Kitessa is a village located in Haut-Mbomou Prefecture, Central African Republic. In 1995, the village had a population of about 300 people.[1] HistoryOn 29 April 2010, LRA bands attacked Kitessa and killed eight people.[2] On 18 August 2017, a suspected Peuhl militia raided Kitessa.[3] In 2020, Kitessa was under the control of UPC and the rebels erected a checkpoint in it.[4] A clash between UPC and Azande Ani Kpi Gbe ensued in Kitessa on 22 and 23 February 2024, prompting the villagers fled to Zemio.[5] FACA and Wagner clashed with UPC in Kitessa in May 2024, killing four rebels and wounding three.[6] EducationThere is one primary school in the village. The students who want to continue high school have to go to Zemio.[1] HealthcareKitessa has one health post.[7] References