Kamano language
Kamano (Kamano-Kafe) is a Papuan language spoken in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. NomenclatureThe terms 'Kamano' and 'Kamano-Kafe' are both used to refer to the language primarily spoken in Henganofi District, although within the linguistics literature Kamano refers to some varieties within the Kamano-Yagaria group, a dialect chain of Eastern Highlands Province[2] PhonologyConsonants
Clause chainingKamano Kafe exhibits a unique form of the clause chaining system often described in Papuan languages. Clause chaining in Papuan languages typically involves one or more medial verbs with limited morphological possibilities being under the scope of a more fully inflected final verb. The medial verbs in these clause chains typically use a switch reference system and various degrees of agreement with final verbs. The Kamano system, unlike other clause chaining systems in New Guinea, has requisite person and number agreement with the subjects of higher clauses.[4] A typical example is given below. Nägra I tr-o-ge-nka, leave-1P.SG-SR-B.2P.SG kägra you tr-an-ke-no', leave-2P.SG-SR-B.3P.SG ägra he tre-'n-i-e leave-PERF-3P.SG-IND "I left, then you left, then he left." References