Shaw Stewart William McDowall Resignation
17 October 1783 Winchester u Lovell Stanhope Henry Flood Death
17 November 1783 York u* Sir Charles Turner The Viscount Galway Death
19 November 1783 Surrey u Viscount Althorp Sir Robert Clayton Succeeded to a peerage
23 November 1783 Bletchingley u* Sir Robert Clayton Sir John Nicholls Resignation to contest Surrey
26 November 1783 Cambridge University u James Mansfield James Mansfield Solicitor General for England and Wales
26 November 1783 Clitheroe u* John Lee John Lee Attorney General for England and Wales
28 November 1783 Horsham u James Wallace James Craufurd Death
1 December 1783 East Looe u William Graves John James Hamilton Resignation
15 December 1783 Hedon u Christopher Atkinson Stephen Lushington Expulsion for perjury
29 December 1783 St Albans u John Radcliffe The Viscount Grimston Death
30 December 1783 Honiton u* Sir George Yonge Sir George Yonge Secretary at War
30 December 1783 Wallingford u John Aubrey John Aubrey Junior Lord of the Treasury
31 December 1783 Cirencester u* Lord Apsley Lord Apsley Lord of the Admiralty
31 December 1783 Dartmouth u Charles Brett Charles Brett Lord of the Admiralty
31 December 1783 Hindon c Lloyd Kenyon Lloyd Kenyon Attorney General for England and Wales
1 January 1784 Yorkshire u Sir George Savile Francis Ferrand Foljambe Resignation
3 January 1784 Appleby u William Pitt the Younger William Pitt the Younger First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer
3 January 1784 Launceston u* Charles George Perceval Charles George Perceval Lord of the Admiralty
3 January 1784 East Looe u* John Buller John Buller Junior Lord of the Treasury
3 January 1784 West Looe u Sir William James John Buller Death
3 January 1784 Ludgershall u* George Augustus Selwyn George Augustus Selwyn Surveyor General of the Land Revenues of the Crown
3 January 1784 St Germans u Edward James Eliot Edward James Eliot Junior Lord of the Treasury
3 January 1784 Westbury u* Samuel Estwick Samuel Estwick Secretary and Registrar of Chelsea Hospital
5 January 1784 Bath u* John Jeffreys Pratt John Jeffreys Pratt Lord of the Admiralty
5 January 1784 Buckingham u William Wyndham Grenville William Wyndham Grenville Paymaster of the Forces
5 January 1784 Richmond u Marquess of Graham Marquess of Graham Junior Lord of the Treasury
6 January 1784 Newtown u Richard Pepper Arden Richard Pepper Arden Solicitor General for England and Wales
6 January 1784 Old Sarum u* Thomas Pitt John Charles Villiers Elevated to the peerage
8 January 1784 Edinburghshire u* Henry Dundas Henry Dundas Treasurer of the Navy
20 January 1784 Aldborough u* Charles Mellish John Gally Knight Resignation
26 January 1784 City of London c* Frederick Bull Brook Watson Death
6 February 1784 Truro c John Pollexfen Bastard Sir John St Aubyn Resignation
14 February 1784 Leicester u John Darker Shukburgh Ashby Death
25 February 1784 Cornwall u* Edward Eliot Sir William Molesworth Elevated to the peerage
11 March 1784 Old Sarum u* Pinckney Wilkinson George Hardinge Death

16th Parliament (1784–1790)

Date Constituency c/u Former Incumbent Winner Cause
14 June 1784 Kingston upon Hull u William Wilberforce Walter Spencer Stanhope Chose to sit for Yorkshire
14 June 1784 Arundel u Earl of Surrey Richard Beckford Chose to sit for Carlisle
14 June 1784 New Romney u John Smith Richard Atkinson Resignation
19 June 1784 Minehead u Henry Beaufoy Charles Phipps Chose to sit for Great Yarmouth
19 June 1784 St Mawes u* The Earl Nugent William Young Resignation
21 June 1784 Midhurst u Benjamin Lethieullier Edward Cotsford Chose to sit for Andover
25 June 1784 Ipswich c* John Cator Charles Alexander Crickitt Void Election
25 June 1784 Southwark c* Sir Barnard Turner Paul le Mesurier Death
1 July 1784 Monmouthshire u John Hanbury Viscount Nevill Death
4 July 1784 Camelford u* Jonathan Phillips Sir Samuel Hannay Resignation
12 July 1784 Hereford c Earl of Surrey Robert Philipps Chose to sit for Carlisle
14 July 1784 Colchester c Christopher Potter Sir Robert Smyth Void Election
26 July 1784 Downton c Edward Bouverie Edward Bouverie Due to a Double Return four MPs were elected at the general election. Robert Shafto was declared elected and a by-election was held for the second seat where a Double Return occurred.
