List of Captain Tsubasa volumes
The manga Captain Tsubasa is written and illustrated by Yōichi Takahashi . The series focuses on the development of a young football (soccer) player Tsubasa Oozora . The series was serialized in Shueisha magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump between 1981 and 1988 for a total of 37 tankōbon volumes. A direct sequel titled Captain Tsubasa: World Youth was released between 1994 and 1997 by Shueisha. Others sequels were serialized in the same publisher Weekly Young Jump magazine since 2001: Road to 2002 (2001–2004), Golden-23 (2005–2008), and Kaigai Gekito-hen (2009–2012). From 2013 to 2019, Rising Sun was serialized in Shueisha's Grand Jump magazine. In 2020 it was transferred to Captain Tsubasa Magazine , where it was serialized till 2024.
Volume list
Captain Tsubasa
Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
1 January 9, 1982[ 1] 4-08-851281-2
2 May 10, 1982[ 2] 4-08-851282-0
3 August 10, 1982[ 3] 4-08-851283-9
4 November 10, 1982[ 4] 4-08-851284-7
5 February 10, 1983[ 5] 4-08-851285-5
6 May 10, 1983[ 6] 4-08-851286-3
7 August 10, 1983[ 7] 4-08-851287-1
8 November 10, 1983[ 8] 4-08-851288-X
9 February 10, 1984[ 9] 4-08-851289-8
10 June 8, 1984[ 10] 4-08-851290-1
11 August 10, 1984[ 11] 4-08-851291-X
12 November 9, 1984[ 12] 4-08-851292-8
13 January 10, 1985[ 13] 4-08-851293-6
14 April 10, 1985[ 14] 4-08-851294-4
15 July 10, 1985[ 15] 4-08-851295-2
16 October 10, 1985[ 16] 4-08-851296-0
17 December 6, 1985[ 17] 4-08-851297-9
18 January 10, 1986[ 18] 4-08-851298-7
19 March 10, 1986[ 19] 4-08-851299-5
20 May 9, 1986[ 20] 4-08-851300-2
21 July 10, 1986[ 21] 4-08-851871-3
22 September 10, 1986[ 22] 4-08-851872-1
23 November 10, 1986[ 23] 4-08-851873-X
24 January 9, 1987[ 24] 4-08-851874-8
25 March 10, 1987[ 25] 4-08-851875-6
26 May 8, 1987[ 26] 4-08-851876-4
27 July 10, 1987[ 27] 4-08-851877-2
28 September 10, 1987[ 28] 4-08-851878-0
29 November 10, 1987[ 29] 4-08-851879-9
30 January 8, 1988[ 30] 4-08-851880-2
31 March 10, 1988[ 31] 4-08-851881-0
32 May 10, 1988[ 32] 4-08-851882-9
33 July 8, 1988[ 33] 4-08-851883-7
34 September 9, 1988[ 34] 4-08-851884-5
35 November 10, 1988[ 35] 4-08-851885-3
36 January 10, 1989[ 36] 4-08-851886-1
37 March 10, 1989[ 37] 4-08-851887-X
World Youth
Road to 2002
Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
1 June 2001[ 56] 4-08-876167-7
2 September 2001[ 57] 4-08-876202-9
3 December 2001[ 58] 4-08-876244-4
4 March 24, 2002[ 59] 4-08-876278-9
5 May 22, 2002[ 60] 4-08-876294-0
6 August 24, 2002[ 61] 4-08-876333-5
7 November 24, 2002[ 62] 4-08-876368-8
