Juga plicifera
Juga plicifera, common name pleated juga,[2] and graceful keeled horn snail[3] is a species of small freshwater snail with an ovate and corneous operculum, ranging in size from 16mm to 35mm long.[3] The snail is dextrally coiled with about 15 whorls and 10 to 12 axial plicae on each whorl.[3] It is an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Semisulcospiridae. DistributionJuga plicifera is distributed throughout northwestern Oregon and Washington, USA, and is found in lakes, rivers, creeks, and tributaries.[4] HabitatJuga plicifera can be found clinging to rocks or substrate in slow flowing streams, as well as in the muddy-sand bottoms of small and medium lakes with a preference for shaded sites.[3] It has been shown to like cool, clear water, though it has been noted to have a greater tolerance to siltation and slack water than some other members of the Juga genus (Juga newberryi).[5] EcologyJuga plicifera serves as an intermediate host for Nanophyetus salmincola.[1] ConservationJuga plicifera is assessed as a vulnerable species in Oregon by NatureServe. Population in Washington do not have an assessed conservation status.[2] References