Lallu Ki Laila is a Bhojpuri language comedy romance drama film directed by Sushil Kumar Upadhyay and produced by Ratnakar Kumar with co-produced by Sushil Singh and Prakash Jais under banner of "Worldwide Channel". It stars Dinesh Lal Yadav "Nirahua", Amrapali Dubey and Yamini Singh in the lead roles, while [2] Kanak Pandey, Sanjay Pandey, Sushil Singh, Prakash Jais, Dev Singh, Deepak Sinha, Reena Rani and Imroj Akhtar "Munna" in supporting roles.[3][4][5][6][7][8]
The film is directed by Sushil Kumar Upadhyay and Ratnakar Kumar with co-produced by Prakash Jais and Sushil Kumar and written by Sanjay Rai. The cinematography has been done by R R Prince while choreography is by Kanu Mukerjee, Ram Devan and Dilip Mistri. Gurjent Singh is the editor and action done by Dilip Yadav. It will be released in September 2019.
Music of "Lallu Ki Laila" is composed by Madhukar Anand with lyrics penned by Azad Singh, Santosh Puri and Sandeep Sajan. It is produced under the "Worldwide Records Bhojpuri" label, owned by film producer Ratnakar Kumar.
First-look poster was this film released on 1 June 2019 on official Instagram handle of Amrapali Dubey.[9] Second-look poster is out on 17 July 2019 at official Instagram handle of actress Yamini Singh.
The trailer of this film is released on 3 August 2019 at official YouTube channel of "Worldwide Records Bhojpuri", who also bought his satellite rights.[10][11][12]