Henry Seymour Conway William Seymour Conway
William Scott
William Seymour Conway William Seymour Conway Seymour Conway declared elected 11 March 1785
Edward Bouverie
10 August 1784 Malton u* Sir Thomas Gascoigne William Weddell Resignation
11 August 1784 Andover u* Sir John Griffin Griffin William Fellowes Succeeded to a peerage
16 August 1784 Plympton Erle u Paul Treby Ourry John Pardoe Resignation
21 August 1784 West Looe u John Lemon James Adams Resignation
28 August 1784 Chipping Wycombe u Robert Waller Robert Waller Groom of the Bedchamber
30 August 1784 Newtown u James Worsley Mark Gregory Resignation
31 August 1784 Edinburgh u James Hunter Blair Sir Adam Fergusson Resignation
31 August 1784 Marlborough u* The Earl of Courtown The Earl of Courtown Treasurer of the Household
17 September 1784 Wigtownshire u* Keith Stewart Andrew McDouall Resignation (Receiver of Land Taxation for Scotland)
29 October 1784 Shrewsbury u* Sir Charlton Leighton John Hill Death
11 January 1785 Thirsk u* Sir Thomas Frankland Robert Vyner Death
31 January 1785 Stockbridge u* John Luttrell James Gordon Resignation (Commissioner of Excise)
2 February 1785 Wilton u Lord Herbert Philip Goldsworthy Resignation (Vice-Chamberlain of the Household)
8 February 1785 Ilchester c Peregrine Cust John Harcourt Death
John Harcourt George Johnstone By-election results reversed on petition 22 February 1786
22 February 1785 Morpeth u* Sir James St Clair Erskine Sir James St Clair Erskine Accepts a beneficial interest in the Office of Director of Chancery in Scotland
29 March 1785 Seaford c Henry Nevill Sir John Henderson Void Election
c* Sir Peter Parker Sir Peter Parker
11 April 1785 Hereford u* Robert Philipps James Walwyn Resignation
7 May 1785 Cirencester u(*) Samuel Blackwell Richard Master Death
12 May 1785 Dumfriesshire u* Sir Robert Laurie Sir Robert Laurie Knight Marischal
7 June 1785 New Romney u Richard Atkinson John Henniker Death
21 July 1785 Bridgwater u Anne Poulett Robert Thornton Death
25 July 1785 Beaumaris u* Hugh Fortescue Sir Hugh Williams Succeeded to a peerage
9 August 1785 Steyning u Sir John Honywood Thomas Edwards Freeman Resignation
9 August 1785 Wenlock u John Simpson George Forester Resignation
28 November 1785 Monmouthshire u* Viscount Nevill James Rooke Succeeded to a peerage
13 December 1785 Newport (Cornwall) u Sir John Coghill William Mitford Death
22 December 1785 Nairnshire u Alexander Campbell Alexander Brodie Death
3 February 1786 Westbury u Chaloner Arcedeckne John Madocks Resignation
6 February 1786 Haverfordwest u* The Lord Milford The Lord Kensington Resignation to contest Pembrokeshire
6 February 1786 Liskeard u* Edward James Eliot Edward James Eliot King's Remembrancer
7 February 1786 Richmond u Charles Dundas Sir Grey Cooper Resignation
9 February 1786 Pembrokeshire u* Sir Hugh Owen The Lord Milford Death
13 February 1786 Fowey u(*) John Grant Richard Edgcumbe Resignation
28 February 1786 Aberdeenshire c Alexander Garden George Skene Death
28 February 1786 Peterborough u* James Farrel Phipps Lionel Damer Death
3 March 1786 East Grinstead u Henry Arthur Herbert James Cuninghame Resignation
15 March 1786 Tain Burghs c Charles James Fox George Ross Chose to sit for Westminster
15 March 1786 Chipping Wycombe u* Viscount Mahon Earl Wycombe Succeeded to a peerage
21 March 1786 Seaford c Sir John Henderson Sir John Henderson Void Election
Sir Peter Parker Sir Peter Parker
Sir John Henderson Henry Flood By-election results reversed on petition 26 April 1786
Sir Peter Parker Sir Godfrey Webster
