Kramers–Heisenberg formulaThe Kramers–Heisenberg dispersion formula is an expression for the cross section for scattering of a photon by an atomic electron. It was derived before the advent of quantum mechanics by Hendrik Kramers and Werner Heisenberg in 1925,[1] based on the correspondence principle applied to the classical dispersion formula for light. The quantum mechanical derivation was given by Paul Dirac in 1927.[2][3][4] The Kramers–Heisenberg formula was an important achievement when it was published, explaining the notion of "negative absorption" (stimulated emission), the Thomas–Reiche–Kuhn sum rule, and inelastic scattering — where the energy of the scattered photon may be larger or smaller than that of the incident photon — thereby anticipating the discovery of the Raman effect.[5] EquationThe Kramers–Heisenberg (KH) formula for second order processes is[1][6] It represents the probability of the emission of photons of energy in the solid angle (centered in the direction), after the excitation of the system with photons of energy . are the initial, intermediate and final states of the system with energy respectively; the delta function ensures the energy conservation during the whole process. is the relevant transition operator. is the intrinsic linewidth of the intermediate state. References