Badr is a novelist, story writer, journalist, poet and cinema director. She was raised in Jericho. She studied at the University of Jordan and graduated from the Beirut Arab University in Lebanon with a BA in philosophy and psychology.[2] Badr studied at the Lebanese University. She earned her M.A. from Birzeit University. She lived in Beirut and worked as an editor for Al Hurriyya.[3]
After 1982, she moved to Damascus, Syria, then Tunis, Tunisia, and Amman, Jordan. She returned to Palestine in 1994.[4]
She worked in the Palestinian Ministry of Culture (PMC) as a general director for the Arts. She worked in the Cinematic Archive through their Audiovisual department. She was editor of Dafater Thaqafiyya.[5]
Interview with Liana Badr, produced by the PalREAD – Country of Words project, funded by the European Research Council (ERC)[6]
حوار مع الكاتبة والشاعرة والمخرجة ليانة بدر، انتاج مشروع ممول من البحث العلمي الاوروبي [7]
بوصلة من أجل عباد الشمس: رواية ؛ شرفة على الفاكهاني : قصص (Compass of the Sunflower) دار الثقافة الجديدة, 1989
جحيم ذهبي: قصص (Hell of Gold: stories), دار الاداب،, 1991
نجوم أريحا (Jericho Stars), دار الهلال،,1993
زنابق الضوء (Lilies light) 1998 دار شرقيات للنشر واالتوزيع,