27 March 1786 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u Gabriel Steward George Jackson Resignation
31 March 1786 Lancaster c* Francis Reynolds Sir George Warren Succeeded to a peerage
1 April 1786 Helston u John Rogers Roger Wilbraham Resignation
10 April 1786 Carlisle c Edward Norton John Lowther Death
John Lowther John Christian By-election results reversed on petition 31 May 1786
10 April 1786 Newport (I.o.W.) u Hugh Seymour Conway John Thomas Townshend Resignation
10 April 1786 Newton u* Thomas Davenport Thomas Brooke Death
14 April 1786 Selkirkshire u* John Pringle Mark Pringle Resignation
22 April 1786 Weobley u* Andrew Bayntun Rolt Thomas Thynne Resignation
4 May 1786 Bossiney u Bamber Gascoyne Matthew Montagu Resignation (Receiver General of Customs)
24 May 1786 East Looe u William Graves Alexander Irvine Resignation
13 June 1786 Haslemere u Thomas Postlethwaite John Lowther Resignation
30 June 1786 Tain Burghs c* George Ross Charles Ross Death
5 July 1786 Shaftesbury u Adam Drummond John Drummond Death
6 July 1786 Northumberland u* Lord Algernon Percy Charles Grey Succeeded to a peerage
15 July 1786 Wareham u Charles Lefebure John Calcraft Resignation
24 July 1786 Haddingtonshire u* Hew Dalrymple John Hamilton Resignation (Auditor of the Excise in Scotland)
16 August 1786 Kirkcudbrightshire u* Peter Johnston Alexander Stewart Resignation
4 September 1786 East Looe u John Buller Richard Grosvenor Death
16 September 1786 Norwich c* Sir Harbord Harbord Henry Hobart Elevated to the peerage
21 September 1786 Berwick-upon-Tweed c The Lord Delaval Sir Gilbert Elliot Became a British Peer
19 October 1786 Renfrewshire c* William MacDowall John Shaw Stewart Resignation
30 October 1786 Saltash c Charles Jenkinson The Earl of Mornington Elevated to the peerage
The Earl of Mornington John Lemon By-election results reversed on petition 7 May 1787
6 November 1786 Cockermouth u John Lowther Humphrey Senhouse Resignation to contest Carlisle
29 November 1786 Carlisle c(*) Earl of Surrey Edward Knubley Succeeded to a peerage
c Edward Knubley Rowland Stephenson By-election results reversed on petition 26 February 1787
15 December 1786 Minehead u Charles Phipps Robert Wood Death
27 January 1787 Helston u(*) Lord Hyde James Bland Burges Succeeded to a peerage
29 January 1787 Milborne Port u John Townson William Popham Resignation
29 January 1787 New Romney u* Sir Edward Dering Richard Joseph Sullivan Resignation
1 February 1787 Bere Alston u The Earl of Mornington Charles Rainsford Junior Lord of the Treasury
5 February 1787 Bury St Edmunds u* George Ferdinand FitzRoy Lord Charles FitzRoy Resignation
9 February 1787 Petersfield u Thomas Samuel Jolliffe The Viscount Downe Resignation
19 February 1787 Maldon c The Lord Waltham Sir Peter Parker Death
23 February 1787 Old Sarum u* John Charles Villiers John Charles Villiers Comptroller of the Household
24 February 1787 Ilchester u George Johnstone George Sumner Resignation
26 February 1787 Gatton u Maurice Lloyd James Fraser Resignation
6 March 1787 Truro u* William Macarmick John Hiley Addington Resignation (Lieutenant-Governor of Cape Breton Island)
9 March 1787 Durham City u* John Lambton William Henry Lambton Resignation
12 March 1787 Ashburton u* Robert Palk Lawrence Palk Resignation
28 March 1787 Norwich c* Henry Hobart Henry Hobart Void Election
11 April 1787 Yarmouth u* Edward Morant Thomas Clarke Jervoise Resignation
9 May 1787 Huntingdon u* Lancelot Brown John Willett Payne Resignation
15 May 1787 Staffordshire u* Sir John Wrottesley Earl Gower Death
