
Eight facts about the Korrika. Subtitles available.
Head of the 15th Korrika running through Soraluze
Kilometer 1942 of the 16th edition
Track of the 18th edition
Korrika 19, finishing in Bilbao
Head of the 21st Korrika in Leioa
A group of Wikimedians waiting in Villefranque, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, before running in the 21st Korrika. 2019.

Korrika (Basque for running) is a biennial event in the Basque Country that creates awareness of AEK's adult Basque language curriculum and Basque language, and is also a fund raiser; AEK is an adult education organisation for the teaching of Basque language.[n 1] It is one of the largest demonstrations gathering support for a language in the world,[1][2][3] and the longest relay race worldwide,[4] with 2,700 kilometres in 2024,[5] running day and night without interruption for 11 days. The Korrika is celebrated beyond its fundraising goal, encouraging, supporting and spreading the Basque language itself.[6]

This initiative, as well as the organisation AEK itself, was founded by people concerned with the language.[7] It takes place in spring every second year, with the 2024 Korrika being its 23rd edition.


The situation of the Basque language has been described as delicate, and even unsafe, in the recent past. According to a UNESCO report, the language is in danger of extinction in several geographic areas.[8] In fact, Basque is not considered an official language in certain areas.[9] However, this non-competitive relay race brings the whole territory together through what can be described as "a joyful and cheery atmosphere for the two weeks in which it is held".[10]

During Franco's dictatorship (1939–1975), the Basque language underwent a rapid decline through a long period of oppression in Spain.[11] Basque people were even punished by the Spanish police for speaking the only language they knew in public, arguing that it was a language contrary to modernization. Moreover, speaking Basque was also prohibited in schools, where children where often punished (even physically) if caught talking Basque.[12] A majority of linguists analyzing the situation agrees that the language policies applied by Spain and France against Basque have greatly damaged the position the language shows today.[11][13]

Concerned by the weakening of the language, people started creating clandestine organisations where Basque was taught.[14] The newly created Basque movement put together the association AEK for the teaching and alphabetization of the language. Once the dictatorship was over, a group of Basque innovators started working on the project that is nowadays one of the strongest held in the Basque territory: Korrika. Their main idea was to carry their claim across the territory, instead of concentrating all the people on the same area.[15] The first edition set off, among criticism on the 'foolishness' of the idea, in Oñati on 29 November 1980 and concluded on 7 December in Bilbao.[15]

Organisation and procedure

Korrika is usually scheduled to last ten days. The first Korrika took place in 1980, and since, every race has followed a different route, although it always endeavours to cover a significant proportion of the historical Basque territories. The race, which proceeds continuously without even stopping during the night, has approximately a participation level of about 600,000 people.[16]

In order to raise funds for the promotion of the Basque language, each kilometre of the race is 'sold' to a particular individual or organisation, who will be the figurehead of the race during their purchased kilometre.[17] This race leader relays a wooden baton, preserved from the first race held, and adorned with the Basque flag or Ikurriña. The first baton was designed by Remigio Mendiburu and it can be seen in San Telmo Museum, San Sebastián.[18] The current baton was designed by the sculptor Juan Gorriti. Every edition, the organisers of Korrika include a secret message in the baton, which is read at the end of the festival, after it has been passed hand by hand, through thousands of Basque speakers. It has always been considered an honour to carry the baton for which different organisations "buy" kilometres to support the Basque language as well as its supporter, AEK.