8 February 24, 2003[ 63] 4-08-876402-1
9 May 24, 2003[ 64] 4-08-876443-9
10 August 24, 2003[ 65] 4-08-876487-0
11 November 24, 2003[ 66] 4-08-876525-7
12 January 24, 2004[ 67] 4-08-876565-6
13 April 19, 2004[ 68] 4-08-876596-6
14 June 18, 2004[ 69] 4-08-876617-2
15 August 19, 2004[ 70] 4-08-876656-3
Golden 23
Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
1 February 17, 2006[ 71] 4-08-877037-4
Prologue: Germany Dream
Goal 1: "Oath for the Gold Medal" (金メダルへの誓い , "Kinmedaru he no Chikai" )
Goal 2: "Start of Survival" (サバイバルの始まり , "Sabaibaru no Hajimari" )
Goal 3: "Turning Back to the Tide" (劣勢をはねかえせ!! , "Ressei o Hanekaese!!" )
Goal 4: "A Risky Gamble" (危険すぎる賭け , "Kiken Sugiru Kake" )
Goal 5: "The Start Of A Legend" (伝説の幕開け , "Densetsu no Makuake" )
Goal 6: "Battle for Pride 2 on 2" (プライドを懸けた2on2 , "Puraido o Kake ta 2 on 2" )
Goal 7: "Stop The Futsal Combi!!" (フットサルコンビを止めろ!! , "Futtosaru Konbi o Tomero!!" )
2 May 19, 2006[ 72] 4-08-877080-3
Goal 8: "The Camp's Battle For Pride" (プライドを懸けた合宿 , "Puraido o Kaketa Gasshuku" )
Goal 9: "Guardian Deity vs Futsal Combi" (守護神vsフットサルコンビ , "Shugojin vs Futtosaru Konbi" )
Goal 10: "Heated Battle for Survival" (熾烈なるサバイバル , "Shiretsu Naru Sabaibaru" )
Goal 11: "Next Age - Japan's Challenge" (次世代・日本代表の挑戦 , "Jisedai.Nippon Daihyō no Chōsen" )
Goal 12: "Loss Time Attack Defense!!" (ロスタイムの攻防!! , "Rosu Taimu no Kōbō!!" )
Goal 13: "Burning Weed Spirit!!" (熱き雑草魂!! , "Atsuki Zassō Tamashii!!" )
Goal 14: "First Step To The Gold Medal" (金メダルへの第一歩 , "Kinmedaru he no Daīppo" )
Goal 15: "Unexpected Happiness" (思いがけぬ幸せ , "Omoigake nu Shiawase" )
Goal 16: "Clash Before The Decisive Battle" (決勝戦の激突 , "Kesshō sen no Gekitotsu" )
Goal 17: "Excessively Dangerous Two Top" (危険すぎるツートップ , "Kiken Sugiru Tsū Toppu" )
3 July 19, 2006[ 73] 4-08-877109-5
Goal 18: "Unexpected Defense" (予想外の守り , "Yosō Gai no Mori" )
Goal 19: "3M Are Attacking" (3Mが攻める!! , "3M ga Semeru!!" )
Goal 20: "Misaki's Decision" (岬の決意 , "Misaki no Ketsui" )
Goal 21: "Attack Spun By Dreams!!" (夢を紡ぐ一撃!! , "Yume o Tsumugu Ichigeki!!" )
Goal 22: "Hidden Resolve" (秘めたる覚悟 , "Hime Taru Kakugo" )
Goal 23: "Raging Counterattack" (怒濤の反撃!! , "Dotō no Hangeki!!" )
Goal 24: "Regret Able Exit" (無念の退場 , "Munen no Taijō" )
Goal 25: "Heartbreaking Decision" (苦渋の決断 , "Kujū no Ketsudan" )
Goal 26: "Disappearing Ball" (消えたボール!! , "Kieta Bōru!!" )
Goal 27: "Falcon Descending From The Sky" (舞い降りたハヤブサ!! , "Maiori ta Hayabusa!!" )
4 October 19, 2006[ 74] 4-08-877156-7
Goal 28: "Unbelievable Sight" (信じられぬ光景 , "Shinji Rare nu Kōkei" )