4 June 1787 Reigate u Edward Leeds Reginald Pole Carew Resignation
20 June 1787 Breconshire u* Charles Morgan Sir Charles Gould Death
22 June 1787 Haddington Burghs u Francis Charteris William Fullarton Became the Eldest of a Scottish Peer
6 July 1787 Fifeshire u* Robert Skene William Wemyss Death
17 July 1787 Argyllshire u* Lord Frederick Campbell Lord Frederick Campbell Resignation pending appointment as Vice-Treasurer of Ireland
19 July 1787 New Windsor u* Lord Montagu The Earl of Mornington Death
1 August 1787 Sutherland u* William Wemyss James Grant Resignation to contest Fifeshire
20 August 1787 Calne u* James Townsend Joseph Jekyll Death
5 October 1787 Dartmouth u* Arthur Holdsworth Edmund Bastard Death
4 December 1787 Old Sarum u* George Hardinge George Hardinge Chief Justice of Breconshire
6 December 1787 Brecon u* Charles Morgan Charles Gould Resignation to contest Breconshire
20 December 1787 Bletchingley u* John Nicholls Sir Robert Clayton Resignation
21 December 1787 Ripon u Frederick Robinson Sir John Goodricke Resignation (Granted a pension)
26 December 1787 Harwich u* John Robinson John Robinson Surveyor General of Woods, Forests, Parks, and Chases
8 February 1788 Totnes u Sir Philip Jennings Clerke Viscount Barnard Death
9 February 1788 Wilton u* Philip Goldsworthy Lord Herbert Resignation
1 April 1788 Monmouth u* Sir John Stepney Marquess of Worcester Resignation
17 April 1788 Steyning u Thomas Edwards Freeman Sir John Honywood Death
22 April 1788 East Looe u* Richard Grosvenor Viscount Belgrave Resignation
24 April 1788 Tavistock u Richard Rigby Lord John Russell Death
20 May 1788 Denbigh Boroughs u* Richard Myddelton Richard Myddelton Resignation
29 May 1788 Cambridge u* John Mortlock Francis Dickins Resignation
16 June 1788 Tregony u Sir Lloyd Kenyon Hugh Seymour Conway Elevated to the peerage
18 June 1788 Launceston u George Rose Sir John Swinburne Clerk of the Parliaments
19 June 1788 Kincardineshire u* Lord Adam Gordon Robert Barclay Allardice Resignation
25 June 1788 Aldborough u Richard Pepper Arden Richard Pepper Arden Master of the Rolls
1 July 1788 Lymington u Harry Burrard George Rose Resignation
1 July 1788 New Windsor u* Peniston Portlock Powney Peniston Portlock Powney Ranger of Windsor Little Park
4 July 1788 Newcastle-under-Lyme u* Archibald Macdonald Sir Archibald Macdonald Attorney General for England and Wales
7 July 1788 Weobley u* Sir John Scott Sir John Scott Solicitor General for England and Wales
9 July 1788 New Woodstock u Francis Burton Francis Burton Second Justice of Chester
12 July 1788 Hindon u Edward Bearcroft Edward Bearcroft Chief Justice of Chester
14 July 1788 Maidstone c* Gerard Edwards Matthew Bloxham Resignation to contest Rutland
15 July 1788 Rutland u* Thomas Noel Gerard Edwards Death
4 August 1788 Westminster c The Lord Hood Lord John Townshend Naval Lord
3 September 1788 St Germans u Abel Smith Samuel Smith Death
8 October 1788 East Grinstead u James Cuninghame Robert Cuninghame Death
23 October 1788 Christchurch u* James Harris Hans Sloane Elevated to the peerage
29 November 1788 Clackmannanshire u Charles Allan Cathcart Burnet Abercromby Death
15 December 1788 Bramber u Daniel Pulteney Robert Hobart Resignation (Collector of Customs in Dominica)
15 December 1788 Colchester c(*) Sir Edmund Affleck George Tierney Death (Two MPs elected due to a Double Return)
George Jackson
George Tierney George Tierney Tierney declared elected 6 April 1789
George Jackson
19 December 1788 Wiltshire u* Charles Penruddocke Sir James Tylney Long Death
23 December 1788 Bere Alston u* Charles Rainsford John Mitford Resignation