Behind the race leader, the immediately following participants carry a banner bearing the race slogan, that changes on every edition. The race is conducted in an extremely jovial, uncompetitive spirit, accompanied by music and general fanfare, with roads thronged with spectators. Each edition has its own song, made by different and recognized artists.[19] During the period, a great many cultural activities are organised to promote the use of Basque,[20] with the support of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language.[citation needed]


Since its inception Korrika has made a different course every time, with a motto and a song.[21]

Edition Date Route Motto Song
1 1980: 29 November – 7 December Oñati-Bilbao Zuk ere esan bai euskarari Xabier Amuriza[22]
2 1982: 22 May – 30 May Iruñea-Donostia AEK, euskararen alternatiba herritarra and Korrika, herriaren erantzuna euskararen alde Akelarre[23]
3 1983: 3–11 December Baiona-Bilbao Euskaraz eta kitto! Egan[24]
4 1985: 31 May – 9 June Tardets-Iruñea Herri bat, hizkuntza bat! Lontxo Aburuza[25]
5 1987: 3–12 April Hendaye-Bilbao Euskara, zeurea Oskorri[26]
6 1989: 14–23 April Iruñea-Donostia Euskara Korrika eta kitto and Euskal Herriak AEK Xanti eta Maider[27]
7 1991: 15–24 March Gasteiz-Baiona Korrika euskara, euskaraz Euskal Herria Irigoien Anaiak and Mikel Erramuspe[28]
8 1993: 26 March – 4 April Iruñea-Bilbao Denok maite dugu gure herria euskaraz Tapia eta Leturia[29]
9 1995: 17–26 March Donibane Garazi - Gasteiz Jalgi hadi euskaraz Maixa eta Ixiar, Alex Sardui, Kepa Junkera[30]
10 1997: 14–23 March Arantzazu - Bilbao Euskal Herria Korrika! Gozategi[31]
11 1999: 19–28 March Iruñea - Donostia Zu eta ni euskaraz Joxe Ripiau[32]
12 2001: 29 March - April 8 Gasteiz - Baiona Mundu bat euskarara bildu Fermin Muguruza[33]
13 2003: 4–13 April Maule - Iruñea Herri bat geroa lantzen Mikel Laboa and Ruper Ordorika[34]
14 2005: 10–20 March Orreaga - Bilbao Euskal Herria euskalduntzen. Ni ere bai! Afrika Bibang[35]
15 2007: 22 March – 1 April Karrantza - Iruñea Heldu hitzari, lekukoari, elkarlanari, euskarari, herriari Niko Etxart and El Drogas[36]
16 2009: 26 March - April 5 Tudela - Gasteiz Ongi etorri euskaraz bizi nahi dugunon herrira! Betagarri[37]
17 2011: 7–17 April Trebiñu - Donostia Maitatu, ikasi, ari... Euskalakari Gose[38]
18 2013: 14–24 March Andoain - Baiona Eman Euskara Elkarri Esne Beltza[39]
19 2015: 19–29 March Urepele - Bilbao Euskahaldun Various artists[40]
20 2017: 30 March – 9 April Otxandio - Iruñea Bat Zuk Various artists[41]
21 2019: 4 April – 14 April Gares - Gasteiz Klika Various artists
22 2022: 31 March – 10 April Amurrio-Donostia Hitzekin


The Korrika has since inspired similar events in other European countries:


  1. ^ Basque acronym for Coordinator of Literacy and Basque Promotion


  1. ^ "Korrika: the world's biggest language festival?". openDemocracy. 19 March 2015. Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  2. ^ "The biggest initiative in support of a language taking place in the Basque Country: Korrika". Argia (in Basque). Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  3. ^ a b c "Ponerte en forma y ayudar a que un idioma no muera, todo a la vez". PlayGround Magazine. Retrieved 6 April 2017.
  4. ^ Baaden, Christoph (9 May 2010). "Hood to Coast : Running the World's Longest Relay Race". Huffington Post. Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  5. ^ "Noiz eta nondik pasatuko da 23. Korrika?" (in Basque). Retrieved 6 April 2017.
  6. ^ Amorrortu, Estibaliz (1 January 2003). Basque Sociolinguistics: Language, Society, and Culture. University of Nevada Press. ISBN 9781877802225.
  7. ^ Valle, Teresa del (1 January 1994). Korrika: Basque Ritual for Ethnic Identity. University of Nevada Press. ISBN 9780874172157.
  8. ^ "Atlas de las lenguas en peligro | Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura". www.unesco.org (in Spanish). Retrieved 3 April 2017.
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  10. ^ "Korrika 20, suma en euskera. Noticias de Gipuzkoa". www.noticiasdegipuzkoa.com (in Spanish). Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  11. ^ a b Hualde, José Ignacio; Lakarra, Joseba A.; Trask, R. L. (1 January 1996). Towards a History of the Basque Language. John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 9789027285676.
  12. ^ "TTarttalo - Narratiba - El libro negro del euskera - Joan Mari Torrealdai". www.ttarttalo.eus. Archived from the original on 3 August 2018. Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  13. ^ Urla, Jacqueline (1 November 1988). "Ethnic Protest and Social Planning: A Look at Basque Language Revival". Cultural Anthropology. 3 (4): 379–394. doi:10.1525/can.1988.3.4.02a00030. ISSN 1548-1360.
  14. ^ "ALFABETATZE EUSKALDUNTZE KOORDINAKUNDEA :: Auñamendi Entziklopedia :: Euskomedia". 5 April 2016. Archived from the original on 5 April 2016. Retrieved 3 April 2017.
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  18. ^ "#KORRIKA20". aek.eus (in French). Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  19. ^ Aiora Probatxoa (25 March 2017), KORRIKAko abestien TAGa, archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  20. ^ irati. "A cambio, KORRIKA kulturala". www.korrika.eus (in European Spanish). Archived from the original on 4 April 2017. Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  21. ^ Berria. "Denboraren lekukoa". Berria (in Basque). Retrieved 3 April 2017.
  22. ^ MerkaldiTV (17 March 2013), Korrika 1 1980 Oñati - Bilbo, archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  23. ^ Txatxangorria-Euskal Karaokeak (22 March 2015), Korrikan (AKELARRE) korrika 2, archived from the original on 10 April 2017, retrieved 3 April 2017
  24. ^ Txatxangorria-Euskal Karaokeak (23 October 2014), Korrika -EGAN-, archived from the original on 10 April 2017, retrieved 3 April 2017
  25. ^ Korrika Karaokea (28 February 2017), Korrika 4 (Lontxo Aburuzaren Bertsoak), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  26. ^ Korrika Karaokea (28 February 2017), Korrika 5 (Oskorri), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  27. ^ Korrika Karaokea (28 February 2017), Korrika 6 (korrika koplak), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
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  29. ^ Txatxangorria-Euskal Karaokeak (21 March 2015), Aide Korrika Korrika 8 (TAPIA eta LETURIA), archived from the original on 10 April 2017, retrieved 3 April 2017
  30. ^ Anbune (1 September 2015), Korrika 9 'Jalgi hadi euskaraz' (Garazi-Gasteiz, 1995eko martxoa) (3'12), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  31. ^ ikbvideo (20 March 2013), Korrika 10 bideoklipa "Euskal Herria Korrika" Gozategi (1997), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  32. ^ ZeruGorria (23 November 2010), korrika 11 (Joxe Ripiau), archived from the original on 10 April 2017, retrieved 3 April 2017
  33. ^ Gabi de la Maza (29 March 2012), Big Beñat (Fermin Muguruza, archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
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  35. ^ Txatxangorria-Euskal Karaokeak (21 March 2015), Cançom da Korrika 14 (AFRIKA), archived from the original on 10 April 2017, retrieved 3 April 2017
  36. ^ Txatxangorria-Euskal Karaokeak (20 March 2015), Heldu - Korrika 15 (Niko Etxart), archived from the original on 10 April 2017, retrieved 3 April 2017
  37. ^ ikbvideo (17 February 2009), Korrika 16 bideoklipa "Ongi etorri lagun" Betagarri (2009), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
  38. ^ ikbvideo (21 January 2011), Korrika 17 bideoklipa "Euskalakari" Gose (2011), archived from the original on 15 December 2021, retrieved 3 April 2017
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