*Scenes in and around the Capital, colours on paper with gold ground, by Kanō Eitoku 紙本金地著色洛中洛外図〈狩野永徳筆/八曲屏風〉 shihon kinji chakushoku rakuchū rakugai zu (Kanō Eitoku hitsu, rokkyoku byōbu)
This list is complete and up to date as of August 2019.
Prefectural Cultural Properties
As of 2 November 2018, seventy-seven properties have been designated at a prefectural level.[4][16]
Shellfish-gathering at Shinagawa Gotenyama Distant View of Nori-gathering at Okuyama near Nihon Kaian-ji light colours on silk, by Andō Hiroshige 絹本淡彩 御殿山品川汐干狩図 日本海晏寺奥山海苔取遠望図 安藤広重筆 kenpon tansai Gotenyama Shinagawa shiohi gari zu Nihon Kaianji Okuyama nori-tori enbō zu (Andō Hiroshige hitsu)
Tsukuda-jima Sumiyoshi in Tōkyō Arashiyama in Kyōto Beach by the Light of the Rising Moon at Naniwa Sumiyoshi light colours on silk, by Andō Hiroshige 絹本淡彩 東都佃島住よし図 京都嵐山図 浪花住吉月出見の浜図 安藤広重筆 kenpon tansai Tō-to Tsukuda-jima Sumiyoshi zu Kyōto Arashiyama zu Naniwa Sumiyoshi tsuki de mi no hama zu (Andō Hiroshige hitsu)
Landscape with people, flowers, and fruit, light colours on paper, six-fold screen, by Ike no Taiga 紙本墨画淡彩山水人物花果図 池大雅筆 六曲屏風 shihon bokuga tansai sansui jinbutsu kaka zu Ike no Taiga hitsu rokkyoku byōbu
in 1881 and 1884 Takahashi Yuichi was commissioned by Mishima Michitsune to paint scenes of public works in Yamagata Prefecture; in the centre is the Yamagata Prefecture Office of 1877, on the right a school and the police headquarters, and on the left a museum[17]
151.1 centimetres (4 ft 11.5 in) by 104.4 centimetres (3 ft 5.1 in)
^国宝・重要文化財 [Number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 July 2019. Retrieved 18 August 2019.