Khanpur Dagran
Khanpur Dagran, Khanpur Aheeran, Khanpur Ahir is a village in Kotkasim tehsil Alwar District in the state of Rajasthan, India. Khanpur Dagran part of Ahirwal and about 85 percent of the total population are Yadav. Most of the Yadavs belong to the gotra(clan) of the Dagar. The main language spoken in Ahirwati. LocationKhanpur Dagran is located in the National Capital Region, 130 kilometres south of Delhi, 145 kilometres north of state capital Jaipur, 60 kilometres north of Alwar city, 30 kilometres east of Rewari city, 25 kilometres south of Dharuhera, 25 kilometres south of Bhiwadi and 22 kilometres west of Tijara, 20 kilometres north Kishangarh Bas, 5 kilometres south of Kotkasim, 4 kilometres north of Bibirani, another town in Alwar district. Villages near Khanpur Dagran are Badsara(1 km), Kheri(1 km), Chachiyawas (1 km), Pur(2 km), Sanoda Ahir (1.5 km), Gheekaka(3 km), Moonpur Thakran(1 km), Jalaka(1.8 km). This Place is in the border of the Alwar District and Rewari District. Rewari District Bawal is west towards this place . It is near to the Haryana State Border. EducationSCHOOL
(Address : Khanpur Dagran, Kotkasim, Alwar, Rajasthan)
(Address : Khanpur Dagran, Kotkasim, Alwar, Rajasthan)
(Address : Khanpur Dagran, Kotkasim, Alwar, Rajasthan) References |