Goal 29: "Unexpected Conversion!!" (驚異のコンバート!! , "Kyōi no Konbāto!!" )
Goal 30: "Blooming Possibility" (開花した可能性!! , "Kaika Shi ta Kanōsei!!" )
Goal 31: "Dramatic Departure" (船出を飾る勝利 , "Funade o Kazaru Shōri" )
Goal 32: "Rumor From Germany" (ドイツからの噂 , "Doitsu Kara no Uwasa" )
Goal 33: "Search For The Golden Warrior" (黄金戦士を探して , "Ōgon Senshi o Sagashi te" )
Goal 34: "Goal for You" (ゴールへの誓い , "Gōru he no Chikai" )
Goal 35: "Blessing Performance" (祝福のゴール!! , "Shukufuku no Gōru!!" )
Goal 36: "Another Surprise!!" (サプライズ再び!! , "Sapuraizu Futatabi!!" )
Goal 37: "Miraculous Body Faculties!!" (驚異の身体能力 , "Kyōi no Shintai Nōryoku" )
5 January 19, 2007[ 75] 978-4-08-877197-7
Goal 38: "Why I Can't Lose" (負けられない対決!! , Make Rare nai Taiketsu!! )
Goal 39: "Concealed Abilities" (不敵なる宣言 , Futeki Naru Sengen )
Goal 40: "Eagles Rain!!" (イーグルス襲来!! , Īgurusu Shūrai!! )
Goal 41: "Explosion!! New Secret Super Technique!" (GK同士の狙い , GK Dōshi no Nerai )
Goal 42: "Boiling Hungry Spirits" (沸き立つハングリー精神!! , Wakitatsu Hangurī Seishin!! )
Goal 43: "New One On One" (未体験の一対一!! , Mi Taiken no Ichitai Ichi!! )
Goal 44: "Just for Victory" (ただ勝利のために , Tada Shōri no Tame ni )
Goal 45: "Invitation To Return" (再起への誘い , Saiki he no Izanai )
Goal 46: "Can't Let Go This Dream" (夢を追い続けて , Yume o oi Tsuduke te )
Goal 47: "Ace's Decision" (エースに託せ!! 扉 , Ēsu ni Takuse!! Tobira )
6 April 19, 2007[ 76] 978-4-08-877247-9
Goal 48: "Sticking To One On One" (一対一へのこだわり , "Ichitai Ichi e no Kodawari" )
Goal 49: "Why You Can't Win" (勝利できぬ理由 , "Shōri Deki nu Riyū" )
Goal 50: "Counterattack's Roar" (反撃への咆哮 , "Hangeki e no Hōkō" )
Goal 51: "Determined Charge!!" (執念の一撃!! , "Shūnen no Ichigeki!!" )
Goal 52: "Tenacious Dive!!" (決死のダイブ!! , "Kesshi no Daibu!!" )
Goal 53: "Growth Of Team Spirit" (新たな合言葉 , "Arata na Aikotoba" )
Goal 54: "Fresh Start!!" (新たなるスタート!! , "Arata Naru Sutāto!!" )
Goal 55: "Rivals Come Across!!" (負けられぬ再戦!! , "Make Rare nu Saisen!!" )
Goal 56: "The Tactician's Objective" (策士の狙い , "Sakushi no Nerai" )
Goal 57: "Another Surprise Attack!!" (兄の決意 , "Kei no Ketsui" )
7 August 17, 2007[ 77] 978-4-08-877313-1
Goal 58: "Unexpected And Clever Play!!" (予測不能の頭脳プレー!! , "Yosoku Funō no Zunō Purē!!" )
Goal 59: "Signal Fire Of The Counterattack" (繁劇の狼煙(のろし) , "Hangeki no Noroshi (Noroshi)" )
Goal 60: "Attacking Ace!!" (譲れぬ気迫!! , "Yuzure nu Kihaku!!" )
Goal 61: "Spirited Dive!!" (気迫のダイブ!! , "Kihaku no Daibu!!" )
Goal 62: "Finish Defending Even At 10!!" (10人で守り切れ!! , "10 Nin de Mamori Kire!!" )
Goal 63: "Marvelous Aerial Clash!!" (驚異の空中激突!! , "Kyōi no Kūchū Gekitotsu!!" )
Goal 64: "Last 5 Minutes Of Attack Defense" (残り5分の攻防 , "Nokori 5 Bunno Kōbō" )
