Libertyville is an American 2021 drama-comedyshort film directed by Devin Scott and written by Suzana Norberg. The film stars Norberg, Boyana Balta, Keziah Wall and Conor Kowalski.
A grandmother and her grandchild clash ideologies during a picnic at a relative's resting place.
Suzana Norberg
Boyana Balta
Keziah Wall
Conor Kowalski
The film is based on Norberg's own childhood experiences, after immigrating from Serbia. It was shot in San Diego[1][2] and it's a drama-comedy set in the 1970s.[3]
Alan Ng at Film Threat scored it 8 out of 10 and said that "Scott and Norberg tell the story of a dysfunctional family for laughs while at the same time finding the perfect moments for levity and heart."[7] Richard Propes at The Independent Critic called it "delightful," scoring it a B.[4] Michael Sadler at Borrego Sun scored it 30/30 for "fine acting."[3]