La León
La León is a 2007 Argentine drama written and directed by Santiago Otheguy. Set in Northern Argentina, the film tells the story of a homosexual fieldworker, Álvaro (Jorge Román), and his relationship with a local bully, El Turu (Daniel Valenzuela). On its release the film received average reviews and won a Teddy Award. PlotOn an island in the Paraná Delta of Argentina, Álvaro (Román) works as a fisherman and a reed cutter. His homosexuality and love of books make him an outsider in the small village. The brutish El Turu (Valenzuela) captains La León, the town ferry. He views Álvaro as a threat, bullying him almost constantly. However, as the film progresses, El Turu's hidden attraction to Álvaro becomes obvious.[1][2][3] Cast
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