Goal 65: "Get 3 Points At All Costs" (執念の突進!! , "Shūnen no Tosshin!!" )
Goal 66: "Strange Combi Play!!" (規格外コンビプレイ!! , "Kikaku Gai Konbi Purei!!" )
Goal 67: "Will To Win" (優勝への決意 , "Yūshō e no Ketsui" )
8 October 19, 2007[ 78] 978-4-08-877337-7
Goal 68: "Decisive Determination" (不退転の決意 , "Futaiten no Ketsui" )
Goal 69: "Dangerous First Play" (危険なファーストプレイ , "Kiken na Fāsuto Purei" )
Goal 70: "Talent Coming To Light!!" (覚醒した才能!! , "Kakusei shi ta Sainō !!" )
Goal 71: "All Rounder's True Worth" (オールラウンダーの真骨頂 , "Ōruraundā no Shinkocchō" )
Goal 72: "Reaction to the Asian Preliminaries" (アジア予選への手応え , "Ajia Yosen e no Tegotae" )
Goal 73: "Trial For The Championship" (エースの復帰 , "Ēsu no Fukki" )
Goal 74: "Impatient To Win" (勝利への焦り , "Shōri e no Aseri" )
Goal 75: "Ace's Return!!" (復活の舞台 , "Fukkatsu no Butai" )
Goal 76: "Revival Of The Golden Combi!!" (沸き立つスタジアム , "Wakitatsu Sutajiamu" )
Goal 77: "Footsteps Towards The Decisive Game" (試練の始まり , "Shiren no Hajimari" )
Goal 78: "To Their Respective Top" (終わりなき挑戦!! , "Owari Naki Chōsen!!" )
9 January 18, 2008[ 79] 978-4-08-877378-0
Goal 79: "Outbreak of the Shock" (衝撃の開戦!! , "Shōgeki no Kaisen!!" )
Goal 80: "Too Severe Reality" (厳しすぎる現実 , "Kibishi Sugiru Genjitsu" )
Goal 81: "Heroic Decision" (壮絶な決意 , "Sōzetsu na Ketsui" )
Goal 82: "Union Intensified" (深まる団結力 , "Fukamaru Danketsu Ryoku" )
Goal 83: "Match on the Verge of the Cliff" (ガケッぷちの戦い , "Gakep Puchi no Tatakai" )
Goal 84: "Doubt Of The Commander" (指揮官の迷い , "Shiki Kan no Mayoi" )
Goal 85: "A Method Not Yet Known" (未知なる一手 , "Michi Naru Itte" )
Goal 86: "Frim Secret Plan" (手堅き秘策 , "Tegataki Hisaku" )
Goal 87: "Buying Time Too Plainly" (露骨過ぎる時間稼ぎ , "Rokotsu Sugiru Jikan Kasegi" )
Goal 88: "Counterattack's Bullet Clear" (反撃の弾丸クリア!! , "Hangeki no Dangan Kuria !!" )
10 April 18, 2008[ 80] 978-4-08-877425-1
Goal 89: "Determined For The Sacrifice!!" (捨て身の決意!! , "Sutemi no Ketsui!!" )
Goal 90: "Kind Hesitation" (優しさ故の迷い , "Yasashi sa Yue no Mayoi" )
Goal 91: "Last Flight!!" (最後のフライト!! , "Saigo no Furaito!!" )
Goal 92: "Hard Price To Pay" (先制点の代償 , "Sensei ten no Daishō" )
Goal 93: "Offense And Defense From The Front" (真正面からの攻防 , "Masshōmen Kara no Kōbō" )
Goal 94: "Spirit That Isn't Running Away" (逃げない心 , "Nige nai Kokoro" )
Goal 95: "Evolving Secrets" (勝利への奥義 , "Shōri e no Ōgi" )
Goal 96: "Fly!! Wakado Style Combi!!" (飛翔!! 若堂流コンビ!! , "Hishō!! Waka Dō Ryū Konbi!!" )
Goal 97: "The Falcon Flap His Wings Towards The World!!" (世界へ羽ばたく隼!! , "Sekai e Habataku Hayabusa!!" )
Goal 98: "Inherited Spirit" (受け継いだ魂 , "Uketsui da Tamashii" )
