La Academia USA is the first musical reality show with only Hispanic contestants launched by Azteca America in October 2005. The auditions were done nationwide and a total of 30 people were chosen to go to Mexico where they would have to spend a week working hard and showing all of what they had inside to be chosen to the final 18.
The first La Academia USA concert was on November 20, 2005.
A week before the first concert, there was a special show that lasted two hours. In that show, footage from the auditions was shown. At the end, 12 of the 30 were eliminated leaving the lucky 18 that Azteca America had chosen to become the first generation of La Academia USA.
One of the participants was Michael Muenchow Rivera, who was previously on Telemundo's song-based reality show Nuevas Voces De America (New Voices of America) in 2005; he was one of the 18 selected. Michael lives in San Antonio, Texas and made it to the top 13 final singers, before being expelled. His vote off was one of the results that caused the most uproar among viewers and the teachers alike. This was also true for the premature elimination, in the eleventh concert, of Diana, whom many thought would become the winner of La Academia USA for her great voice, big popularity among the public and the good comments by the critics.
After three months of competition La Academia USA came to an end, crowning Mariana Vargas as winner of the Latin Reality Show. As the winner and runner-up, Mariana and Gustavo respectively received contracts with Warner Music for the release of an album.
After the show ended and after the cancellation of the highly anticipated "La Academia Hot-Tour" many of the ex-students of La Academia USA, including Michael, Diana, Frankie, Fatimat, Jazmin, Alex ("El Chino") and Nohelia were called back to continue singing together for their fans across the United States. Among other projects is the formation of a band by joining the voices of Ivannkie, Adán, Catalina and Heloisa.
Being a Latin American event and taking place in an ethnically diverse country, La Academia USA featured participants born in different Latin countries, or at least with Latin roots being born in the United States. Here are some countries where most come from: Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras, Colombia, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Brazil.
Frankie Alvarado in 2007 Frankie participated in a duet with Spanish Pop rock singer Diana Mera; the song is called "20 Pedacitos".
Heloisa Alves was an anchor for the sports show Los Protagonistas a Nivel mundial for TV AZTECA AMERICA during the 2006 Soccer World Cup, and she won the Miss Brazil USA contest in November 2007. Heloisa has recorded commercials for Bally Total Fitness, and she has done publicity for Cingular Wireless.
Desarrollo del Concurso del Primer Academia USA
Mexico en la piel
Nunca voy a olvidarte
Devorame otra vez
Without you
Si tu no estás aquí
La trampa
Ay amor
Oye mi canto
Me asusta pero me gusta y Odio amarte
Quien eres tu y A quien le importa
Paloma negra y Caraluna
Si nos dejan, Dame una señal y Cheque en blanco
Paloma negra y Mentira
Mi credo
Mujeres divinas
Noviembre sin ti
Es mejor decir adiós
La copa de la vida
La cosa mas bella
El triste
Baila morena
Pedro Navajas
La camisa negra y El baile del perrito
Juliana y Lo que paso, paso
La planta y Aca entre nos
Que de raro tiene, Yo no fui y Muchacha triste
Mujeres divinas y Al final
En el ultimo lugar del mundo
Amar sin ser amada
Con los años que me quedan
Regresa a mí
Amanecí otra vez
Innocente pobre amiga
Eternamente bella
Te quedo grande la yegua
Es demasiado tarde
Como olvidar y Odio amarte
Rata de dos patas y A quien le importa
Aprendere y Cosas del amor
No hace falta, Entra en mi vida y Cheque en blanco
Te quedo grande la yegua y Que ganas de no verte nunca mas
Mexico lindo y querido
A chillar a otra parte
Amor eterno
Aun sigues siendo mía
Ave maría
Secreto de amor
La Bamba
Volvere y El baile del perrito
Canta corazon y Lo que paso, paso
Y to do para que y Aca entre nos
La puerta negra, Yo no fui y Muchacha triste
La Bamba y Cuando yo quería ser grande
Could i have this kiss forever?
Besame Mucho
Algo mas
Falsas esperanzas
Cucurucucu paloma
La differencia
amor a la mexicana
Bidi bidi bombom
Llegar a ti
Listen to your heart y Odio amarte
Cómo se cura una herida y A quien le importa
Sin el y Cosas del amor
Mentiras, Entra en mi vida y Cheque en blanco
Llegar a ti y I will always love you
Rock around the clock
Visa por un sueño
El alma en pie
Para tu amor
A gritos de esperanza
Mi dulce niña
Corazón Partío
Llorare las penas
En mi viejo San Juan y El baile del perrito
Esta ausencia y Lo que paso, paso
Me va extrañar y Azul
Perdoname, Dame una señal y Muchacha triste
Tres gotas de agua bendita
Hacer el amor con otro
Piensa en mí
Ese hombre
Tu eres mi luz
A que no le cuentas
Que le den candela
Basta ya
A mi manera y Odio amarte
Burbujas de amor y A quien le importa
Es ella más que yo y Caraluna
Ten cuidado con el corazon, Entra en mi vida y Cheque en blanco