23 December 1788 Devizes u* Sir James Tylney Long Joshua Smith Resignation to contest Wiltshire
27 December 1788 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u George Jackson Gabriel Steward Resignation to contest Colchester
13 January 1789 Rye u* Charles Wolfran Cornwall Charles Long Death
14 January 1789 Dover c* James Luttrell John Trevanion Death
19 January 1789 Surrey u* William Norton Lord William Russell Succeeded to a peerage
22 January 1789 Banffshire u Sir James Duff James Ferguson Resignation
5 February 1789 Gloucester c* Sir Charles Barrow John Pitt Death
16 February 1789 Aylesbury c* Sir Thomas Hallifax Scrope Bernard Death
27 February 1789 East Grinstead u Robert Cuninghame Richard Ford Resignation
4 March 1789 Worcester u* William Ward Edmund Wigley Succeeded to a peerage
8 April 1789 Gloucestershire u* George Cranfield Berkeley George Cranfield Berkeley Surveyor-General of the Ordnance
11 May 1789 Cambridge u* James Whorwood Adeane Edward Finch Groom of the Bedchamber
19 May 1789 Cambridgeshire u* Sir Henry Peyton James Whorwood Adeane Death
19 June 1789 Buckinghamshire u* William Wyndham Grenville William Wyndham Grenville Home Secretary
4 July 1789 Dorchester u William Ewer Thomas Ewer Death
6 July 1789 Brackley u* Timothy Caswall Samuel Haynes Resignation (Commissioner of Excise)
29 July 1789 Bere Alston u* John Mitford John Mitford Justice of Cardiganshire, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire
3 August 1789 Ayrshire u Hugh Montgomerie William MacDowall Resignation (Inspector of Military Roads in Scotland)
7 August 1789 Bath u* Viscount Bayham Viscount Bayham Junior Lord of the Treasury
7 August 1789 Cirencester u* Lord Apsley Lord Apsley Junior Lord of the Treasury
10 August 1789 Great Bedwyn u* Marquess of Graham Marquess of Graham Joint Paymaster of the Forces
18 August 1789 Reigate u William Bellingham The Lord Hood Resignation (Victualling Commissioner)
21 August 1789 Stirling Burghs u James Campbell Sir Archibald Campbell Resignation
24 August 1789 East Looe u Viscount Belgrave Viscount Belgrave Resignation pending appointment as a Lord of the Admiralty
28 August 1789 Denbighshire u* Sir Watkin Williams Wynn Robert Watkin Wynne Death
1 September 1789 Ripon u* Sir John Goodricke Sir George Allanson Winn Death
4 September 1789 Glamorganshire u* Charles Edwin Thomas Wyndham Resignation
14 September 1789 Morpeth u* Peter Delmé Francis Gregg Death
27 November 1789 Bodmin u Thomas Hunt George Wilbraham Death
5 December 1789 Lichfield u George Anson Thomas Anson Death
28 January 1790 Newport (I.o.W.) u John Thomas Townshend George Byng Resignation (Lord of the Admiralty)
30 January 1790 Dorchester u(*) Thomas Ewer Cropley Ashley Death
1 February 1790 Malmesbury u* Viscount Maitland Paul Benfield Became a Scottish Peer
1 February 1790 Plymouth u* Robert Fanshawe Alan Gardner Resignation (Commissioner of the Navy)
1 February 1790 St Germans u John Hamilton Sir Charles Hamilton Succeeded to a peerage
4 February 1790 East Looe u Alexander Irvine The Earl of Carysfort Death
26 February 1790 Glasgow Burghs c Ilay Campbell John Craufurd Resignation (Lord President of the Court of Session)
26 February 1790 Tiverton u* Dudley Ryder Dudley Ryder Comptroller of the Household
1 March 1790 Old Sarum u John Charles Villiers John Charles Villiers Chief Justice in Eyre North of Trent
20 March 1790 Cricklade u* Robert Nicholas Thomas Estcourt Resignation (Commissioner of Excise)
25 May 1790 Cirencester u* Lord Apsley Lord Apsley Teller of the Receipt of the Exchequer