11 July 18, 2008[ 81] 978-4-08-877474-9
Goal 99: "Turbulent Flow" (不穏な流れ , "Fuon na Nagare" )
Goal 100: "Time Passing By Too Fast" (早過ぎる時間経過 , "Haya Sugiru Jikan Keika" )
Goal 101: "Judge Who Changes Fate!!" (運命を変えるジャッジ!! , "Unmei o Kaeru Jajji!!" )
Goal 102: "Unyielding Spirit" (折れない心 , "Ore nai Kokoro" )
Goal 103: "Being Oneself And Not Anybody" (誰でもない自分へ , "Dare Demo nai Jibun e" )
Goal 104: "Reproduction of The Legend!!" (伝説の再現!! , "Densetsu no Saigen!!" )
Goal 105: "The Third Man" (第三の男 , "Sai San no Otoko" )
Goal 106: "For Just One More Goal" (ただ一点のために , "Tada Ichi Ten no Tame ni" )
Goal 107: "Small Soldier's Willpower" (小兵の意地 , "Kohyō no Iji" )
Goal 108: "Birth of the New Futsal Combi" (新フットサルコンビ誕生!! , "Shin Futtosaru Konbi Tanjō!!" )
12 October 17, 2008[ 82] 978-4-08-877527-2
Goal 109: "Intention To Enforce His Will!!" (貫き通す意思!! , "Tsuranukitōsu Ishi!!" )
Goal 110: "Kind And Strong" (優しさと強さ , "Yasashi sa to Tsuyo sa" )
Goal 111: "Linked Spirit Combi Play" (魂が結ぶコンビプレー , "Tamashii ga Musubu Konbi Purē" )
Goal 112: "Road To Madrid" (マドリッドへの道 , "Madoriddo e no Michi " )
"Wish for Peace in Hiroshima (part 1)" (WISH FOR PEACE IN HIROSHIMA〈前編〉 , "WISH FOR PEACE IN HIROSHIMA (Zenpen)" )
"Wish for Peace in Hiroshima (part 2)" (WISH FOR PEACE IN HIROSHIMA〈後編〉 , "WISH FOR PEACE IN HIROSHIMA (Kōhen)" )
Extra: "I Am Misaki Taro" (ボクは岬太郎 , "Boku wa Misaki Tarō" )
Kaigai Gekito-hen
In Calcio
Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
1 May 19, 2010[ 83] 978-4-08-877725-2
01. "Clash in Foreign Country!!" (異国での激突! , "Ikoku de no Gekitotsu!" )
02. "Respective Pride" (それぞれのプライド!! , "Sorezore no Puraido!!" )
03. "Never Ending Progress" (終わらない成長 , "Owara nai Seichō" )
04. "Facing the Risk!!" (リスクを冒せ!! , "Risuku o Okase!!" )
05. "Unshakable Strength!!" (揺るがぬ強さ , "Yuruga nu Tsuyo sa" )
06. "The End Of The Frustrations" (挫折の果てに , "Zasetsu no Hate ni" )
07. "Well Trained Balance" (鍛え上げたバランス , "Kitaeage ta Baransu" )
08. "Further Progress!!" (さらなる成長!! , "Saranaru Seichō!!" )
09. "Changing The Flow" (変化する流れ , "Henka Suru Nagare" )
10. "Decided To Take Part In The Attack!!" (決意の攻撃参加!! , "Ketsui no Kōgeki Sanka!!" )
11. "Signal Fire of The Counterattack!!" (反撃の狼煙!! , "Hangeki no Noroshi!!" )
2 May 19, 2010[ 84] 978-4-08-877870-9
12. "Fighting Spirit Won't Yield" (譲らぬ闘志 , "Yuzura nu Tōshi" )
13. "Aoi Non Stop!!" (葵ノンストップ!! , "Aoi Nonsutoppu!!" )
14. "The Last Goal" (最後の一点 , "Saigo no Ichi Ten" )
15. "Belief" (信じる心 , "Shinjiru Kokoro" )
16. "Offense And Defense Aren't Ceding" (譲らぬ攻防 , "Yuzura nu Kōbō" )
17. "Our Giocatori Promise" (ジョカトーレ達の約束 , "Jokatōre Tachi no Yakusoku" )
