The Lang Stane of Auquhollie is an Ogam-inscribed standing stone some 6 kilometres north-west of Stonehaven in Scotland. Situated on south side of Meikle Carew Hill at a height of about 140 metres above sea level, the stone is approximately 3 metres in height and 0.75 metres in diameter, an unshaped monolith of gneiss.
References and further reading
Allen & Anderson
Broun, Dauvit (2005), "Alba: Pictish homeland or Irish offshoot?", in O'Neill, Pamela (ed.), Exile and Homecoming. Papers from the Fifth Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, University of Sydney, July 2004, Sydney Series in Celtic Studies, vol. 8, Sydney: The Celtic Studies Foundation, University of Sydney, pp. 234–275, ISBN1-86487-742-1