Lenovo Vibe K4 Note is a midrange Android smartphone launched by Lenovo Group Limited in January 2016. The phone features a 5.5 inch FHD display powered by MediaTek MT6753 SoC processor. It comes with two storage variants of 16 and 32 GB with 2 GB of RAM, for A7010 model and 3 GB of RAM for A7010a48 model. It has a battery capacity rated at 3300mAh. The device supports Theater max technology with a VR headset. In south and east Asian markets the device was packaged with an AntVR headset for this purpose.[1][2][3][4] Upon its release, it received positive feedbacks and reviews from all parts of the world. Lenovo also launched its successor, K5 Note immediately after K4 Note's launch.[5][6]