18. "A General Offensive with All of Their Might" (渾身の総攻撃 , "Konshin no Sō Kōgeki" )
19. "Last Choice" (最後の選択 , "Saigo no Sentaku" )
20. "Last Chance" (ラストチャンス!! , "Rasuto Chansu!!" )
21. "Last Play!!" (ラストプレイ!! , "Rasuto Purei!!" )
22. "Ace's Proof" (エースの証明 , "Ēsu no Shōmei" )
23. "Roaring Lightning!!" (うなる稲妻!! , "Unaru Inazuma!!" )
24. "New Sunrise" (新たな日の出 , "Arata na Hinode" )
En La Liga
Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
3 June 4, 2010[ 85] 978-4-08-877877-8
01. "Premises of Fierce Fight" (激闘の予感 , "Gekitō no Yokan" )
02. "A Man Showing Miracles" (奇跡をみせる男 , "Kiseki o Miseru Otoko" )
03. "Completely Away" (絶対的アウェイ , "Zettai Teki Awei" )
04. "White Terror" (白い恐怖 , "Shiroi Kyōfu" )
05. "Lightning Speed!!" (電光石火!! , "Denkōsekka!!" )
06. "Relentless Attack Defense" (譲らぬ攻防 , "Yuzura nu Kōbō" )
07. "Unpredictable Shot!" (予測外シュート!! , "Yosoku Gai Shūto!!" )
08. "Third Time Lucky" (三度目の正直!! , "San Dome no Shōjiki!!" )
09. "Double Volante!" (Wボランチ!! , "W Boranchi!!" )
4 October 19, 2010[ 86] 978-4-08-879041-1
10. "There is a Glorious Goal!" (予感 , "Yokan" )
11. "Inner Voice" (内なる声 , "Nai Naru koe" )
12. "Ideal Soccer" (理想のサッカー , "Risō no Sakkā" )
13. "Prologue To Counterattack" (反撃への序章!! , "Hangeki e no Joshō!!" )
14. "Amazing Physical Abilities" (驚異の身体能力 , "Kyōi no Shintai Nōryoku" )
15. "Progress of Each Rival" (成長しあうライバル , "Seichō Shi au Raibaru" )
16. "Decided Not To Step Back!" (下がらぬ決意!! , "Sagara nu Ketsui!!" )
17. "The Highest 2 on 1" (最高の2対1!! , "Saikō no 2 Tai 1!!" )
18. "Fragrance of Daner" (危険な香り , "Kiken na Kaori" )
19. "The Stage For 2 People" (二人の舞台 , "Ni Nin no Butai" )
5 January 19, 2011[ 87] 978-4-08-879090-9
20. "Men Leading Each Other" (導き合う男たち , "Michibiki au Otoko Tachi" )
21. "Those Possessed By Soccer" (サッカーに魅入られた者たち , "Sakkā ni Mīrareta Mono Tachi" )
22. "Submarine Assault" (サブマリン急襲!! , "Sabumarin Kyūshū!!" )
23. "Resilient Captainship" (屈せぬキャプンテンシー , "Kusse nu Kyapuntenshī" )
24. "The Critical Offense Defense" (瀬戸際の攻防 , "Setogiwa no Kōbō" )
25. "Desire Towards Soccer" (サッカーへの想い , "Sakkā he no Omoi" )
26. "Increasing Team Strength!!" (高まるチーム力!! , "Takamaru Chīmu Ryoku" )
27. "Getting Closer To an Ideal Form" (近づく理想形 , "Chikaduku Risō Gata" )
28. "King of Soccer" (王者のサッカー , "Ōja no Sakkā" )
29. "Raging Wave of Attack" (怒涛の攻め , "Dotō no Seme" )
6 May 19, 2011[ 88] 978-4-08-879128-9
30. "Foreseeing Each Other" (読みあい!! , "Yomi Ai!!" )
31. "Goal To Goal" (ゴールトゥゴール , "Gōru tu Gōru" )
32. "Miraculous Riposte" (奇跡の応酬!! , "Kiseki no Ōshū !!" )
33. "The Passion That Did Not Disappear" (消えることなき情熱 , "Kieru Koto Naki Jōnetsu" )
34. "Don't Lose To Heavy Pressure" (負けられぬ重圧 , "Makerarenu Jūatsu" )
35. "Entrusing Hopes" (託された思い , "Takusareta Omoi" )
36. "Impact And Fantasy" (衝撃とファンタジー , "Shōgeki to Fantajī" )
37. "Invisible Power" (見えない力 , "Mienai Chikara" )
38. "Tenacity For Victory" (勝利への執念 , "Shōri e no Shūnen" )
39. "Long Distance Counter!!" (長距離カウンター!! , "Chō Kyori Kauntā!!" )
7 September 16, 2011[ 89] 978-4-08-879197-5
40. "The First Effort" (初めての努力 , "Hajimete no Doryoku" )
41. "Getting Over The Wall" (乗り越えた壁 , "Norikoeta Kabe" )
42. "Don't Feel Depressed" (くじけぬ気持ち , "Kujikenu Kimochi" )
43. "To A Best In The World's Match" (世界一への試練 , "Sekai Ichi e no Shiren" )
44. "The Light To Reversal" (逆転への光 , "Gyakuten e no Hikari" )
45. "Growing Impatient" (つのる焦り , "Tsunoru Aseri" )
46. "Assuming a Risk" (リスクを背負え , "Risuku o Seoe" )
47. "The Last Attack" (最後の攻撃!! , "Saigo no Kōgeki!!" )
48. "The Set-up Was Ready" (用意された布石 , "Yōi Sareta Fuseki" )
49. "2 Falcons" (2羽の鷹 , "2-wa no Taka" )
8 May 18, 2012[ 90] 978-4-08-879347-4
50. "Tenacious Shot" (執念のシュート , "Shūnen no Shūto" )
51. "Former Self" (かつての自分 , "Katsute no Jibun" )
52. "Last Play!!" (ラストプレイ!! , "Rasuto Purei!!" )
53. "Innocent Blow!!" (無心の一撃!! , "Mushin no Ichigeki!!" )
54. "Aftertaste Of The Fierce Fight" (激戦の余韻!! , "Gekisen no Yoin!!" )
55. "Way to Victory" (優勝への道 , "Yūshō e no Dō" )
56. "Teacher and Student Confrontation!!" (師弟対決!! , "Shitei Taiketsu!!" )
57. "First Place Battle Line" (首位戦線 , "Shui Sensen" )
58. "Conclusion Angel's Impact" (天使の衝撃 , "Tenshi no Shōgeki" )
Rising Sun
Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
1 May 19, 2014[ 91] 978-4-08-880130-8
2 November 4, 2014[ 92] 978-4-08-880241-1
3 February 4, 2016[ 93] 978-4-08-880351-7
4 July 4, 2016[ 94] 978-4-08-880741-6
5 February 3, 2017[ 95] 978-4-08-881013-3
6 June 2, 2017[ 96] 978-4-08-881230-4
7 October 4, 2017[ 97] 978-4-08-881234-2
8 April 4, 2018[ 98] 978-4-08-881459-9
9 June 4, 2018[ 99] 978-4-08-881555-8
10 January 4, 2019[ 100] 978-4-08-881711-8
11 June 6, 2019[ 101] 978-4-08-881873-3
12 October 4, 2019[ 102] 978-4-08-882091-0
13 April 3, 2020[ 103] 978-4-08-882293-8
Chapter 98-102 +3 extra chapters
14 October 2, 2020[ 104] 978-4-08-882502-1
15 April 2, 2021[ 105] 978-4-08-882662-2
16 December 3, 2021[ 106] 978-4-08-882898-5
17 August 4, 2022[ 107] 978-4-08-883220-3
18 April 4, 2023[ 108] 978-4-08-883536-5
19 January 4, 2024[ 109] 978-4-08-883764-2
20 June 4, 2024[ 110] 978-4-08-884060-4
Chapters The Final 1-9 + extra
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External links